King of Entertainment

Chapter 1277 Wang Kai's retaliation

"Teacher Xiao, is you recording a show?" Su Mu couldn't help but ask.

"Amount ... is it."

Xiao Yang smiled, "But you can rest assured that it is over."

Su Mu is curious, "" Twelve Road Xiao Wei "is taken to go to the bar?"

"We made a small game."


"Yes, game."

Xiao Cong said, "In fact, I just went back to apply, just to complete this small game."

Su Muyi.

Xiao Jiang just wanted to talk, next to a van suddenly stopped, and she walked into a few young people.

"Kid, our boss wants you to drink tea in the past." Summit yourself smiled.

"Not interested." Xiao Yang smiled: "Go back and tell your boss, I usually don't drink tea with strangers."

"That is not you."

That youth blinks.

Su Mu stationed out, "Wang Kai came to you?"

"Miss Su, our boss said, if you can, you have passed."

In order to laughed in the youth, "Of course, you can refuse."

Su Mu, "Can he don't be so naive."

To the first youth: "Our boss said, if your bar wants to continue, this time is the best."

Su Mu faces.

"Bring the way." Xiao Yang smiled.

"Calculate you to know." For the first youth proud.

On the car.

Su Mu looked at Xiao Chong, "Sorry, I am tired."

Xiao Yang smiled: "Nothing, small things."

For the first youth, "said it is not small, do you know who our boss is?"

"Who is not important for your boss." Xiao Yang smiled.

"It's a arrogance." For the first youth cold.

Xiao Jiang did not take care of these people.

The car quickly arrived in a private villa.

Wang Kaizheng smoked on the sofa, saw Xiao Chong and Su Mu came, he smiled slightly: "Su Boss, if you do so, then there is not so much trouble, you said yes. no?"

He originally wants to play art with Su Mu, and he did not expect to fail every time.

He was originally a rough, and he did not work with Su Mu to waste time.

"Your father is also a faceless businessman, how can you have this kind of son." Su Mu cooled.

"My father often said that my son is his pride."

Wang Kaihaha smiled, "You have time to look at the newspaper, I often praise me."

Su Mu has nothing to say, this person is too thick.

"That seems that your dad is not a good person."

Xiao Chong laughed, "Otherwise, you can't give birth to this son."

Wang Kai looked at Xiao Li, "The mouth is still very hard, do you know who you are in the site?"

Xiao center said, "Do not say these relentless, straight to the point we are now. After the stop harassing Su Mu, as I can about what happened today did not happen."

Wang Kai and his men a public all shocked, then all could not help laughing.

Su Mu face slightly changed, as the saying goes strong dragon does not push local snakes, Xiao said that the central relentless, get you into trouble.

Wang Kai up "your kid is very resistant, actually dare to threaten me?"

Central Xiao laughed: "just tell the truth, I really do not like to threaten people."

"Says your sister!"

Wang Kai raised his foot kicking wanted.

However, people have been kicked him.


Wang Kai Wang Kai propped who hurried past.

"You fucking dare I?"

Wang Kai furious.

"If you go blind Bibi, I will hit you."

Xiao central laughed, "My man is coming soon, you'd better call your father."

Wang Kai sneer, "You are not fit to see my dad."

Xiao central shook his head, "Honestly, I do not want to see your dad, but if you do not mind you now, you will estimate this kid harassment Su Mu."

Wang Kai was gas laughed, this kid did not actually looked down on himself.


Wang Kai waving.

Xiao toward a group of people surrounded the central past.

Xiao Jiang is very calm, "Do you want to be clear? If your people do it, it can be serious."

Wang Kai is a brids: "Less fuck nonsense!"

Su Mu suddenly stood up, "Wang Kai, there is something to say, why bother to move?"

Wang Kai looked at Su Mu, "I have a hands-on foot? Hey, I don't just have to move his feet, but also to you."

Su Mu change.

At this moment, some people came outside.

Wang Kaiyi: "Dad, how come you."

What is headed is a middle-aged.

The middle-aged man is coming over, and a slap is on Wang Kai, "" Long's ability, actually learned to beat people. "

Wang Kai.

The middle-aged people looked at Xiao Chong, "I am sorry, Mr. Xiao."

Wang Kai lived, Mr. Xiao? Who is this person?

"Are you?" Xiao Jiangyu.

Everyone: "..."

"I am Wang Kai's father Wang Ren."

Wang Ren said: "I just received a call from your company, saying that you came here."

Xiao Biang suddenly, he just sent a news to Zhao Xueyi. I didn't expect Zhao Xueyi's efficiency to be so fast, and I found Wang Kai's old man.

Wang Ren said: "My company and your company have business."

Xiao Chu He said that it is no wonder Zhao Xueyi to contact Wang Ren so quickly.

Next to Wang Kai is already shaking in Surse, he probably guessed who is a mask.

Xiao Chong!

Dream factory's boss!

Don't see Xiao Yicheng is a big star, but people can be billionaire.

Moreover, it is said that there are many people behind Xiao Cong.

This kind of person is not his king.

"But I still apologize with Mr. Xiao." Wang Ren coldly.

"Sorry, Mr. Xiao, I have an eye." Wang Kai hurriedly apologized.

"Wang, your baby son has to teach it."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "As for how to teach, you will think about it."

Looking at Su Mu, Xiao Chong said: "Let's go."

The two left the villa.

On the road, Su Mu has never spoken.

Xiao Chong looked at her, "You can rest assured, Wang Kai should not come to you again."

Su Mu looked at Xiao Chong: "Can I go to DreamWorks?"

Xiao Chong is stunned, "You ... your boss is good, let's go to work?"

He is known to know.

Su Mu Zhengqi: "I want to go to DreamWorks, please give me a chance."

Xiao He is hard.

"I want to be your secretary."

Su Mu's eyes looked at Xiao Chong.

"My stomach is a bit hurt."

Xiao Jiang grazes towards the side of the public toilet.

Su Mu: "..."

She waited for a long time.

Suddenly, she rushed to the male toilet.


Many people in the male toilet were shocked, hurriedly grabbed them.

Xiao Chong is not there.

"I can go to Beijing to find you!"

Su Mu went, turned and walked out of the male toilet.

The male compatriots in the toilet looked at each other, and finally the collective said a trough! Be

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