He can successfully prove Dao Guoyi!

And now the time is.

It's exactly eleven!

The new season will be closed for maintenance and update.

Less than an hour left!

In other words, the next two peak games.

He can only win, not lose!

Even if it just accidentally rolled over.

basically announced.

The matter of Dingbangguoyi has been missed by him.

Think of this.

He took a deep breath.

After calming down a bit.

The eyes firmly pressed the match button! .

Chapter 129

Seeing Sunset enter the match queue.

The water friends in the live broadcast room also began to get nervous.

"As long as you win two more games, you will be able to surpass Meng Lan's score, and you will be ranked No. [-] in the country! Come on, Mr. Yu!"

"Fuck! Brothers! I feel so nervous, what should I do! It's even more nervous than playing the peak game myself!"

"I hope the matching system will be more friendly to President Yu, and stop matching some monsters and monsters to President Yu!"

"Brothers, I have a hunch that we will witness a miracle tonight!"

"It's over, Mr. Yu has been queuing for a long time and hasn't gotten in. I suddenly have a bad premonition, what should I do?"

Just when the water friends in the live broadcast room were getting more nervous and excited.

Yu Hui's phone vibrated slightly!

Immediately after that, a confirmation interface pops up!

Just when Yu Hui felt a little excited and nervous, and was about to press the confirmation button.

In his ears, the system's cold mechanical prompt sounded again!

【Ding! 】

[Detected that the host crashed the Galaxy battleship composed of five technology anchors for the first time, and reached the hidden reward activation conditions]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the top level of understanding and operation of the sideline hero Fist Monk-Dharma! 】

[Congratulations to the host for mastering the control and kicking of the canyon taboo immortal art! 】

The system sound has just fallen.

Yu Hui felt a chill in his mind.

It seemed like it only took a few seconds.

Let all the skill operations and various small details of this hero, Dharma, be completely integrated into his mind!

"Is this the ceiling strength of Bodhidharma..."

After digesting all the information pouring into his mind, Yu Hui slowly opened his eyes.

However, there is still a deep shock in his eyes!

"The upper limit of this hero, Dharma, is so much higher than I thought!"

"It seems that I really underestimated this unpopular hero before!"

Originally, when I learned that I had crashed the five anchors at the same time in one breath.

Yu Hui only felt that his heart was half cold.

Originally, he had already planned to sacrifice his trump card in advance, the ceiling Hua Mulan.

However, when he completely mastered the hero of Dharma.

There is only endless confidence left in Yu Hui's eyes!


At the same time, the opposite of Sunset.

"Brothers, this is all junglers, don't ban Lan and Jing, I can play."

Just got into the game.

The teammates heard this rather familiar voice.

The fifth floor was suddenly surprised.

"What the hell? That sexy and magnetic voice ¨¨!"

"Is that you? We Miaoya's [-]nd Duan Tongtian Yewang, Beimu!"

I saw the microphone under the avatar on the fifth floor flicker.

Beimu was stunned for a moment, and then he glanced at his usual hero.

Subconsciously asked.

"Brother Bag?"

Hearing the conversation between the two, the remaining three teammates were blown out in an instant!

"Bullfrog Bullfrog!"

"It's Baiduan Tongtianye King Beimu again, and the emperor of the development road, Sun Shangxiang's ceiling pocket! Our lineup is not invincible on the spot?"

The third floor speaks at this time.

And it was the Tongtian sidewalk leaves that had collided with the afterglow not long ago!

"I know, it's Beimu, pockets and leaves, why are everyone lined up together?"

Hearing Tiantianke's voice, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Damn it! Ke Bao is also here? This one is really amazing!"

"Crash four anchors, the intensity is directly full!"

"Meet the four of us, and there is a yarn on the opposite side?"

I heard the voices of one old acquaintance after another.

The leaves only felt that his mouth was about to laugh crookedly.

"Hey? Why is everyone in the queue at the same time? It's a bit of a coincidence, isn't it?"

Just when Ye Ye thought that the second floor of his house was a passerby.

But when she saw that she suddenly turned on the mic.

When I heard this sweet voice sounded.

The other four teammates all widened their eyes!

"Linger! Is that you Linger!"

"Well, it's me!"

The moment I heard Linger's voice.

The other four in the live broadcast room immediately boiled!

"I wipe! Even Ling'er is here, what the hell is going on!"

"Linger? Is that the only female player in the top ten last season, the female magic ceiling, the first Xishi in the galaxy?"

"Crash Ling'er? Isn't the strength of this middle lane directly full?"

"I'm dizzy! What's the situation with five tech anchors bumping into each other at the same time? How about playing a der on the other side?"

"Surprised! I'm afraid this is not the strongest peak match lineup in history. To be able to line up opposite them, I'm afraid it is not the blood mold that has been down for [-] lifetimes!"

"Fuck! Brothers! The big one is coming! Do you dare to believe that it is President Yu who is lined up opposite them?"

"Mr. Yu? Really?"

"I'm going! It's true! I went to his live studio to watch it, and the BPs on both sides are exactly the same!"

"This... let's congratulate President Yu in advance for making the second national ranking?"

"I'm sorry... I can't help but start laughing when I think of the complicated expression that Yu always knew when he crashed into five streamers at the same time!"


Just when the live broadcast rooms of several other anchors began to boil.

Yu Hui's teammates also felt a little strange from the opposite BP!

"What are you doing on the other side? You let out Lan and Jing?"

"Brother, I'm familiar with this. There must be Beimu on the opposite side. Except for him, no one in our segment would dare to do this!"

"Hi... Beimu!"

"I've vomited! I'm afraid this one will be scored again? I just want to make the top [-] list, why is it so difficult!"

The moment he learned that the opposite jungler was Beimu.

The mentality of the teammates was immediately wrong.

Actually, it's not their fault.

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