King of Entertainment

Chapter 1168, Caribbean Pirate

This is the first part of the "Caribbean Pirate": the curse of the black pearl!

The daughter in Swan City, Xiao Yisa Betai (Sophie) stands on the horizontal fence of the bow, and suddenly her eyes are attracted by a black spot. After a while, the object is drifting to the front, but it is A tattered raft, lying on a small boy on the raft, but it seems that there is no provincial person.

The kindly Elizabeth rescued the boy, and he was reached with the helpless, but he saw a gold coin that engaged in pirate pattern in the boy. This judged that this boy in Warentner has some of the pirates with some of the pirates.

The girl could not bear the Pirate as a pirate and suffered a penalty. So secretly hidden gold coins, just when she turned and prepared to go to the cabin, I suddenly saw it in the sea, a dark big ship is driving from the fog, the bow The top of the main rod is black and white. The flag is floating.

Xiaoyi is frightened, hurried up his eyes!

The lens turned, the adulthood Elizabeth woke up from the dream, she remembered the past, so I opened the box and took the gold coin to the neck.

Today is the day of Norlington's quasi-in-the-job ceremony, Swang City is very optimistic about this young general, and intends to make my daughter to him.

So he made Elizabeth to dress up and gave her a tight bunch of waist.

On the other side, the seaside, Jinfeng seized waves, blue sea, a small boat scratched blue blue sea, self-reaching and labeling.

The ship seems to have suffered from wounds and is slow down.

One person in the boat is on the mast, and it is not worried about the ship of the ship. In the context of the wind, the man is on the waist, smiles, and the face is strong.

Just when the ship is about to sink, the man stepped out, but a big ship across Norlington.

It is easy to look at it, and you will not put the dangerous danger.

Many spectators have recognized who this person played.

On the big screen, the movie continues.

Two soldiers had two soldiers on the big boat, but the strange geeks were grinned, and the mixed cavity gathered with the two navals.

On the other side of Norlington, the inauguration ceremony is over. At this moment, he is talking to Elizabeth at the short wall of the castle. It is clear that the new request will be the first daughter of Guang Yantai people.

Norlington is forgetting to express love, but the goddess around you can feel a dizziness. It turned out that the bunch of clothes in the morning wearing is too tight. This moment is not smooth, and it is a short life. The legs are soft, but fall from the high wall of dozens of feet into the sea.

And the gold coins in her chest came to the water, and the whole sea was shaking, and the Buddha passed some signal to go out.

Norlington is shocked, and if you have to follow the rescue, you can save him, but you can hold him and persuade him: "Here is the shallow, the reef forest is standing, and the endless jump is inevitable. Please think twice. "

Norlington is thinking about a moment, measuring the pros and cons, but did not dare to cross this life and death.

However, the weirdo talking to the two guards has also heard the voice of the beauty into the sea.

His eyebrows smiled: "Two, what should I do when I see someone fall?"

Two soldiers looked at it, not available.

The strange thing will have a beautiful arc in the laughter, and the body is elegant, and if the fish eagle is generally incorporated into the water.

This person is extremely cooked, and I have dive it next to Elizabeth, and I will pick her up, floating on the shore.

Reallorate the girl's corset, squeeze the chest and abdomen, forced out the sea water, and wait for the girl to wake away, he will look to her cheeks.

Rao is that this person has seen a wide range of people, but it also makes him dazzling, Elizabeth is the best in the world, the rare thing.

Think about the indecent movement that just saved her, the man did not feel the heartbeat.

Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by the gold coins in the chest of the girl. He said: "It turns out that it is here, this is ... with the last legacy!"

This person secretly muttered, obviously, he recognized the origin of gold coins

When Elizabeth was sent back to the big ship, Swang's first-class people were very grateful to savior.

Headless Norlington will discover the score of the arm.

"You are the famous Jack captain, the original black pearl, the pirate head is right?" Norlingon asked a policeman.

Jack's captain's player is Su Jishuo!

The audience is very unexpected, Su Jishi is so big that many people almost didn't recognize him.

On the big screen.

The naval is uncomfortable, and Jack's farewell is far away, and it is also a wanted to commit commit, and I didn't expect to meet here.

