King of Entertainment

Chapter 1123 Liu Huaqiang's retaliation

When Xiao He came to the beach, Xu Jiaxin didn't help but slam.

At this moment, Xu Jiaxin called.

Xiao Chong is connected to the phone: "Jiaxin -"

The person of the phone is laughing: "Jiaxin is very intimate, it seems that the newspaper said is right, you hold the Xiangjiang Miss is in order to hold her."

Xiao Chong is flashing, laughing, "Liu Huaqiang!"

Liu Huaqiang smiled, "There is a speedboat next to it, sitting on the speedboat."

When he finished, he hangs.

The seaside really has a speedboat.

Xiao Li gave Zhang Zongyang to the speedboat after the news.

There are two people on the speedboat, one of which refers to Xiao Chong with a gun.

Xiao Jiang smiled slightly, "Why bother to move the knife."

The man laughs and not speak.

Speedboat flying.

After a few hours, the speed boat came to a cruise ship with Xiao Chong.

"Go up."

"Don't urge, I will go."

Xiao He has a cruise ship.

On the deck, Liu Huaqiang is lying on the chair.

Xiao Yang smiled, "Jia Xin?"

Liu Huaqiang sat up and smiled. "Xiao, let's sit down, let's talk."

Xiao Chong sits down.

Surrounded by Liu Huaqiang, there is a real guy in your hands.

Liu Huaqiang smiled, "" This Taoist can not find here. "

Xiao Chong looked at him, "You take me here, just because you want to avoid him?"

Liu Huaqiang sighs, "Honestly, I am really afraid of him, this trip is not a person."

He still has a licking now.

There is no hand in his hand, and it is cut off.

Just a few breathing time, dozens of people all of them.

This combat power is simply comparable to the core of the corner. Wu, can't afford it.

"Let's talk, how can you let it go."

"Xiao is also a passionate person, I originally thought that you won't come, I didn't expect you to come."

Liu Huaqiang is curious, "Do you really like that girl? There are too many good pockets in this world."

Xiao Jiang smiled slightly. "If I said that I just appreciate her, then I want to hold back, do you believe it?"

He really didn't lie.

Xu Jiaxin refused Zhang Xiong That scene, so that Xiao Chong is in full, he appreciates Xu Jiaxin.

Because of appreciation, Xiao He wants to help the girl in the slum.

With the status and strength of him, if you really want to get Xu Jiaxin, you don't need a big circle at all.

Liu Huaqiang almost laughed out pigs, and Laozi believed in you.

"Now she is tired by me, I certainly come over to save her."

Xiao Yang smiled, "I don't like to join others."

Liu Huaqiang looked at Xiao Chong. "Xiao, I appreciate you, you just have an entertainment artist, but this courage is not ordinary people.

Xiao Baole, "Don't open the topic."

Liu Huaqiang: "..."

Xiao Cheng asked: "Where is Liu Jiaxin?"

Liu Huaqiang hit a finger.

He took Liu Jiaxin from the cabin under his hand.

In addition to being scared, Liu Jiaxin has not been abused.

Seeing Xiao Chong, she is both exciting and worried, "Teacher Xiao, they ..."

Xiao Chong laughed, "they are rushing to me."

Looking at Liu Huaqiang, "send someone to send her back, let's talk."

Liu Huaqiang smiled, "Xiao, now you are not eligible to talk to me."

Xiao Yang smiled, "What do you want? How do you want to cooperate?"

Liu Huaqiang shook his head. "No, I think there is still a way to money faster."

Xiao Cheng is curious, "What way?"

"Of course it is a tick."

Liu Huaqiang smiled, "I want 10 billion."

Xiao Caote, 10 billion coins is also 10 billion.

Liu Huaqiang, "I want is 10 billion Huaxia coins."

Xiao Bangle, "100 is in the coin, I have it."

Who can take up 10 billion cash in one time?

Liu Huaqiang is clear, "Xiao Chi, don't give you no food, don't eat, don't eat wine."

Xu Jiaxin is pale, this person looks so terrible.

Xiao Yang smiled, "That line, you have to let the people who call the company will prepare."

Liu Huaqiang is cold, "Xiao Chong, you better don't play, otherwise I will open a hundred cave on you."

The people around the four are all grate on the bleak.

Xiao Chong helpless, "Big Brother, my people are not good in my heart, you can scare me, I have no money."

Liu Huaqiang is very satisfactory, "Call now."

Xiao Chong helpless, "big brother, trouble you professional, here is obviously the high sea, how do I call?"

Liu Huaqiang lost the satellite phone to Xiao Chong.

Xiao Jiang has played a good three calls, no one answered.

Looking at Liu Huaqiang, "If you don't play tomorrow? It is estimated today, everyone is asleep."

Liu Huaqiang laughed, "I can't play any tricks."

Looking at the side of the side, "bring them in."

He smiled, "Xiao, you can live together this evening, I can't guarantee it tomorrow."

Xu Jiaxin's face is slightly changed.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Thank you Liu boss."

Under the deposit of several people, Xiao Li and Xu Jiaxin were brought to a room in the cabin.

in the room.

Xu Jiaxin is very tense, except for the nervousness from the outside world, there is also a nervousness from Xiao Chong.

As so much, she still didn't live with strange men.

Xiao Chong is lying in bed, "Let's take a rest."

Xu Jiaxin bowed: "Well."

She carefully sat in the bed.

Xiao Baole, "What are you tense? Rest assured, there is a monitoring here, I won't do anything."


Xu Jiaxin's face is slightly changed.

In the surveillance room, Liu Huaqiang couldn't help but listen to the button, said to Xiao Yucheng: "Xiao, I will turn monitoring, or you can put monitoring."

Xiao Chong picks up the tea cup on the bedside table, really puts the monitored surveillance of the roof.

"Boss, will he not escape?"

"Do you have a meal? So many people mention the guns outside, can he ran?"

Liu Huaqiang is pleasing.

Everyone did not dare to talk again.



in the room.

Xu Jiaxin can't help but ask: "Is there only one monitoring?"

Xiao Yang smiled, "there is only one."

Xu Jiaxin smoked slightly.

Xiao Co said, "But if we don't have a way to come out of 10 billion tomorrow, they are likely to torn tickets."

Xu Jiaxin changed.

Xiao Chang helpless, "I really don't have 10 billion."

Xu Jiaxin apologizes, "Teacher Xiao, I am sorry, I am tired of you."

Xiao Chong can't help but laugh, "Soligon? It is tired of you."

"Teacher Xiao ... we ... what should we do tomorrow?"

"We don't have to think about things tomorrow."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Sleep first."

Xu Jiaxin, and immediately said: "Teacher Xiao, I understand."

you understood?

Xiao Chong was confused.

What do you understand?

Xu Jiaxin turned against Xiao Chong, slowly took off his skirt.

Xiao Chong: "..."

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