King of Entertainment

Chapter 1124 Island overnight

"You misunderstood, I really just want to sleep."

Xiao Chong is crying.

Liu Jiaxin's face is red, hurriedly put the skirt, her ear, was red.

"Let's take a break."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Don't be nervous, I sleep outside, you sleep inside, we don't invade each other."

Liu Jiaxin: "..."

In the end, Liu Jiaxin is still going to bed.

Xiao Jiang slept outside.

Liu Jiaxin is really sleepy, so I fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Chong climbed up and pushed the door.

After a long time, Xiao Li returned back to shoot Liu Jiaxin's shoulder, "got up."

Liu Jiaxin made a sleepy eye.

"Don't talk anyway, don't talk anyway."

Xiao Luola left her away.

Liu Jiaxin saw a lot of people in the ground, she scared her mouth.

Xiao Chong pulled her through these people and came to the deck, "We jumped."

Liu Jiaxin, of course, did not dare to jump.

Xiao Jiang hked her and fell on the speedboat.

Liu Jiaxin was shocked, and Teacher Xiao will drive a speedboat?

"Xiao Chong is on the deck!"

Suddenly there is a big drink.

"He wants to escape!"

The foot is coming.

Xiao Chong started the speedboat and went to the night.

There are several speed boats that have been chase.

"Climb!" Xiao Chong pressed Liu Jiaxin.

"Don't kill people, let the boat stop!"

"Dudu ..."

Someone shot behind.

Liu Jiaxin was frightened.

This chasing lasts for a long time.

The big sea suddenly got a wind and waves.

"not good!"

Liu Huaqiang's hand was shocked.

Xiao Chu watched Liu Jiaxin, and the speedboat flipped in the wind and they fell.

"I ... are we going to die?"

Liu Jiaxin was shed in the water.

Xiao He has been holding her in the past.

At this time, the system also used it.

Xiao Cu thought that he would also die, but they were rolled up to the edge of the coast.

Xu Jiaxin has been in the past.

Xiao Bao can't see the surroundings, hurry to make artificial breathing to Xu Jiaxin.

After a moment, Xu Jiaxin spoated, woke up, and asked: "We ... Is it in hell?"

Xiao Bangle, "We haven't died yet."

Xu Jiaxin, look around, "Where is this?"

Xiao Ye got up and got up for four weeks. "It should be an island, as for where, I don't know."

Xu Jiaxin is some fear.

Xiao Cong said, "Let's go to the island to see."

Xu Jiaxin completely listened to Xiao Chong.

Xiao Zhi entered the jungle on the island with Xu Jiaxin.

Soon Xiao Cu, a terrible conclusion - this is a wasteland that has not been developed.

This is troublesome!

Xiao Chong headache.

Wild escape is temporarily not considered.

Now you must find a safe place to live, then find something you eat.

In addition, it is a problem in the evening.

It is good to learn a lot of wild survival in Xiaoyang and Bai Xiwei.

Xu Jiaxin tremid, "Teacher Xiao, I am cold."

"Pear me first."

Xiao Chong took the clothes to Xu Jiaxin.

Xu Jiaxin hurriedly shook his head: "You don't have clothes."

Xiao Jiang did not wear clothes, he was shirtless.

However, he is really not cold, he is a martial arts master.

"Nothing, I am not cold." Xiao Yang smiled, "Do you see that there is a chicken skin on my body?"

"No, I can't."

"Do not talk nonsense."

Xiao Co-board face, "Let you put on you."

Xu Jiaxin retired halfway, that is, he did not accept the daughter's clothes.

Xiao Chong puts on clothes, "Come with me."

Xu Jiaxin came up.

Xiao Chong has spared some dead leaves and downside, ready to live.

Xu Jiaxin couldn't help but say: "We have no lighter."

Xiao Baole, "If you count, you can't use the sea water."

During speaking, he took out a knife and stone, and he scored a spark.

The fire is ignited.

Xu Jiaxin looked at Xiao Chong in his eyes and worshiped.

Xiao Chong said, "You first roast fire, I am watching a place next to it."

Xu Jiaxin asked: "What can I help?"

Xiao Chong looked at her, "Over the fire."

Xu Jiaxin has some guilt and inferiority.

Xiao He quickly tied a wooden frame on a tree, and made a "bed board" with vines, a simple high-altitude hammock was done.

Then, Xiao Jiang began to do a second bed.

After doing well, Xiao Chong looked at Xu Jiaxin. "When you are tired, you will go to sleep."

Xu Jiaxin nodded and climbed the "hammock".

The flame is still burning.

Xiao Chong is sitting next to a fire, can't help but have some , he can only hope that Zhang Zongyang can find it here.

If this place does not maintain a necessity of life, then it will be difficult to get it.

Robinson drifted, how many years have the protagonists say to a coconut?

That's too miserable.

Xiao Ye is only a festive thing, there is still a person next to him to talk.




Zhang Zongyang found the relationship with Xiangjiang police.

Liu Huaqiang is in overseas, and has a full armed armed, even if he and Xiao Chong, it is difficult to account for inexpensive.

At this time, you can only rely on the power of the police.

The police sent a lot of people to search and finally caught Liu Huaqiang.

However, Liu Huaqiang said that Xiao Ye has been tracked.

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Zongyang sank, almost being followed by Liu Huaqiang.

Liu Huaqiang is very afraid of Zhang Zongyang, not dare to lie, and said all things have been said.

He really didn't expect Xiaozhou's combat power, but not only cut off the ship's circuit, but also put him in puff it so much.

If you know, he will never be so great.

Zhang Zongyang Shen Sheng said, "Do you say that there is a storm last night?"

Liu Huaqiang nodded, "our people are all buried in the sea."

Zhang Zongyang's face is gloomy.

The Xiangjiang police 's life is afraid that the Daoyang has urged Liu Hua.

Zhang Zongyang pressed the inner murder, watching the police said: "Be sure to find Mr. Xiao."

Xiangjiang police positively, "Mr. Zhang is relieved, we receive the most advanced search command, will do our best to search, but ..."

Zhang Zongyang said, "other sea areas, the high rise of Huaxia will send people to search."

The Xiangjiang police were very surprised, and the high-rise attaches great importance to Xiao Cong.

the next day.

Although the message blockade is dead, it is still leaking the wind.

Xiao Chong is tied, then torn, now it has been buried in the sea.

The news spread throughout the country.

Everyone is shocked.

Dream factory.

Ji'an and Dong Wei's tears did not live up.

Beijing Drama Academy.

Yuan Ziling was also stayed, and the tears were more than.

The national shocked.

The leader of the Huaxia Entertainment Circle is actually torn, and it is buried in the sea.

All major media are reported this news.

Many media have become grayish.

"Mustic Mr. Xiao, he made a huge contribution to the cultural communication of Huaxia, for ..."

"Sadly mourn Mr. Xiao, he is a patriot ..."

In order to grab the headline, the unscrupulous media is already mourning Xiaozhou.

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