Although he saved Xiao Yi, but he kept private, Norlington was still preparing to put him to the law, and applied it.

Elizabeth suddenly stood around Jack, and she was unfair to her eyes.

Jack took the opportunity to take her as an .

Elizabeth is confused, I didn't expect my savior, the legendary calendar, the legendary pirate Jack was actually a matter of unclear, and did not speak the rules?

Can Jack uses the hostage to return to his own items, the early leap, pull the cable to the mast, slide on the rope to another warship.

Elizabeth but seemed to be a law, one gas, not dark: "It turned out that he was controlling me, I have long thought of escape, his thinking is so fast, but it is too much."

Jack opened the official army, escaped into a blacksmith shop, happened to meet the return of Wilitner (Yuhua Dragon), the boy who was rescued by Xiaozi, but now became a handsome youth, This is a living by iron.

These years, Wil and Yili have been close, with age, mutual mutual emotion, but since their respective identity is, it is never further.

Will is extremely good, and the body is strong, followed by the old blacksmith to fight the iron, and practicing the sword, the strength is good.

Will and Jack played back, although it is not as good as the opponent's sly, but will be captured under the aid of the old ironman.

Jack was put in a big trip, and a pirate boat in the middle of the night came down, and dozens of fierce pirates were swept off, shouting into the government.

The guard soldier has warned, and Elizabeth hid into the closet, but saw a thin second pirate and embarrassing.

Xiao Yi heard it clearly, it turned out that they were called by gold coins, and they couldn't help but half your heart.

At the same time as two pirates open the closet, Elizabeth shouted: "Pale!"

It turned out that according to the Pirate Code, if the prisoner requested the right to travel Parley, it must be taken to see the captain, and the negotiations cannot be hurt before the end of the negotiation.

Therefore, the two pirates can only catch the small Iraq, and Willben is planning to save, but the ignor is not enemy, and it is used by other pirators.

At the same time, several pirates broke into the dungeon. When they saw Jack in the prison, they showed a strange expression.

It turned out that the pirate ship came to the night was a black pearl number, and Jack was the captain of the black pearl, and he did not know why, the same boat was sharp, and the Pirates were suddenly rebelful, and other pirates controlled Jack.

Babos self-sealing the new captain, for the thrilling, he gave Jack with a pistol and a bullet, followed him to take himself in a waste of smoke.

I thought that Jack fled out!

Jack has been worried about this, and it is awkward.

A pirate was buzzled, suddenly stepping forward, put his arm.

In the moonlight, the arm was steep pulling out old long, and the forearm and fingers were half a muscular skin, which is a Sensen white bone!

The pirate that changed the seems to have suddenly been unlimited, and the captain of the year has been charged.

Jack is busy closed, showing a harmless smile.

Seeing the machine, don't eat your eyes, this is his most hand of hand.

The pirates warned Jack to leave the dungeon. It is clear that they are in the pain of the moonlight, but the same is a member of the black pearl, why did the Jack captain did not receive this curse?

Jack thought of the gold coin written with Turner's surname, and it couldn't help but notice a smile.

Elizabeth was brought to the black pearl number. He saw the rebellion of the rebellion. Now he is already the only captain of this big ship, the strong in the pirate, Babosa (Mei Mei Distort)!

Xiao Yi Xin Dark on a discovery, if you report the true last name, then these pirates will certainly take their own expense.

So I lied that I was Tenta, I thought that I would like to follow Will's opaque poor children, and should be the most secure. I have never thought that this surname is very excited.

Looking at the cheeks of Xiaoya Broken Breakful Cheek: "Children, give me the gold coins in your hands."

Eliza looked could not reject, and he had to send gold coins with stop attacks.

Barbosa gold coin to hand, fulfill his commitment, ordered the collapse, the black pearl number turned, but did not release Xiaoyu, and it seems that Elizabeth also uses the value.

After waking up in the coma, I immediately saw the city's head and Norlington. I hope that they will order Jack, because he is the captain of the black pearl number that year, it will inevitably be familiar with this.

Cannounced Navy, how can I ask for a pirate that is about to perform a hacker?

