King of Entertainment

Chapter 622 Feng Shangfu

Airport door.

Fei Lin, Xu Shanxiu, the three people were blocked by a group of people.

The head of the suit is smiled and said, "Mrs, the boss has been please."

Today is Today is to pick Xu Shanxiu, she didn't expect this group of people, could not help but frown, "I don't have time."

I laughed in the suit, "Mrs, don't let us be difficult."

Xu Shanxiu and the temper were slightly changed. Is this group of people who are Fei Linjie?

Fei Lin is eyebrow, "I said, I am not empty."

The suit man said, "Lady, the boss said, no matter how you want you today,"

Fei Lin is a bit annoyed, "I have divorced him."

Xu Shanxiu and Xianglangiang are looking at it, and it is the ex-husband of Fei Linjie.

They have heard that Fei Lin's ex-husband is a Chinese rich business, and it is married to Fei Lin followed by the original divorce. This Chinese rich business is more than forty, and there is a 18-year-old son.

Of course, Fei Lin also knows this thing, it is because of this kind of deception, Fei Lin is divorced with this rich business.

"This lady is not willing to go with you, why do you want to force her?"

Xiao He is coming.

Fei Lin and others did not expect Xiao Central to come over, they are all glimpse.

Looking at the chief of the suit, "Who are you?"

He said next to him, "Boss, he seems to be a star, called Xiao Chong."

For the first suits, the man heard that Xiao Chong was just an artist, very disdainful, an entertainment person, and even a fart in front of their boss, actually dared to intervene their boss?

He looked at Xiao Chong, "I advise you not to get more."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Fei Lin is now the director of our company, you said that I am not a versatile?"

The man in the suit looks at Fei Lin, "said the lady left the brilliant media?"

Philin is quite disgusting, "Where do I want to report with you?"

The man in the suit smiled. "Of course not, how do I dare to ask the lady, I just didn't expect the lady to leave the brilliant media."

Fei Lin looked at Xiaoyang, "Boss, let's go."

Xiao Chong nodded with a smile.

Suit men's smiling meat said, "Lady, the boss is still waiting for you."

Felin has no chance.

The man in a suit gives himself a person, and his people go immediately and plan to force Telin.

After the depression, I came to a group of people in uniform.

The men's face is slightly changed, and the teeth said, "surname Xiao, you will be lucky!"

He left people immediately.

Xiao Chong looked at Philin, "first get on the bus."

The three women followed the car on the car.

On the car.

Fei Lin is very embarrassed, "I am sorry, the boss."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Nothing."

Fei Lin is particularly embarrassed, "Wang Yi, although not bad people, but special revenge, I am tired of you."

Xiao Chong has not heard of the king, the capital has this number?

Fei Lin said, "He is one of the shareholders of foreign Internet giants, worth tens of millions of dollars."

Xiao Chong is slightly, this is indeed a veritable rich, I can't think of Philin's ex-husband actually so rich.

Xu Shanxiu said, "Fetting, with his identity, nothing to do, do you have anything to see?"

Fei Lin said, "That's not too."

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "I really don't have anything, you will prepare TV series."

Xu Shanxiu said, "Xiao Boss, I originally intended to buy" ghost blow light "copyright, I didn't expect you to sell copyright in advance."

Xiao Cong is telew, "If you have a first thing, is there anything?"

Xu Shanxiu said, "When" Ghost Blowing Light "officially filmed, I have to serve as the deputy guidelie."

Xiao Chong nodded with a smile, "there is no problem at all."

I suddenly said, "But you have to take my assistant first."

Xu Shanxiu couldn't help but laugh, "You will use free labor."

Fei Lin also smiled, "The boss's TV drama is broadcast while shooting, and there is really a helper."

Xu Shanxiu is hitting, "" Give Xiao Guide, you can be my honor. "

Xiao Bain.

Suddenly said, "" Meteor Garden "probably talks about what kind of story?"

She is a writer, paying attention is the story itself.

Xiao Cong said, "You will know after broadcasting."

Shen Audiang did not expect Xiao Chong, actually selling Guan Chi, can't help but be annoying.


At the same time, a café in the airport, a middle-aged man wearing a suit sitting in the uppermost drink coffee, and standing next to the people who have just to take the forever.

At this moment, these people didn't dare to speak, and they stood.

The middle-aged man drinking coffee said, "Fei Lin resigned from the brilliant media?"

That is the first man, "Yes, the boss."

This middle-aged man is Fei Lin's ex-husband - Wang Yi.

Wang Yi said, "I take Xiao Li's information."

For the first person, he hurriedly handed the tablet to Wang Yi.

After reading the Xiaozhou information, Wang Yutou is interested in Xiao He.

He likes to go to Go!

Xiao Ye can win Cao Shi Shi, even if you look through the whole Huaxia, you can win Xiao Yang, I am afraid it will not exceed five.

Wang Yifang can't help, "Is the selection program that is not long after the child?"

For the first person, "The Haiye participated in the sea is indeed a dreamer, and the young master is very powerful."

Wang Yi is extremely disdainful. "This kid is leaving the rebellion, what is the artist?"

He didn't dare to speak under his hand.

Wang Yi said, "Liang Cheng, tell him, within three days, leave the dream factory."

That is called "Liangcheng", "Boss, I will inform Young Master."

Wang Yi said, "Tell him, he only had three days, if he didn't leave the dream factory, I ruined the DreamWork."

Liangcheng head.

Wang Yi said, "Read it, I will see Zhang Haiqing in the afternoon."

Liangcheng is head, the words are still.

Wang Yi looked at him, "I have something to say."

Liang City said, "Mr. Wang Daolong wants to see you."

Wang Yifei, "Tell him, I am not empty."

Liangcheng head.

Wang Yifang said, "Wait."

Liangcheng micro color change.

Wang Yi said, "Tell him, I will go to the king in a few days, as for when I went, see my mood."

Liangcheng is from the head.


Dream factory.

Xiao Heng is gathering together to talk about the script.

Smallmere three people are also.

At this time, Wang Bo's phone rang, and he smiled and said: "Sorry, pick a phone."

He went out, but he met a Xiaoyang and others in the DreamWorks hall.

Seeing Philin, Wang Bo's face flashed a little, but quickly concealed the past.

Fei Lin also looked at Wang Bo.

Wang Bo smiled and said, "Boss."

Xiao Chong nodded and took Xu Shanxiu to the office.

Wang Bo is connected to the phone.

"Young master, I am Liang City." The other side smiled.

Wang Bo face change.


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