King of Entertainment

Chapter 1182 Century Wedding

"Xiao Chong, I know that you are best to play."

The beauty laughed at the door, "We don't make it difficult for you, Go, two people, if you can defeat us alone, then you will pass."

Zhang Yonglin is not cool: "Beauty, are you married?"

The beauty shook his head, "no."

Zhang Yonglin said, "What day, if you are married, what should I do if the deputy?"

The beautiful woman laughed, "It is impossible, my boyfriend is not a entertainment circle."

"Nothing, I will tell you to know your boyfriend." Xiao Yang smiled.

"Xiao Chong, you can't scare me." The beautiful woman is strong, "ready to start."

There are three beautiful women.

Go and chess are ready.

Xiao Chu wants to pick them four beautiful women.

"Hey, Xiao Cow Bi, a male war four women."

"This is really dangerous, I know who these four people are, they are the Go Association and Chess Association."

"Professor Yuan called the Niu ratio, who wants to marry her, it is really not an easy thing."

"What should I do if Xiao Chong fails? Is it a wedding?"

"It is definitely impossible, I think they should put water."

"Hey, you don't know how much Xiao Ye is in."

"Just, have you forgotten that he is the style of a person who is single-champion in the Yang Guo?"

During the speech, the test of the scene has begun.

twenty minutes.

Two games game, Xiao Chong wins!

40 minutes, a game, Xiao Chong wins!

The fifty-third minute, the second pair, Xiao Chong wins!

No more than an hour.

Everyone is stunned, which is too fierce.

People don't put water, mainly Xiao Chong's strength is too strong.

Xiao Yang smiled, "four, I went in."

Four people helplessly, they lost their minds.

Xiao Chong's Go, the chess level is already the master level, and they are not opponents.

Unfortunately, Xiao Chong likes to make a mixed entertainment circle, and they think that Xiao Chu has some talent.

Xiao Jiang didn't know what they were thinking, he had pushed away the door.

Within the room, it is popular with balloons and other decorations, and it is happy.

Yuan Zhiling, a wedding dress, sits in the wedding bed, dignified atmosphere.

"So beautiful."

"It is really beautiful."

"Xiao Cheng really has a blessing."

Everyone praised.

At this time, the live broadcast signal is terminated.

Everyone complains.

on site.

"Find shoes."

A brideny smiled: "You can carry your bride downstairs."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Brothers, start looking for shoes."

Everyone found around.

But everyone did not find shoes.

Ma Te Tengda said in the Xiaoyang ear, "will not be under the skirt, this can only rely on yourself."

Xiao Can't help but look at Yuan Ziling on the bed.

Everyone also looked Qi Qi.

Xiao Jiang walked over.

Yuan Ziling laughed, "What do you want to do?"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "of course is a doing thing."

Everyone laughed.

Yuan Ziling is full of red.

Xiao Chong climbed into bed and extended his hand under the skirt of Yuan Ziling.


In addition to the greasy, there is no shoe at all.


Xiao Jiang is.

Yuan Ziling smiled, "I remind you, the shoes are actually in the room."

Everyone is crying, is this reminder?

Xiao Chong took the bed and looked at Zhang Yonglin, "" lifting the mattress with people. "


Everyone handed it.

The mattress and Yuan Zhili were lifted.

The shoes are still still.

Everyone is .

Yuan Ziling and the bridesmaid smiled.

"Where is the shoes?"

Xiao Chong is distressed.

Ma Tengda said, "That ... you have a brother, don't be a difficult to bleak."

Yu Zhi Long smiled, "Just, Yuan Sister, don't be difficult to Xiao Ge."

Yuan Ziling helpless, "The shoes are not I hidden."

Xiao Chong looked at her, "Really?"

Yuan Ziling smiled slightly, "Don't question your wife."

Everyone laughed.

Xiao Chong said, "Let's go out to think."

Several people are all out.

"Think about it, what else can be hidden."

"I think ... will it be in the floor?"

"Do you want to open the floor?"

"Will there be a mezzanine?"

"Will you put it in the wall?"

"I am going, do you see horror?"

Everyone was talked about, all of which looked at Xiao Chong.

Now, it is a decision of Xiaoyang.

Xiao Jiang went in, looked up at the light, "turned the light."

Yu Zhanlong took the light.

There is a shadow in the lampshade.

This crystal high heel does not see it under glare, and it is now originally in the light.

Bridesmaids applaud.

Xiao Chang took the crystal shoes to Yuan Zhiling, carrying Yuan Ziling downstairs.

On the car.

Yuan Ziling took the bleak's hand.

Soon, the team arrived at the wedding scene.

Guests have been waiting.

Xiao Chong and Yuan Ziling get off, everyone applauded.

The whole world is attracting this wedding.

"As of now, Xiao Chong's wedding ratio has exceeded all TV programs, variety show."

"So many big wrists to participate in the wedding of the Xiaoyang, and the programs of the Bay are useless."

"Even if Jackson came to the concert, it is estimated that some people will not see."



Wedding scene.

Xiao Chong and Yuan Ziling are slowly walking into the stage.

The moderator of the wedding is Zhang Hua. After he finished, he handed the microphone to Xiao Chong, "Mr. Xiao, do you want to say something?"

Xiao Chong laughed, "I sang a song."

Everyone applauded.

Singing is your hand.

Xiao Chong pick up the microphone, the background music sounds.

He sang "I only care about you."

If you don't meet you,

Where will I am,

How is the days?

Does life have to cherish,

Maybe I know someone,

Over ordinary days,

I don't know if it will,

There is also a sweet love, honey,

Time is in a hurry,

I only care about you,

I am willing to infect your breath.

Life geometry can be confirmed,

It is also a pity of the power of losing life.

So I beg you,

Don't let me leave you,

In addition to you, I can't feel,

A silky,



So I beg you,

Don't let me leave you,

In addition to you, I can't feel,

A silky love ...

After the Xiao Chong sang, many women in front of the TV were crying.

"How do you get married!"

Whether it is a girl or a middle-aged mother, I don't want to be married.

on site.

Everyone started: "I personally."

Xiao Chong looked at Yuan Ziling.

Yuan Ziling also looked Xiao Chong.

Two people kiss.

Next, enter the toast.

Fortunately, Xiao Yang is amazing, otherwise it will be put down.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, guests were leaving.

Xiao Jiang and Yuan Ziling have also returned to the villa.

The wedding of this century is finally over.

Xiao Chong feels that the whole body is scattered, and it is really tired to get married.

Yuan Ziling is also very tired, and it has been asleep on Xiao Cao Shoulder.

Xiao Jiang hugged her into the bedroom and helped her cover the quilt.

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