King of Entertainment

Chapter 1145 Invincible

Xiao Jiang handed the painting to Tang Yujun.

Tang Yanjun was not serious, but when she opened the draw, I stayed in an instant. The six horses were like a pentium in front of her, although it is ink painting, but the strength and true sense are extremely strong.

Wolong Qingyun and others also look at painting, they are also stayed.

The painter of Xiangjiang delegation was smirk. "You are ignorant?"

Xiao Chong said, "The horse is really not my best."

Everyone: "..."

"Just use it."

Tang Yujun submitted the painting to the staff.

On the big screen, everyone saw Xiao Chong's "Six Jun", everyone was shocked by this painting, the horse can still draw this?

Sanbo killed stared at "Six Jun".

Zhang Beihai praised, "This" six-hunt map "came out, there is no horse in the world."

San Bo was silent, he had to admit that his "Ma Thangfeng" is not as good as "Six Jun".

If he is a master, then the author of the "Six Jun" is the master.

Online, everyone saw this "six-year map" and was attracted by this picture.

Six horses are too dynamic, just like pentium in front of you!

"Bumi, I thought" Ma Tshangfei Yan "is already the peak of this type of painting. I didn't expect to have" six hijun pictures "."

"I didn't expect that the Xiangjiang delegation also hides this a big god."

"He is a brother in the horse."

"Haha ..."

on site.

Southern Bo looked at Xiao Chong, "Do you have?"

Everyone wants to ask the same problem.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "There is no name,"

Everyone: "..."

Xiao Chong looked at Zhang Beihai, "Zhang Lao, can I challenge now?"

Zhang Beihai listened to Xiao Chong, I knew Xiao Chong's identity, he smiled slightly, "Yes, do you want to challenge?"

Xiao Chong looked at the Nanyang delegation, "first starting from calligraphy, are they not calligraphy?"

Snan Bo and others angered, this person is too arrogant, is he really doing it?

Nanyang's calligraphy master stands out, "Do you know what calligraphy?"

Xiao Cong's written written, written is a "horse".

When Xiao Chong wrote the first sentence, everyone was shocked.

When the last word of Xiao Chong is finished, everyone does not talk.

If you still don't understand calligraphy, who dares to say that you know calligraphy?

Nanyang calligraphy master is silent.

Xiao Chong's calligraphy level is really above!

Zhang Beihai praised, "Good calligraphy, who do you want to challenge?"

Xiao Chong looked at the people of the Nanyang delegation. "Who do you take the first?"

The people of Nanyang were pleasing.

"I! Poetry first!"

"I! Short article first!"


Several people open.

"What is Zhang Lao, what is the theme of poetry?"


"Will he write poetry?"

"The first poem is too high, it is less likely that someone can surpass."


Xiao Cang is the same as the discussion of everyone, and the pen wrote a poem.

The spring river tidal is even sea, and the sea is chaired in the moon.

, !



The sun is sinking the sea fog, and the stone is unlimited.

I don't know how many people will return, and I will shake the moon.

- "Spring River Flower Night".

The whole audience is dead.

"The union!"

"Unbelievable, now people can still write this poem."

"Who is he?"

"Yeah, who is it is too powerful."

Everyone was shocked by this "Spring River Flower Moonlight".

This poem is in ancient times, it is also the same work.

Yuan Ziling looked at Xiao Chong, this "Spring River Flower Night" is too beautiful.

Xiao Chong asked: "Short Articles?"

Zhang Beihai said, "There is no limit, the number of words cannot exceed 4000 words."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I understand."

He wrote a short question - "Luo Shengmen".

On a day of evening, there is a place in Luo Shengmen.


The story is in a war year, a servant that is driven out by the owner, thinking is struggling between the robber and being hungry.

At this time, it is just a place where you have a dead body, which is called Luo Shengmen. He vigorously gathers and wants to find some belongings. As a result, he found a ragged old woman in a clothes that was pulling the hair from a young woman.

He rushed to say that you are norful, and even don't let go of the dead.

The old woman explained that she just wants to use these hair to be a hand to make a living.

Some people say: "When this woman, taking the snake meat to sell, people who eat fish, people who have eaten fish, feel very delicious, women can maintain their livelihood. I don't think this woman is wrong, she follows I am all in order to survive! "

So, the servant plead, since it is for survival, what else is it? So he grabbed the old woman's clothes and escaped, and no one had seen him from then.

After reading this story, everyone should be numb.

"This, let me send it from my heart, it is one of the best shortings."

Zhang Beihai said: "The story describes the whole process of a general person's driving down on its ownism. By describing small evil, evil, the most evil character impression, slowly bringing an impact to the reader's psychology."

Yuan Ziling said: "On the basis of the influence of self-interestism, no matter whether it is a violation of morality or harm the interests of others, no matter which self-contained, it is a stepping stone that is your wish. But in your own bad things, Self-esteem, will push the responsibility of the fault to the external environment and others. "

Wolong Qingyun looked at Xiao Chong, "" From good evil, in front of the self, people's values ​​are very fragile! "

Everyone is silent.

The first place in Nanyang, I have to accept it, "Luo Shengmen" is really better than him.

"Who is he?"

Many people in the scene want to ask.

This person is too powerful, no ... he is not a person!

Online, everyone has already returned to God from the "Spring River Flower Moonlight", "Luo Shengmen" revealed that extremely dark things gave them, let them be a half, and they blocked.

However, everyone has to admit that "Luo Shengmen" is very good.

They also want to ask, who is this person?

Can write "Spring River Flower Moonlight", can write "Luo Sangmen", can draw "six-hunt map", can write such a good word, which makes everyone think of a person.

Is it him?

"It should be impossible."

"Yeah, did Xiao Teacher did not be in Xiangjiang?"

"Take the focus, before he was in Xiangjiang."

"Is it still still?"

When the Xiangjiang delegation came, he was in Xiangjiang. "

Various guesses online.

On-site, many people also thought of this possibility.

Yoshun, who came to the Nanyang delegation, "I am the first."

Is it, a try!

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