King of Entertainment

Chapter 1181 Test

Xiao Chong's companion group.

Zhang Yonglin, Zhou Xinghe, Chen Jiadong ... These from the entertainment circle.

Ma Tengda et al, from the commercial circle.

In addition, there are some single big men in the cultural world.

Yuan Ziling's bridesmaid group.

All are all colleges and universities, and at least the grade is a deputy grade.

"This is the sky of the sky."

"Yuan Ziling is really beautiful, Xiao Jiang has a blessing."

"I didn't expect Xiao He finally found a wife outside."

"Unfortunately, I am getting married so young."



The next day, the wedding day.

Those who have been posted by the Xiaoyang also come.

Mei Mei is one of them.

"This guy is actually getting married."

On the plane, Meimei still didn't come back.

"University Vice President? Interesting ..."

Mei Mei's mouth, she is very curious, Yuan Ziling is a woman.

After the plane, she arrived at the wedding scene.

Wedding scene, already in the mountains.

However, most of them are reporters.

Today's star is too much, even many people are not please.

Tang Yimou led the artist of Xiangjiang DreamWork.

The reporters hurried up.

"Tang guide, please ask Teacher Xiao Teacher to get married before marriage?"

"Oh, I also received the invitation to know."

"Tang Gui, how many red envelopes do you plan?"

There is a reporter ridicule.

Tang Yimou, "certainly can't be less."

Some reporters suddenly asked the Qing, "Qing teacher, Xiao Teacher is married, what do you feel?"

Everyone looked at Qing Ruo.

Qing Jing is crying, "What can I feel? Of course I am happy with the boss."

The reporter obviously does not believe that "Qing teacher, if Xiao Teacher Xiao wants to marry, are you willing to marry Xiao Teacher?"

Qing will be joined, and he tried to take these journalists.



Xiao Chong's home.

Wedding cars have already rushed, all are luxury cars.

Xiao Chong parents are excited.

The first car, Xiao Jiang drilled into the car, waiting for the waiting.

On the way, countless reporters are shooting.

Live broadcast.

The whole Huaxia knows that Xiao Chong is married.

No way, Xiao Chong wants to be low-key.

"The previous reporters sent the latest news. At present, Xiao Ye is rushing to Yuan Ziling's residence, and it is expected to arrive in 20 minutes."

"The wedding car has a total of ninety-nine, it seems that Xiao Teacher can't help but do it."

"It's really Hao, I seem to see a hundred billion banknotes walking on the street."

Xiao Chong's wedding car, all worth more than 10 million.

"The previous reporters sent a news, and Xiao He has arrived at the destination."

Video switching.

Xiao Jiang, their teams have now arrived at the scene, and a villa.

The Xiao Chong in a suit came out from the car, followed by Zhang Yonglin and Ma Tengda et al.

Ma Tengda despite more than forty years old, people are really not married, single, proper diamond king old five.

Today, Ma Tengda also worn in a famous suit, but he first gave others to be with his partner.

The door of the villa.

The bridesmaids are already blocking.

"Red envelope!"

"Red envelope!"

A beautiful girl is called.

Xiao Chong took a red envelope to these beauty.

However, in the yard, Xiao Ye was killed again.

A syndrome beauty laughed, "Xiao Chong, I am the first person."

Everyone is in my heart, and I'm coming.

Xiao Zhi is not afraid, "You have a question."

That beautiful woman laughed, "Are you not a text? I have a puzzle to take the test you."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "though it is."

Everyone is curious, what kind of puzzle she will have.

The audience is also curious.

That beauty said: "The dry weather, play a word."

Everyone is, what is the mystery?

The audience is also thinking about it.

"Xiao Jiang has to finish."

"If it is my words, I will definitely can't think of it."

"Don't worry, we have to believe in Xiao Chong, he can't make a bacon."

"Haha ..."

Everyone laughed.

"It's a field."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I guess it is right?"

The beautiful woman stunned, "How did you guess?"

Everyone glanced, actually guess it.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Thunder, the rain is the field, the drought day" means that when the dry weather, only weighing the rain, this is not the meaning of the Ray, "Isn't the meaning of the Rice?"

Everyone is in this, so, the mystery is really field.

"Xiao Cheng is too powerful."

"Indeed, this reaction is too fast."

"Lying in the trough, a wife is so difficult, who will dare to marry a professor?"

"Haha, rest assured, this is only for Xiao Chong."


on site.

The beautiful woman praised, "Xiao Chong, you are not a big talented, but I still have the second question."

Xiao Baole, "What if you haven't finished?"

That beautiful woman said, "This is the last question, through, you can pass."

Xiao Cong said, "So you hurry up."

That beauty thought, "hurdle game, play a word."

Everyone is ignorant, this is what the gods are topic.

"Who is this person? The topic of this is so difficult."

"She is an associate professor of the Department of Literature, Beijing University."

"..." everyone.

What bridesmaid is this Nima?

Xiao Yang smiled, "The answer is bamboo word."

Everyone glances, why is it bamboo?

The beautiful woman stunned, "Why?"

Xiao Chong said, "The two vertical of the bamboo word, symbolizes the hurdle in the game, the two people above are moving their legs, struggling to hurry."

Everyone is stunned, and I can still guess it.

The beautiful woman's effort, "I am right, admire."

Another person who is smashed by Xiaoyang.

Zhang Yonglin and Ma Tengda have gone a thumbs up to Xiao Cong.

The dishes were taken to the living room.

There is a beautiful woman in the living room, and you will see you, she smiled: "My second pass is not good."

Xiao Cong said, "You have a question."

That beauty said: "We are a friend of Yuan Jie, we hope that you can go to the old man with her, I want you to write a poem with a whitehead."

Zhang Yonglin and Ma Tengda have a group, this is not a difficult person?

The audience couldn't help but hang up.

Xiao Jiang smiled slightly, and he took the poem.

He is so snow, Ruoyi cloud month.

Wen Jun has two meaning, so I will be elid.

Today's Bulf will, Ming Dynasty trench head.

On the royal ditch, the ditch water is flowing.

I can't want to marry.

Would like to have as one people, old age is not way off.

Why is the bamboo raft?

The man is important, why use the money knife!

- white head.

Poetry, the audience is quiet.

Half, applause thunder.

The people in front of the TV can't help but praise, "this song is very good!"

Especially the sentence, "I hope to have a heart, white head is not separated."

The beautiful woman is full of face, "Xiao Chong, you pass it."

Xiao Jiang got on the floor.

They thought that they can finally see the bride.

As a result, there are people who have a detention.

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