On the big screen, the topic is constantly scrolling.

Zhang Beihai called, the topic is the painting class, the theme is the horse.

San Bo couldn't help but laugh, Ma could be his best.

In the Xiangjiang delegation, the atmosphere suddenly became dull.

The painter in the delegation, the most good at factors is a flower and bird.

The painter of Taimao delegation is the most good at people.

This first game, it should be a Sinan Bo Stone Voucher.

Zhang Beihai said, "all the position, start, the next question."

On the big screen, the topic continues to scroll.

Zhang Beihai called again.

This time is calligraphy, no subject.

The Xiangjiang delegation finally gone tone.

The topic continues to scroll.

At the same time, delegations have begun to answer.

Soutan Bo has already drawn.

Tang Yujun looked at Xiao Chong, "Xiao, are you good at painting horse?"

Xiao Chong smiled, "I understand it."

Everyone's face is slightly changed, I understand? It is not very good at, what can I do?

Xiao Cong said, "" This question is gave me. "

The painter of the Xiangjiang delegation said: "Still me, I am best at least the horse, but at least not a little understandable."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Let's join together."

The painter of Xiangjiang delegation can't help but have a good winner.

Tang Yanjun said, "Other topics, everyone thinks what you are best, do not only choose one question."

First pick the best from the inside, then take the competition, so that the victory will be more big.

There is also a rule of the communication contest. After the lost, other members of the team can apply for challenges.

So, if the person in the team lost, there is a chance to turn over.

Of course, in general, this chance of this turn is very small.

Xiao Ye got up and went to the studio.

The studio is single, ready for all painting tools.

Outside, Zhangbeihai looked at Yuan Ziling. "This time, the luck of Nanyang is better, Xiangjiang and Taimund want to win, a little difficult."

Yuan Ziling laughed, "I feel that the possibility of Xiangjiang wins is very big."

Zhang Beihai, "Is there anything aware of the lawless river delegation?"

Yuan Ziling laughed, "When Teacher Zhang knows."

Zhang Beihai is crying, "I have to see, who makes you so confident."

He didn't want to think about Xiao.

Soon, calligraphy is the first to write.

After the big calligraphy of Nanyang took out his own calligraphy, he attracted the full house, his calligraphy did write too well.

Second, Taimund, Korean, Yang, Yue Guo, Maizhiki, Thailand ... Finally is Xiangjiang.

The judges began to score.

The final winning is the Nanyang's calligraphy master.

The second place is Yang Kingdom.

The third place is Xiangjiang.

Tang Yanjun helpless, calligraphy they were also a strong, and did not expect actually lost.

The people of the Nanyang delegation spoiled, they won the first one again.

Master is lonely.

Next is the lunar, poetry, modern poetry, prose ...

Although Nanyang not all won the first, almost one-third of the first one was taken by them. Moreover, even if you can't get the first, they actually enter the top three, and the strength is really too powerful.

This time the exchange meeting is entirely the performance of the Nanyang delegation.

"It seems that this year's first place should be the Nanyang delegation."

"Nanyang delegation is actually fully representative of Asian culture."

"Indeed, Huaxia has been named."

"They have long gave your position in your old brother."

The guests who have a lot of watching the exchange competition are discussing.

Zhang Beihai's face is slightly changed, the best results of Xiangjiang and Taiwan guides are just a second place, and the results are too bad.

Such a bad achievement is too much affected by Huaxia's face.

To be honest, Zhang Beihai can't wait to go to the game.

However, as a "martial arts", Huaxia General delegation is not to participate in the exchange meeting.

At this time, even Yuan Ziling is not as optimistic as before.

Time has passed three hours.

Go games are also overcome.

Go is in the form of a lottery.

The opponent of Xiangjiang is Nanyang.

Nanyang's Go master He Kun won the player of Xiangjiang!

It's a fare!

Before you came, Tang Yanjun was still in the air, but now it's all.

"Is the gap between us and Nanyang really so big?"

They began to doubt themselves.

The people of the Nanyang are full of contemptuous Tang Yan Jun and others, let Tang Yujun and others have no light.

The media is also synchronous reporting news, and learned that the Xiangjiang delegation and the Thai Island delegation were defeated, even if the people in the domestic cultural circles were also blown.

"Is there no one in Xiangjiang and Taimo?"

"Just, I don't believe in a south of the district is so powerful."

"If the general delegation participates in the exchange meeting, it will never lose."

"It's hard to say that this year's Nanyang is really very powerful."

"Don't grow someone to imperfect your own prestige."

"That is, if our general delegation can participate in the exchange meeting, it must be crushed all delegations."



on site.

Soutan Bo came out from his studio, his painted name "Ma Fefeng", taken from idioms.

Seeing his painting, everyone is sighing, and the phantan technology of Sinoba has indeed depends on the peak.

"Soutan Bo is worthy of one of the top ten Chinese paintings of the world."

"Ma Fefei is indeed a handed down."

"If he is willing to sell, I am willing to have 50 million."

"50 million, I am willing to buy."

Many collectors have fallen in love with this picture.

Online, this painting is more praise.

Everyone became the painter of the Dake of Xiangjiang delegation.

"Xiangjiang has to lose."

"Although I am also a Xiangjiang people, I have to admit that the Xiangjiang delegation should temporarily surpass the Siko."

"In fact, losing this opponent of Soutan Bo, really not."

"Hey, this is the last game, I thought that Xiangjiang also a bit chance, but now it seems ... The opportunity is embarrassing."

A lot of Xiangjiang people are helpless.

The same is true of the country.

This time, Xiangjiang is really "unrestrained".

At this time, the painter of Xiangjiang delegation came out of the painting room.

Almost at the same time, Xiao Chong next to it has come out.

The Painter of Xiangjiang delegation took the painting to Tang Yujun and others, Tang Yanjun and others smiled, this painting is completely better than "Ma Thangyan", I am afraid that there is no way to come in the top three.

The painter in Xiangjiang looked at the "Ma Feifei" of the Si Division, smiled and shook his head, "I lost."

Sometimes, the opponent is powerful to a certain extent, you really can't lift a little resistance.

This is the case now.

He completely served.

Soutan Bo is really better than him.

Xiao Yang smiled, "Use my look."

The painter of Xiangjiang shook his head. "Useless, you are not good at painting the horse, but Southern Bo is this expert, we can accept it."

Tang Yanjun helpless, "Xiao Chi, this game, we really lost."

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