King of Entertainment

Chapter 1115, who is the author?

The book review area of ​​"Oriental Express Murder", readers are discussing who is the murderer.

Some readers guess, the murderer may be two people, may be three people ...

But with the deepening of the plot, everyone finds that it is not true.

In fact, there are many friends and friends who have been killed by Parents of Kasceti, they carefully planned murder, and implemented murder.

This is a group murder!

Polo reasoning all, the whole process is wonderful, and it is absolutely.

But Pollo is facing this problem, he does not reveal these murderer?

In the end, Poland did not expose these murderer and did not expose to the police.

This ending is very controversial.

The readers are divided into two groups.

The first group, supporting Polo does not say true.

The second group, opposed, because they killed people in any reason.

"Those people opposed, have you still have a conscience? The kind of people are also worthy of sympathy?"

"Yes, that kind of person is not worthy of sympathy."

"If this kind of person is not dead, I don't know how many people are killed."

"Since the law can't punish him, it can only be used in other ways, as long as the justice can be extended."

Many people are criticizing those opposition.

Of course, those who oppose the readers have their own reasons.

"If the whole world is doing this, what should I do?"

"What we should do is to protect yourself in law, not to trample."

"If you can't help us?"

The opponents cannot answer.

With the controversial white heat, "Oriental Express Murder" suddenly became a topic.

This challenge, the highest payment was "innocent release", but now it has become "Oriental Express Murder".

The world's five major agencies are also attracted.

The famous reasoning home "Hell Judgment Director" evaluation: "The Oriental Express Murder" is a works of an epoch, although all the third person is in use, but the actual author has viewed the entire incident through the vision of Pooli. Luo's thinking to focus, completed the change of narrative focus ... "

"Secondly, the character's shape is very successful. Potolo has a stubborn stubbornness, which has always maintained his own principles, which is because of this, once he started to investigate the case, it will never take halfway ..."

"Whether it is a skill, or a character, the author is too good."

The world's five major agencies have a very high evaluation of "Oriental Express Murder", and is much higher than "innocent release".

The wind saw five big 's evaluation of "Oriental Express Murder", and the face is green.

His can not get this evaluation.

Although the score link has not started, as long as it is a person who knows "Oriental Express Murder" this iron is going to win.

Sure enough, the second day was scored.

"Oriental Express Murder" has a first place with no suspense, defeating "innocent release".

The wind does not speak.

Online is a person in the laughter.

"The wind is not saying that he is very powerful? Is it now?"

"He didn't say that banana superman did not match the first? Now people take the first, and is the first for the world's five bigger people."

"The turmoil, you will be more than one hundred times, you are also losing."

Many people are satirical.

If this turmoil is still uncomfortable, the loss can be lost.

Sure enough, there was no saying that this turmoil said, he did not say anything.

The race is what he said. Ask foreign judges, he said, what can he say?

"Who is this banana superman?" The wind is depressed, this banana superman is absolutely impossible to be a newcomer.

A new person is absolutely impossible to write this.

If this banana superman is written or "going to climb the mountain together", he is still confident.

But in the face of "Oriental Express Murder", he is really helpless.

In fact, more than he guessing banana superman is a big vest, now many people are guess.

"Banana Superman may be the vest of the five reasoning home."

"It's impossible, they write it yourself, do the judges yourself?"

"In addition to their five people, can you still think of?"

"Yeah, now there is no such thing in China."

"Banana Superman and I love to eat bananas with bananas, do you say that they are the same person?"

"It's impossible, the banana superman writes reasoning, I love to eat banana written by sports competition, the wind, the wind is not."

"You don't forget," Wang Wang "is a new type, what does this explain? Description the author's previous type is not sports competition."

"Indeed, he is very likely to be reasonable."

Everyone gets more than the banana superman and I love to eat bananas is the same.

Many readers ran to the book review of "Wangzi" of tennis: Are you with banana superman? Is it the same person?

I love to eat bananas without reply.

On the other hand, many readers ran to "Oriental Express Murder" Book Review: You and I love to eat bananas Is the same person?

Banana superman has no reply.

Everyone is more, they should be the same person.

Finally, I love to eat bananas to reply: "Yes, we are indeed the same person."

Everyone was shocked.

"I am going, they are actually the same person."

"The bull ratio, a written author can actually write" Wangzi, "Wangzi". "

"The wind is really self-reliant, actually tested with this monster."

After the wind, after this news, I was instantaneous.

He finally knew that I love to eat bananas before you are in the group.

"Who is this?" The wind is getting wanted to know who he gaves that big.

I know that I love to eat bananas is a Xiaoyang, there is not much.

As long as Xiao He is not said, Wolong Qingyun will not say.

"Brother, amazing, I will guess it should be you."

Wolongqing cloud news came over.

Xiao Jiang sent a smile: "Write a play."

Wolong Qingyun is crying, and I have opened the phone call: "" Oriental Express murder "makes the reasoning world vibrate, you actually say that you are playing. This If you let those who write reasoning, it is estimated that it will be Mad. "

I took a look, he asked: "When you have a big award, are you showing face?"

Xiao Cong said, "When you come, look again."

Wolong Qingyun said, "Then I will see it, otherwise others say that our Xiangjiang literary tribes have insider."

The two talked a few words to hang up the phone.

Xiao Chong's phone sounded again, and Tang Jiyu came.

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