King of Entertainment

Chapter 1116 Tang's crisis

"The brother, the company has been in trouble." Tang Jiyu said.

"What trouble?" Xiao Yang's face is slightly changed, and if it is not a problem that there is no way to solve, the character of Tang Jiyu will never call.

"Madison began to fight Tang."

Tang Jiyu said, "In addition to Madison, Datong Company also has a hand."

Xiao He didn't expect Madison, suddenly suddenly assigned the spear, Tang's Down has been helping the dream factory. Xiao Chong can't see death.

After thinking about it, he asked Tang Jiyu. What did Madison do? "

Tang Jiyu said, "Our hospital line is pressed by them, and many of our propaganda channels also stopped working with us ..."

He said a lot, Madison and Datong Company teamed up with power and was blocked in all directions.

Xiao Jiang did not expect Datong Company to join hands with Madison.

Down is not a DreamWork, and the Down is hard to resist under the joint hand of these two companies.

Tang Jiyu said, "Xiao, where are you now? I am going to talk to you."

"Tang, I am going to Tang, I'm looking for you."

Xiao Jiang personally went to Down.


Tang Jiyu handed Xiao Cai Tea, "In addition to Madison and Datong Company, Lu is also active."

Xiao Chong said, "More than half behind the Lu Di Madison."

Tang Jiyu is clear, "If it is not Madison company, the Lu's is dare?"

Xiao Chong looked at Tang Jiyu, "What is your plan?"

Tang Jiyu said, "See the tricks, if it is just Lu's words, we can cope with it."

Xiao Chong guarantees, "DreamWork will have unconditionally support Tang."

Tang Jiyu wants to be the story of Xiaoyang.

At this time, Tang Jiyun knocked in.

"The boss, the TV station has launched a draft show."

Tang Jiyu said, "This show is similar to the super boys."

Tang Jiyi disdain, "Do they have this means?"

Tang Jizhenzheng, "This time they have a lot of size, Madison's artists have come back to help."

Xiao Chong smiled slightly, "Tang always, they can do the draft, we can also."

Do you want to imitate them?

Tang Jiyu and Tang Jiyi.

Xiao Chong said, "We never imitate others."

Tang Jiyi's eyes, the ability of the Xiao Cong's planning program, if Xiao Yu really comes to a new show, it will definitely crush the Lu.

Xiao Chong said, "They do this, we choose beauty."

Tang Jiyu, "Beauty? How to choose?"

Xiao Central said, "First of all, those who participate in the beauty can only be 17-25 years old, never married, registration, competition, score, then select the most beautiful Xiangjiang Miss. When the game, mainly the fashion show, swimwear show, etc. Wait."

Tang Jiyu is bright, and this Miss Xiangjiang is a bit interesting.

Xiao Chong followed: "The specific link, Down's program group can continue to refine according to the actual situation of Xiangjiang."

Tang Jiyu nodded, "I will then make people do it."

This program is not difficult.

Xiao Yang laughed, "Top 10 in Xiangjiang, the Tang and DreamWorks will focus on building and packaging, and the first one can sign the three-line artist's contract. In addition, we must focus on spending money to promote the past."

Tang Jiyu is a veteran of the entertainment industry. He is very clear that Xiao Cong's meaning.

In the moment, he lets the program group will plan this show.

Then, he and Xiao Jiang also talked about many cooperation details, and Xiao He left Down.

The top ten work awards ceremony of Xiangjiang Literature Tribe will begin, and Xiao Chong went to the awards.

Wolong Qingyun smiled "Waiting for the award?"

Xiao Chong shook his head, "no."

"That line, I am calling personal to help you receive the award."


Next to it, the air is coming, he is coming to see who is that I love bananas, I don't know the true identity of the banana, he is not willing.

The award ceremony begins.

The host laughed. "Due to personal reasons, I love to eat bananas can't be present, and his award is based on our staff."

The wind is pleasing, gotting up: "I love to eat bananas itself is a person in Xiangjiang literary tribe? Otherwise, how can he not dare to receive prizes?"

Everyone looked at the wind.

Some people can't help but shook their heads. This turmoil is really exciting. Do you have a sin of the entire Xiangjiang literary tribe?

Many people say that, is I love to eat banana is really a one author of Xiangjiang Literary Tribe?

"Since you dare to let him participate, why didn't you let him come out?" The wind is screaming: "Do you want to know who I love to eat banana?"

"miss you!"

Many people followed the beginning.

Xiao Chong looked at the wind, "Do you want to know who I love to eat bananas?"

The wind laughed, "Of course, he also won me, I certainly want to know who he is."

Xiao Cu said, "I know who he is."

Everyone looked at Xiao Chong Qi, Xiao Jiang know?

The wind is slightly changed, is I love to eat bananas is a bleak friend?

Xiao Yang smiled, "I love to eat bananas is me."

Everyone stunned.

What did I heard just now?

I love to eat bananas is Xiao Chong?

The people in front of the TV have also shocked.

I love to eat banana is a Xiao Chong!

This news is really explosive.

Yuan Ziling is also paying attention to the awards ceremony. I learned that Xiao Ye is I love to eat bananas, and her face is also very exciting.

"This guy……"

Yuan Ziling wore a cry, last time she likes "Zhu Xian", "Zhu Xian" is written by Xiao Central, this time she likes "Wangzi", the author is still Xiao Chong.

This is really ...

on site.

The turbulence is a face, I love to eat banana is a Xiao Chong?

He shivered.

He thought that he actually said "going to climb the mountain together" does not match the first.

He thought that he actually said that banana superman will not write reasoning.

My day, I completely criminally killed Xiao Yang this time!

The wind looks at Xiao Zhizhi, "Teacher Xiao, I am sorry, I don't know if you."

Xiao Jiang smiled slightly, "Not something is abroad, you said that domestic reasoning is not, this is not recognized."

The wind is ridiculously, "Xiao Teacher learned, the domestic thing is the most fragrant."

Everyone is full of faces, this wind is really a little person.

At this moment, even the readers of the wind are also disgusting from the wind.

"From now on, I will never look at this."

"me too."


"This person is a villain with a rudder."

"The world actually out of this kind of person."

"Teacher Xiao is the most bullish person, and it is shocked by it."

Everyone hasn't seen Xiao Capi for a long time.

This "Wangzi" and "" Oriental Express Murder "are amazing.

At this time, Xiao Ye has prepared to receive award.

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