Will saw it immediately returned to Dungeon and Jack negotiations.

When Jack heard that the young people named Wiltna, they couldn't help but agreed to the treasure.

Will opened the house, two people joined forces, smartly grabbed the naval warship royal interceptor, saving the waves, opened the journey of chasing black pearls.

On the boat, Wil went to ask Jack's own surname.

Jack told him that his father named Biltena, which was an excellent pirate on the black pearl number, nicknamed king.

Angry Will is not believed, and it can only be helplessly accept the fact after Jack ridicule education.

Jack with Will came to the paradise of the pirate, specially coated with a small island, here is the turtle island called in the pirate.

Jack is very big, and Wil's father Billtener is obviously not small, relying on the famous name of Ten Na, two people quickly formed a pirate army, Jack became the captain of the interceptor, giving the crew After each assignment, they left the Tortoise Island.

On the black pearl, Baboba is like a gentleman to make dinner with Elizabeth.

Looking at the appearance of Xiaoyi wolf, Babosa has long swallowed a spit and told her about the story of the gold coin.

It turned out that this gold coin was named Aztec Gold Coin, a total of 882, which was used as a negotiating general, and the cartoon is narrow, and there are still someone in the future to invade my own property, so I ask the wizard to curse the gold coins. .

As long as someone uses these gold coins, it will always be punished.

In that year, Babosa was in order to grow gold coins, and launch rebellion. After imprisoning Jack, he and other pirates of the black pearls will squandered, including Will's father, with Wang Bilterna.

Followed is the endless curse, this curse will make them unsatisfied, but the cost of payment is to lose everything.

This is the reason why I just saw Xiao Yizhen to see Xiaoyi to eat.

The only way to remove the curse is to retrieve 882 gold coins, and you need to inject every blood that uses the gold coins.

In that year, Bill has been opposed to the Bay of Barbosa, so he has been sinking into the sea by Babosa, and Bill left the gold coins to his son, which is the story of the story at the beginning of Will. .

Nowadays, 882 gold coins have been recovered, and they can not be bored or their blood.

Barbosa, of course, all hopes are all on Elizabeth, but Yoshi believes that this story is purely heaven, she believes that her IQ is insulted, the atmosphere is left outside.

The time is late, the la carte is thin, the cloud is faint. On the black pearl number, a Sensen ghost, under the moonlight, the pirate did not turn into a pair of white bones, the illegal bones were shaking in the cabin, a pair of empty holes Inside the nest, the sin and greed, each of the mouth of each bone, and the voices of Hepher, accompanied by sea breeze into Elizabeth.

Xiaoyi was only scared to see the three souls, and he called to escape to Babaros.

Both comparison, in turn on this evil pirate head, it is slightly safe.

Babosa smiled: "Little girl, now I believe it, Moonlight will make us change the corpse, I haven't experienced the taste of the wine, my body needs your woman's comfort, but I put you this If a girl like a flower is can't taste, you say that we are very painful. "

The arm of Babosa suddenly became gray, and the whole body was quickly deformed.

Elizabeth strips.

Barbosa pulls a bottle of red wine, the big mouth will go down, and the deep red wine is from the throat, from the empty bones.

Until-dead and feel which is what is needed by human beings, Elizabeth can't answer.


The other side is another side.

The interceptor number is in the ocean, Jack took out a gold compass, and the pointer of the disk was accompanied by the dramatic rocking of the waves, and it was clear that this refers to the north needle.

However, Jack is full of gods, because it is a place where Jack is thinking, this is also a mystery that Jack is unfavorable in the sea.

A group of people came to a sea area that floated hundreds of abandoned vessels in accordance with the orientation of the pointer, where it is the place of Baboba.

At the same time, Parbosa also came to relieve spells with Elizabeth and the pirates.

Jack and Will sneaked, see Parbosa to extract the knife and gently cut it in the Xiaiqi, and blood staining gold coins, rolling the fall box.

Babobus took a pistol and shot down.

The bullets have been worn, but the pirate is unseus.

The curse did not be relieved, everyone couldn't help but looked to Xiaoyi, this little girl's blood has problems

Elizabeth had no way to say his own life, Babosa is franched with anger.

