King of Entertainment

Chapter 1240 Chu Yundi

The next night.

Xiao Chong finally saw Chu Yundi.

If no one tells Xiao Chong, Xiao Li will absolutely not think that Chu Yundi is 50 years old, and I have been married several times.

Chu Yundi may not be the kind of peerless beauty, but she is really very temperament.

Of course, Xiao Co is really interested in a woman in a fifty-year-old.

Chu Yundi is very interested in Xiao Cu, she smiled and extends: "Xiao, hello."

"Hello, Chu Sister." Xiao Chong has a splendid smile.

Chen Ruolin next to Chen couldn't help but laugh.

Three people entered the seat.

Chu Yunxi admires, "Xiao, you are the most talented male art man I have seen in the entertainment industry."

Xiao Chongqian deficiency, "Chu Sister has a prize."

Chu Yundi shook his head: "You are modest, your movie I have seen all, your song I have all I have heard."

Xiao Chong is slight, "I didn't expect to see my sister, I still have seen my movie."

Chu Yundi smiled slightly, "I like your" Smith Couple "."

Xiao Chong: "..."

Chu Yunxi praised, "The film did shot very exciting, especially the apartment gun battle."

Chen Ruolin counsed, "Chu Sister, our boss came to Nanyang this time, it is indeed sincere sincerity to buy Nanyang Entertainment. Since you like his work, after he takes over South Yang Entertainment, you can let him take a movie."

Chu Yundi smiled: "Xiao, in fact, I am also an actor."

Xiao Caote: "I have heard it before, Chu Sister is a very good actor."

Chu Yundi said: "My favorite is the martial arts film, I hope you can write a script for me."

Xiao Zhi smiled, "What is your demand for the script?"

Chu Yundi said: "I am a beautiful woman in martial arts, I like a group of men, men like me," "

Xiao Chong: "..."

Chen Ruolin: "..."

Big sister, are you serious?

Chu Yundi looks forward to Xiao Chong, "Xiao, I believe you can meet me."

Xiao Chong sweat, are you suggesting me?

Sorry, I am really bad.

Chen Ruolin counsed, "The boss, you will write a script to Chu Sister."

She squeezed her eyes, just writing the script, Chu Yundi is already kind.

Xiao He thought, smiled: "Yes."

Chen Ruolin lived, is there soon?

Chu Yundi is also shocked, "I came up soon, I came out of the story?"

Xiao Yang smiled: "But this is not a martial arts drama, it should be a Xian Xia drama. You should know that I have written a Xian Xia."

"" Zhu Xian "? I have seen." Chu Yundi said: "But I don't like it, it is a man."

"This story I think is absolutely a woman."

Xiao Yang smiled: "The story happened in a place where it is water, there is a village with the world, the name is called Hua Liancun. Our heroine is called a flowers, she was born in Hualie Village. "

"Flower thousand bones." Chu Yundi is bright, "this name is very feeling."

Chen Ruolin is also quite curious, how will the story will develop next.

Xiao He continued: "One night, with the sky, there is a baby girl crying in Hualie Village."

"The vision of the sky also caught the attention of the Shan Qing Dynasty. It turns out that this girl is quite surprising, not only grams of death, but also makes the grass in the round, the most important thing is that she is born with her born body. The aroma can attract the surrounding monsters. "

"Qing dynasty is set up in the hut, and gives the baby girl Royal Magic Jin covering the aroma, named her for flowers, and specializes in gumping the Father to make the thousands of bones."

"In the past ten years, the fairy is a piece of euthanasia, the world's demon is rampant, and the long-stayed handle will retreat to let the sages, the white pain of the outstanding white painting has become a no two candidates from the five-fashion, and it has been moved. The Donghua disappears, the slurry is retired, the remaining second fairy is a violet with the white painting love, one is Tan Gan's last fairy. "

"Time is , sixteen years I don't know how to pass, spend thousands of bones have become beautiful girls, but this does not eliminate Hualien villagers to her disgust."

"At this time, the new head of the long-stayed fairy world will begin to go down the mountain. The same as the five-lasting brother is very disgraceful, and the purple smoke of the white pain is also difficult. In a clear. "

"One night, the father is ill, the flowers of the flowers are in the heart, and they go to the village to catch the medicine alone, but don't want the doctor to die at home."

"The flowers have encountered the entanglement of the monster, but fortunately, the white painting of this time saved her."

"The villagers have bulld the house of the monk's house, but the White Painting can only look at the fire, the more burning, the purple smoke, and the flowers are suffering from illness. And no power back. "

"White Painted Named Mo Bing Yixuan Huantang is accompanied by her three days, and I have finished the 16th birthday with her, and give her a sword as a birthday gift."

"Three days later, the white painting did not tell, and the flowers also embarked on the road to the Lushan."

"However, spending thousands of bones were blocked in the mountains, and they had not eaten the stomach that had not been eaten, and found some food."

"Look at the mountains and green salvollars along the way, clear streams make spending thousands of bones, can't help but take off, but don't want to be seen by the show, Dongfang, who is being taken out."

"Dongfang Qingqing wanted to marry the flowers in the heart of the heart, and the flowers were always entangled in the Eastern Yutian."

"In the Eastern Fukou, Huaxi learned that the mountains were covered in the mountains, and the people who were non-Lushan couldn't enter, but they can get a solution from the Yaoge City of Yaoge City from the foot of the mountain. Also pay the corresponding price. "

"Just got the opportunity to get a chance to get a chance, claim to be a box of Penglai's head, with a box of Qi Zhenbao, because you can't agree, the coming day can only be after a hard failure Return. "

"The flowers of the flowers are very suspected that they are just a few radish meets the ceremony to help themselves. Strong promotion of the flowers of the Dao Dabu, misunderstanding the secret, the district Take a flowers and a blood, and told the flowers of the flowers into the Lushan. "

"The flowers of the flowers asked the Hall than the day of Missing, and the Direct of the Direct, the Direct Jan Jun said that it is a person who tells the flowers for a long time. Just go to the long stay, it can be seen, and the price of this issue is temporarily Do not charge first. "

Chu Yundi and Chen Ruolin are completely fascinated.

This era can not have a big humen drama.

Xiao Chong continues to tell the story to flicker them.

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