King of Entertainment

Chapter 1169 Trick

Many people are still silent in the movie until the end of the movie.

The story is very exciting, the ring is deducted, and it is full of fantasy colors, and it is desire.

The three major actors, Jack captain, Elizabeth, and Well's three actors are more superior.

Especially Jack captain!

This pirate captain with a few sputum, as if it took a certain kind of charm, very popular.

Su Mushen is very successful for this person's shape, and it is three points.

Finally, it is special effects.

The special effects of this movie are really cattle, although not the special effects that destroy the earth, but also make this fantasy movie full of fantasy colors.

For "Caribbean Pirates", the story of "Star Team" will be slightly weak, but the victory is enough to fry, plus this is the first truly interstellar cockroach science fiction film, the same person a lot of.

On the first day, the Xiangjiang film market, "Caribbean pirate" is temporarily lagging behind the "Star Team".

The Chinese market, "Caribbean pirate" is in rolling.

Xiao He has reached a consensus with Madison.

As long as Madison is not deliberately blocked the dream factory in Madison, DreamWork will not deliberately blocked Madison's movie in Huaxia.

However, although the dream factory did not deliberately suppress the "Star Team", the "Star Team" box office was also opened by the "Caribbean pirate". In Huaxia, the movie of DreamWork is still invincible.

The rice market, "Star Team" temporarily leads "Caribbean pirate", but it is just more than 10,000.

"I didn't expect pirate movies to shoot so, Xiao Zuo is really powerful."

"I know why some people say that this is the autobiography of Xiaoyang."

"Xiao Chong took the island, met the pirate, and destroyed a pirate, successfully took the other party, this is not the image prototype of Jack captain?"

"It can only be said that Xiao Li has been inspired by the" Caribbean Pirate ", and the experience of Xiao Chong is in fact, there is no half-cow."

"Of course, it is undeniable that" Caribbean pirates "is really very exciting."

The box office is the best proof.

In the next few days, the box office of the "Caribbean pirate" soared.

Soon, "Caribbean Pirate" completed counterattack in Xiangjiang, beyond the "Star Team", became a championship champion.

Lu's and Down have once again lost to DreamWorks.

Zhang Yuxiong is the most depressed. He is full of movies that Madison can win the box office champion, but finally, it is still lost to Dream Factory.

Is it really awkward?

He couldn't help but think of Tang Jiyu's previous words: I can only want Xiao Li to make mistakes.

"That is, I think we have biased."

Lu Tianzhao said, "We are more than him, why do we have to introduce Madison's movie? Why can't we take a movie that you like to watch? This is clearly our advantage."

Zhang Xiong Xiong.

Lu Tianzhao said, "I know a director, he can definitely shoot a movie that is full of fragrance, and will be able to take a high box office."

Zhang Xiong looked at him, "Okay, according to what you said."

"However, this person really likes money."

"There is a little thing that can be made in money."



At the same time, the rice market in the rice.

The box office of "Caribbean pirate" finally exceeded the "Star Team"!

Stephen saw the moment of the box office statistics, all people stayed.

He didn't expect himself to lose to the field.

Stephen decided to go to the movie theater to see this movie.

After reading it, he was silent again.

"The movie of the island, you can still shoot this ..."

Stephen is deeply sucking.

He had to admit that the man of DreamWork is really too powerful.

In fact, most director of DreamWorks is his toolman, and the key to the fire is the key to Xiao Chong!

Stephen is a depression, that is, it is an oral.

However, let him return to the dream factory, it is unwilling.

He is not an idea!




Piano chamber.

Xiao Ye is listening to the white piano.

Through this long study, Bai Su's piano level rises straight, probably reaching 6 levels.

Bai Su is really very talented, but unfortunately there are some people who are not here, so they are not too careless.

Xiao Central is admired, "the bomb is good."

Bai Su closed and looked at Xiaoyang. "I will go to the drama tomorrow."

"The City of Twilight" is about to boot.

"I am practicing this evening." Xiao Jiang smiled.

In the evening, Xiao Chong and Bai Su have met Zhang Xiong.

Xiangjiang is really a lot.

Zhang Yuxiong saw Xiao Li and took the initiative to come over, "Xiao Chi, congratulations."

Xiao Yang smiled, "What do I do?"

Zhang Yuxiong smiled, "" Caribbean pirate "fire, isn't there?"

Xiao Chong shook his head, "I'm used to it."

Zhang Yu's mouth convulsions, this surname is too much to be too much.

"Total Zhang, if there is nothing, we have to eat."

The Xiao Bang took Bai Su to the Ya Room.

Zhang Yuxiong laughed, "How long have you been proud."

Ya Room, Xiao Chong and Bai Su.

"I feel that this surname is not good." Bai Su said.

"I know."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "He can't wait to gain my skin."

Bai Su said, "Strong Dragon is not contaminated with the snake, you can be careful later."

"If you are worried about me, you can stay in a few days, the crew I can let them postpone the boot." Xiao Chong laughed.

"..." Bai Su is eating.

"I am joking, remember after entering the crew, don't put the piano class."

Bai Su looked up and looked at Xiao Zhi, "Reassure, no."

Two people are chatting while eating.

Soon, the two were leaving.

When I went to the half road, Bai Su suddenly shook his head, "I am a bit uncomfortable."

"I will send you back first."


Two people got on the bus.

Bai Su's skin suddenly became red, and his eyes were blurred.

Xiao Chong is sinking, can't help but think of Zhang Xiong.

Xiao Chong, a foot, with Bai Su.

He did not go to Bai Su's accommodation, and he did not go to his own residence.

"Boss, he changed the line."

"How to go to Baisai, or his residence?"


"Damn, he knows us."

Bai Sujia and Xiao Chong near the residence, there are many people in the dark.


These people are horses people to track Xiao Chong.

"Find him?"

"I found it, but there are too many cars, I haven't followed."

"Grass! Follow it, you will go back to Zhang Laojia!"

"His car is too fast, we will lose."

These people were opened by Xiao Ca.

After the person who is tracked, Xiao Chong is a headache.

He will treat disease, but this is a medication, he really doesn't know how to do it.

No way, Xiao Chu can only find a hotel to place a white sarin that is out of control.

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