When the pirate suddenly quarreled, he took this opportunity, Will secretly raised Xiaoyi, and two people caught the gold coins and escaped outside the hole.

Back to the interceptor number, according to the Pirate Code, if the person of the ship does not return on time, the temporary executive can share the team.

So everyone can only give up the waiting for Jack, ship out of the island.

The pirates are being chased, but Jack is going out of the darkness, "old friends, let's meet again."

Babobus was shocked first, and I didn't expect it that it can't stop him.

But now Jack people are lone, what can you turn over?

Just as Baboba ordered Jack asked Jack asked to exercise Paren negotiations.

He did not understand: "The future generation of king is a boy, only I know where he is, the component is sufficient?"

Babosa immediately agreed to Jack's conditions, according to the point of gold compass, the black pearl number quickly chased the interceptor.

The Wort of the Wort shrew the iron anchor to the side of the ship, while increasing the horsepower, the warship sailed a beautiful arc with an iron anchor, and the black pearl number staggered with the rapid follow-up.

With the sound of rumbling, the two ironcons are fired at the same time!

The fierce shocks of the fight against Jack, Jack took the opportunity.

Because the firepower between the two sides, the interceptor number is so fast, the pirates go over the broken masts, the crucial moments, Elizabeth find that the gold coins hanging on the neck, Will rush to go to the cabin.

Nai Shob Posa's rapid speed is faster, first grab the gold coin first, send it back.

At this time, the winners have been divided, and the whole army is covered, all sailors become the prisoner of the order. The Babobaz is high, and the death has not been worthy of Jack and Elizabeth. At this time, Will suddenly appeared, just he was killed in the cabin of the interceptor, and fled before the big ship was blown up. It is fortunate to die.

In order to save the liszabeth, Will is willing to live for life, if Babosa does not agree, he will lead to his own, and the curse will never be released.

In the face of the requirements of the king's only bone blood, Babosa has agreed.

He was forced to jump into the black pearl number, so that he was self-defeating on the island.

On the desert island, Elizabeth really looked at Jack: "I heard that you are also imprisoned here, then you sneak into the sea, catch a huge turtle, then take a turtle, you will be separated from this place, I I really want to look at the style. "

In the face of the enthusiasticity of the goddess, Jack laughed in self-departments: "It is often said that there is a little bit of a turtle raft at all, which is just a bizarre story."

"How are you leaving?" Xiao Yi couldn't help but curious.

Jack is really true.

In fact, this small island is a place where a smuggler is stored. They will come here in a few days, Jack is a thick face and begging them.

The audience can't help but laugh.

The story of heroes and immortal legend does not exist. The reality will make people thundered.

With the in-depth communication with Jack, Elizabeth understands the world of pirates, and her principles are quietly transforming.

In the evening, Jack took out two bottles of rum from the cellar, and held a bottle with Elizabeth, cheerful drink.

The sea breeze blews the cheeks of their two, Jack's big hand was in the shoulders of the goddess, and heard the fragrance of the girl's body, the wine was not awkward, and the person was drunk.

The next day Jack woke up, but found that the small island smoke, panicked, but it was a little ignited when it was sleeping when he was sleeping.

It turns out that this little girl is deliberately introduced to him last night. In fact, there is another idea, Elizabeth integrates into the pirate world.

The raging fire attracted the Norlington's warship, and saved the Sakai, and also captured Jack.

Elizabeth pleaded with Father and Norlington rescue Will, but he was rejected.

She is in a hurry, I am not forbidden: "If you are willing to send troops, I will marry you after Saving Wil."

Norlington has returned, and he wedd from him and stared at Xiaoyei.

Under the leadership of Jack Gold Compass, the navies approached Tibetan Cave.

Norlington Commands Jack to negotiate, it is best to let Babosa will hand over Will in the case of non-rebellion.

How can Jack easily be controlled, entered the cave, just seeing Parbosa is just a blood sacrifice.

He is highly called, and it is said that he is said: "If you wait, if you restore the people's body, how to be the enemy of the navy outside, it is fine to break the bones, it is better to curse the curse now, take the black pearl sign to put the navy to kill, then It is not too late to re-blood. "

On the other hand, Jack gathed a few gold coins gently.

