King of Entertainment

Chapter 1241 Hua 0 Bone

"The demon king kills the horizontal people, there is a chaos around the world, and the single spring and autumn self-study advocates the attack on the mountains. After spending, the flowers have been successfully entered the mountains and found that the Lushan, the lake, and the Qing dynasty is also accounted. The disciple is harmed by cloud. "

"On the occasion of the Qing dynasty long, the Shanshan Palace, the sixth book and the Sushan sword spectrals and thousands of bones, and the next mountain is looking for the cloud hidden in the Lushan School."

"Yunxiao saw the six-story book in Huaxia's hand forced the thousand bones, just when the flowers of the flowers, the White Painted to save the flowers, but the two were blended by the ancient artifacts. "

"White Puminology passed hard to escape the control of the bolt chain, but he didn't want to blend the chain, the more the chain, the flowers started to dig holes to pass underground."

"The second day, due to the measures of the bolt, the more you have to take strong attack, but the effect is very small, the two have to hide in the cave of the flowers, and the flowers have extended their hands. Unexpectedly splashing blood has broken the bolts. "

"White Poster painted after a flowers, then went to find single spring and autumn and clouds to capture the bolts. Just when the Spring and Autumn were played without a powerful hand, the seven killing halls killed Draw further action. "

"Killing, I can't hesitate to kill the lives of several people in order to change the life of single spring and autumn. The bolts are also returned to the hand of the White Pain. After the event, the white pieces collar flowers to the hill to buy some things for her. , Spend thousands of bones, because of the existence of the , please ask the white pieces to collect yourself for the disciples. "

"White Painting refuses to spend the rules of the door, but telling the flowers to help her convey the things of the Lushan. Flower thousands of bones, claiming that they will always take long."

"The long-stayed doors are strict. Every five years will only have a survey, and the flowers have to decide to participate in the long-term recovery examination after three years."

"On the other hand, it is the case that the white pie is resetting to spend the flowers to the foreman. During the seminary, the white pie is seen from each school selfish selfish, wants to protect the artifact. And according to the situation of the murry analysis, decided to break through the ten days as soon as possible. Teachers don't agree with this, want to make the murgia to persuade him, but the miles have no way to make a decision on the white painting. "

"At the same time, the flowers are returned to the mountains. I don't want to meet the Oriental Qingqing on the way. Hui Qian bone is to get rid of Dongfang's followers, he warns him that his own life is not good, always follow you will fall Empermidal. However, Dongfang Qing is still tirelessly followed by flowers, and I want to be responsible for spending. "

"It's another side, white painting in the verge of training, according to the master's efforts, because the inner fluctuations have to give up because the inner fluctuations, while the verbal test stone of the white painting is very similar, and it is rushed to the hall. Moruth tells the white painting, and the white painting combines the situation when he just practiced. It may have appeared, and it will decide to go down the mountain according to the master's life. "

"At this time, the spectacle is ready to take the temple, seeing the already prepared mat and firewood guessing the Eastern Yutian came, and he hid it under the vicinity table. White Poster is in accordance with the instructions of the test stone Decomposing the temple, the flowers in the tablecloth see the arrival of the White Painting, but the expression of the white pain is very confused. "

"White Paintings When using mana in front of the front, the flowers were shining because of the pendants of the chest, and jumped out from the table. White Painting saw that the flowers of the flowers, knowing that the life and death of his life is spent As long as spending thousands of bones, "life and death robbery" does not attack. "

"The flowers have not found the unusual discomfort of the white painting at all, and the white painting is because the demon came to this place."

"The Eastern Yutian appeared at this time, the flowers of the flowers were very weak for the emergence of Dongfang Liqing. After the Oriental Li Qing said in a call, spend the white painting and Dongfang Qingqing. a bit."

"White Painted in the dialogue of the two people, the Oriental Qing Qing called the flowers, the flowers, the flowers rushed to this, and the Oriental Qingqing hopes that the white pie can be used as a witness. White painting is not good After the refusal, you left. "

"The flowers don't want the Oriental Qing Qing to call his own lady, frankly have his own name, and the Dongfang Qingqing has been resting to the temple after resetting the flowers. On the night white painting back to the temple, I want to use the master to use the master I broke the sword and killed the flowers. When the sword was only one inch left in the sword, it was too late to start, helpless, the white pie was left again. "

"Dongfang, who lives outside the temple, wakes up because of the sudden rain, and seeing the flowers of the flowers in front of the temple, and I will hurry to wake up the flowers. Huayi hurry After the pendant was carefully viewed, I found that there was a bug in it, and I threw it. "

"The pendant that was thrown into the distance has hatched a green plug, learned from the Eastern Daiqingkou, this bug is a larvae, which is incubated with his own blood and essence. Huayi gives it Taken a sugar treasure. Cute candy treasures also believe that the flowers are their own mother, or the Oriental Qing is his own. "

"But after the white painting returned to the long, because of his life and death, he got the brother's tag. The white painting was unbearable to use the killing method to crack the mid-to-life, the long-stayed fairy is a long-distance collection of all fractures, including breaking life and death Method, the White Painting Back to the Immortal City to ask a fairy, how to break the life and death, the fairy is also a rare life and death, and it seems that there is only one way to kill the flowers. Don't have it. Law."

"On the other side, I want to escape the thousands of bones of Oriental Qiqing, but the Oriental Dai Qing has had to stay in him for himself."

"And depressed white painting played the piano in a long peak, and the trees who feel uneven for the purple sweepstakes are clear about the white pie. The white pie is painful from the Tan Van, and it is necessary to kill the world."

"The purple smoke is to make the white paintings and catch one, but people have been saved and did not see the white painting. Tan Valley rushed to the purple smoke to the positive purple pickers, forced her to calm down. After the Purple Waken in the homework, Tan Valla is not worthy of advice, and tells Tan Vatican to yourself, Tan Valla, tells her that may only be, when she put down the white, his Tan San Put down the purple smoked. "




"A round of round and high hanging, the White Painted with flowers in the wooden row, the flowers, the flowers, thousands of bones, forget all experiences, talking to the white painting, laughing, the teachers and apprentices have experienced many rough Finally, it is finally cultivated to be biably double flying, away from the world to make a pair of gods. "

The story of "Flower Qi Bi" is overcast.

In the story, all the power, or the strong, you like to spend thousands of bones.

This is just in line with Chu Yundi's request.

Chu Yundi is very satisfied, simply can't wait to shoot immediately.

Chen Ruolin envy, she really likes this role.

Chu Yundi looked at Xiao Chong, "Xiao, you come to the White Painting."

Xiao Chong: "..."

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