King of Entertainment

Chapter 1170 see the boat king


Bai Su is close to Xiao Jiang.

There is a remote control in the bed, the two passes to the remote control, the TV is open, and it is the "Kung Fu Football" of Zhou Xing River.

The goalkeeper's hand was swollen by the ball.

The enemy continues to shoot.



early morning.

Bai Su opened his eyes, and she remembered what happened last night.

Looking at the depression next to the bleak, Bai Su is silent.

After a moment, she got up into the bathroom.

After a few minutes, she didn't surprise Xiao Zhang to leave.

In fact, Xiao Chong has already woken up, he intends to give a little time.

Not long after Bai Su, Xiao Chong also left the hotel.

Soon, Xiao He was in the villa of the boat king.

The boat king Guo Tailaizi laughed, "Xiao Chi, taste the fish I am fishing."

He is having lunch.

Xiao Jiang is not polite, sitting and taste it, admire: "The fish is a good fish, the kitchen is also good."

Guo Taizi smiled slightly, "Xiangjiang's big fish, but wanted to catch, I have to have this kind of old man who caught for dozens of fish."

"Guo, I know where there is fish, do you want to catch?" Xiao Chong looked at Guo Tai.

"Brother, invite me a lot, you have to take out some sincerity." Guo Tailai said.

Xiao Cong handed a material for Guo Tai.

Guo Tailai glassed on the glasses.

After a while, Guo Tailai laughed with the materials. "The sincerity of the brother is very good, we will talk about fishing."

"Xiangjiang does not need this fish."

"Then let's eat him."



Zhang's Group.

Zhang Xiong is very annoyed, yesterday's plan fails!

"The boss, Xiao Chong is very cautious, we also ..."

"A group of waste!"

Zhang Yuxiong face is gloomy, "Can you deal with him now?"

His hands were scared.

Zhang Yuxiong is not worried about Xiao Cu.

Just then, his phone rang.

"The boss, our freight can not go out." The opponent is proud.

"What do you say?" Zhang Yuxiong changed.

"Guo Tailai people don't give us face, our goods can't be shipped now."

"You have sinned old Guo?"

"How do we dare to sin him."

"Lao Guo is going to be mad?"

Zhang Xiongyo's face is slight, and immediately called Guo Tailai.

Guo Tailai laughed, "The brother, is it playing me?"

Zhang Yuxiong, "Guo Lao Ge, if you have time today ..."

Guo Taizi smiled slightly. "Sorry, I have no time."

Zhang Yuxiong was in his heart, but it was very polite on the surface. "Brother, our goods were buckled."

Guo Tailai said, "The dock is taken according to the procedure, must be that the one is wrong, you let your people know."

Zhang Xinxiong strongly ended his anger, "Old brother, this batch delivery time is tight, can you ..."

Guo Tailai helpless, "The brother, you also know, many times I can only do things according to the rules."

Zhang Yuxiong is gloomy, "Brother, you ..."

Guo Tailai interrupted his words, "The brother, I have a meeting, let's talk about it later."

Hassly ...

Guo Tailai hangs.

"The dead old thing!"

Zhang Yuxiong burned in anger.

The more people next to you can't talk.

Xiangjiang richest is not a boat, but there is not much person dare to have criminal king, especially doing physical business.

45% of Zhang Yuxiong must look at the face of the boat.

"What is going on? How do this old head say?" Zhang Xiong Xiong thought, he and Guo Tailai have worked together for decades, there is no problem.

He decided to go to the boat king.

However, at this time, someone called him over there.

"What happened?" Zhang Yuxiong is now annoying.

"Tang Jiyi sold all his stocks, Down's share price fell, and the situation has not been controlled." The other side worked urgently.

Zhang Yuxiong's face became a big change.

Tang Jiyu is the second largest shareholder of Down, second only to him.

Now Tang Jiyu reduces all stocks, it is undoubtedly dead to Down.

Zhang Xiong bought these stocks he held, a total of tens of billions!

As the stock price plummeted, he lost billions in an instant, and the stock price will continue to fall.

Just then, some people called him, "The boss, Xiao He became the big shareholder of Lu."

Zhang Yuxiong stunned, "Xiao Chong?"

The man said: "The news said so."

Zhang Yuxiong immediately called Lu Tianzhao.

After the call, Lu Tianzhao laughed, "Zhang Zong, I didn't expect this kind of thing."

This thing is really true!

Xiao Jiang has been in a dark.

"Boss, Down's share price has fallen!"

Some people rushed.

Zhang Xinxiong almost fainted.

Everyone saw Xiao Zhi became the big shareholder of Lu, must think that the next step in Xiangjiang DreamWork will work in depth with Lu.

In this way, the entire entertainment market throughout the river is basically unified by DreamWorks.

As for Tang, even the boss Tang Jiyu is now running, it is no longer a former Down, insufficient.

"The boss, the boat king announced to end with our company." Someone rushed into the office of Zhang Yuxiong, "our stock price plummeted!"

Zhang Yuxiong finally couldn't support it, fainted in the office.

Immediately, the news broadcasts the news of Zhang Yuxiong in the office.

"Xiangjiang Da Fuhao Zhang Xiong, evaporate 50 billion overnight, rich in rich! "

"The actress sniper Zhang Xiong, the miserable blocked! "

"Where is Zhang Xiong's tomorrow? "


"Zhang Xiong is going to finish."

"Yeah, he has more than 100 billion assets, it has shrunk half."

"The rich circle, the water is too deep."

Many people are talking about this.

At this time, the Xiangjiang police actually started investigating Zhang Yuxiong.

Zhang Xiong is involved in murder and line. Qualifying bribe!

This news is like a storm half throughout the entire Xiangjiang.

"I am going, some people want to die," "

"Yeah, this person can resist too much."

"I feel this time Zhang Xiong is going to finish."

Many people were shocked.

Zhang Xiong is too fast.


After Zhang Xiong woke up, the police came.

"Xiao Chong ..."

Zhang Xiong thought of a person.

All this must not be related to Xiao Ca.

He had to admit that he smashed Xiao Chong's energy.

"I still have a backhand!"

Zhang Yuxiong exposed the color.

He has lost reason at this moment.

He will not sit.

Even if you die, he also wants to pull a few pads.

This moment, he is very crazy!

He used to do too much, and in these two years, despite some, it does not represent him.

As long as you can turn it, he can make it.

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