Seeing Babosa frowns, he quietly hiding a way to

Barbosa believes that some truths, and the navy is like children, why must they take black pearl.

His order, hundreds of pirates embedding under the moonlight, and roll into the sea.

The human bones were cross-sea, and the cable climbed the cable shipped by the Navy ship, and the two sides were mixed. The navy was obviously in the wind.

Elizabeth missed the sham, alone, came to the cave.

In the cave, Jack has already solved Will's binding rope, and is fighting against the left-behind pirates such as Babarosa.

Jack is light like a swallow, the sword has a light spirit, and the Babarosa in the number is, but it does not work.

Barbosa whispered: "Do you forget? Jack, then stab me!"

When Jack's long sword arrived in front of him, Baboba was unfortunately, and the anti-hands pulled the sword, tied into Jack's heart!

Elizabeth just saw this scene, can't help but grow up.

She did several times with Jack. I don't know why I have already had a strange feeling. This love is not friendship, but it is difficult to cut, Jack is dead, she will also be sad.

I saw Jack footsteps, and the moonlight was shot through the gap of the cliff, and his body mapped a piece of gray.

Between turning between, the gray skin has faded, but it reveals the root of white bones.

Jack is also not dead!

Barbosa is difficult to believe in your own eyes: "How can it, that year, after we were detained in the island, we found the gold coins!"

Jack smiled, his fingers smartly turned the gold coin that just stolen: "Just steal, there is no blood, now you don't want to remove the curse!"

Under the anger of Baboba, I saw Elizabeth, so I took a gun in my hand and angry: "You will throw back the gold coins of your blood back to the box, otherwise I will kill her first!"

Jack did not panic, slowly went to the shadow office, after the body recovered the flesh, secretly broke the palm, and then threw the gold coins to Will.

Subsequently his finger waved the trigger.

After the gunshot, Baboba was laughing at the face: "Jack, you waste the last bullet, now I am!"

However, his voice suddenly settled, because Babosa felt a pain, this long-lost feeling made him mad.

His eyes look down, and the places that the bullets have been influenced by blood, and the painful is getting obvious.

Wil has already thrown two blood gold coins back to the box, curses, Babosa has recovered the common people, and the haze of death has been shrouded in his heart.

Barbosa will fall, all this has been too sudden, is it really going to die? The corner of his mouth revealed a happy smile, and a few desires spit out some sounds: "This feels so good ..."

The pirates are very abnormal, and the moonlight will no longer make them strong, in the face of the formal army, these blacks can only bind their hands.

Although Jack is very big, it is still impossible to wash hundreds of people who have a pirate leader. At the execution date, Wil expressed his love to Elizabeth, and then rushed into the execution ground and saved Jack under the public.

He doesn't know that it is still right, but the conscience drives, this is his heart.

The naval surrounded two prisoners, suddenly the crowd was separated from both sides. Elizabeth rushed to the past: "If you want to kill them, you will kill me first!"

Xiaoyi's first challenge for the first time in social law.

In front of love and friendship, the secular talk is not worth it!

Jack is a smile, it seems that Will and Elizabeth have been assimilated by themselves.

A colorful parrot flew through the wall, Jack knew that his brothers came, so the eyebrow dance talked.

Unconsciously refunded to the wall, suddenly seems to be unkinding, ugly and clumsy fell, maybe I will fall into the bones.

The guards scattered, Elizabeth and Will two and two, four eyes can no longer be separated.

Norlington looked at them, when the hot lips kissed, he helplessly sighed and gave it to the C bit.

In the blue sea, a cable whistling, Jack took the rope in a rope, and drunk in the water, struggling, Jack's figure is like a calendar, the feet After the big ship, it does not move.

Standing in the bow, Jack put the roulette, and the black pearl is taken, the sea breeze blows every crew's cheek, as the old friend's call, they will lead under the captain of Jack, towards One direction, that great route will be the starting point of the pursuit of freedom!

The movie is over, but it left a egg.

"Caribbean pirate" must have a second, third, etc., this is a series of movies.

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