King of Entertainment

Chapter 1276, you think more

"If you are afraid, you can refuse."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "No one forces you, isn't it?"

The youth hesitated.

Wang Kai's face, "promise him!"

Youth can only say hard my scalp: "No problem, I am just inspired, I think of a song."

Everyone can't help but laugh, your kid is not a sense of inspiration, but I have written it early, now take it out.

"In this case, you will come first."

Xiao Chong said, "The challenger is preferred, this is the practice of our bar."

The youth snorted and embarked on the stage.

Su Mu looked at Xiao Chong, "Is there a grasp?"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I am more good at creation."

Su Mu: "..."

Who is you?

The name of the youth sing is "Song Wang".

Everyone is happy, this kid is still very mad.

The song sounded.

The lyrics are a grassroots counterattack into song king.

The song rhythm is very fast, the melody is good.

Overall, this is a qualified song, but it is not too amazing.

But everyone can understand that there is no background music, no accompaniment, etc.

Clearing can have this level is enough.

The turn is long!

Xiao Cu came to the stage.

He entered the state very quickly, and he sang immediately.

I thought it was a good intention of singing.

You will always care about me.

I thought that although love has become a past

Thousands of words, saying that they can be comfortable with each other

I look forward to your movement, truthful we are difficult to get along

Let me write the words, sing your happiness you want

Who has been touched, the handle of breaking can understand

Leave the list

I have believed that some people, I will never wait

So I understand why I will cry at the light of the light.

You won't believe, marry me how happy tomorrow

I just want you to understand, I will love love to vomit.

That is the bitterness that is drunk.

Love is like a tide, I forgot who I am

At least you cry

I want to sing a song to us blessings.

I will sing, I will live alone.

I am willing to try to understand since then.

Crowded rooms a person's heart, there are more lonely

I have believed that some people, I will never wait

So I understand why I will cry at the light of the light.

You won't believe, marry me how happy tomorrow

I just want you to understand, I will love love to vomit.

Let me break the iron and iron.

I will find out the way once.

Let me be a ruthless K king

Microphones make me conquer

I can't think of you, if you don't have something wrong.

This is abused, why

I want to come to a kiss as the end.

I can't think of you just say that I don't cry.

Don't let me know!

Sing to the end, the atmosphere at the scene is completely ignited! !

"King of K song!"

"King of K song!"

"King of K song!"



The audience has grown up.

Xiao Chong's rewards have soon broken 300,000!

Wang Kai stunned.

Su Mu smiled slightly, "Wang Kai, have been divided, don't you roll?"

Wang Kai is not angry, smiled: "Su Mu, I will come back, today is your luck!"

After they left, Su Mu looked Xiao Chong, "Come with me."

Xiao Chong came up.

Everyone blows whistle!

Xiao Chong followed Su Mu to the alley next to it, and it was a burning stall everywhere.

"I talk about it."

Su Mu smiled, "What do you want to eat?"

Xiao Yang smiled, "Still you click."

Su Mu also did not pay, some things were.

Soon the barbecue.

The daughter mask is special, you can kick off from your mouth, Su Mu has been staring at Xiao Chong.

"The boss looks at me, hurry, I will eat." Xiao Jiang smiled.

"Can you pick up your mouth?" Su Mu said.

"I am ugly, afraid you vomit."

Xiao Chong shook his head.

"I have a strong ability."

Su Mu did not die.

Xiao Chong shook his head, "that can't."

Su Mu smiled, "If you take the mask down, I will give you a little benefit."

Xiao Baoyi, "What is the benefit?"

Su Mu took the past, and it was very embarrassed: "What benefits do you want?"

Xiao Chong sweat, "Boss, I am very simple to come to the bar, I think you misunderstood, I am not interested in you."

Su Mu: "..."

She tightly grabs the tea cup, almost crulch the cup.

"Boss, I am a parents, don't think about me." Xiao Cu said, "Otherwise, you will be estimated to eat, you can't eat, look down."

Su Mu bite the teeth, "I just want to see!"

She suddenly reached out to catch the mask of Xiaoyang.

Xiao Yur's lightning reached out of her soft, boneless jade hand, "Boss, you are true?"

Su Mu also stretched another hand to grab a Xiaozhou L mask.

Xiao Yur again!

Two pactions are paced around.

The people next to him stunned.

"Is the boss talking in love?"

"Who is this person wearing a mask?"

"Hey, it is really bright!"



Su Mu's face is red, suddenly squatting on the table.

Xiao Chong is stunned, what is this?

The people next to them also stunned.

"I am going, young people, how do you bully the owner?"

"Yeah, Su Boss is good, you can't bully her."

Several middle-aged aunt is not good.

Xiao Chong laughs, I have not sin.

When Xiao Chong is going to comfort Su Mu, Su Mu suddenly reached out of the Xiaozhou mask.

As a result, Su Mu lived.

Xiao Chong: "..."

Mom, being sneaked!

"You ... you are ..." Su Mu's mouth.

"In fact, I am not aggra."

Xiao Biao is a big, "I am only like a star, so I can only wear a mask."

Su Muxin is a stupid than a bleak.

Xiao Chong put it on the mask.

Su Mu suddenly remembered, recently "Twelve Dao Xiao Wei" came to Fu Zhou to shoot, Xiao Chong will appear normal here.

Dragon Heart ... Xiao Jiang he saw me, in love with me, so I deliberately come to the bar to apply?

so touching!

I didn't expect my idol, but I care about me!

Su Mu was excited, and he didn't dare to see Xiao He, and the girl like a sinus.

"Oh ... that, let's eat first."


"You - I will only work at the bar."

Xiao Cong said, "I -"

"You don't have to say, I understand!"

Su Mu looked up at Xiao Chong, "You can rest assured, I will not tell others between our two people, especially your wife."

Xiao Chong: "..."

What happened between our two? Don't talk about it?

"I am willing to be your girlfriend." Su Mu bowed, "I like it for me, I like it."

Xiao Chong: "..."

You must be misunderstood.

"I ... I am full."

Xiao Ye got up, it won't wait for it.

Su Mu got up, drums the courage to grab the hand of Xiaoyang. "I will walk around, and the night scene here is beautiful."

Xiao He wants to open her, but but feel like this hurt, so I can only let him catch himself. Be

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