King of Entertainment

Chapter 623 Wang Bo's father

Xu Shanxiu and others just left, Wang Bo came to the Xiajiang's office.

Xiao Yang smiled and asked: "Is there anything?"

Wang Bo deep sucking, saying, "" Boss, I intend to quit DreamWorks and exit F4. "


Feng Lun, Liu Zhou and the three people in Morning, have made Xiao Heads very uncomfortable. I can't think of it. At this time, Wang Bo is also inverted, Xiao Chong will be happy.

However, Xiao Chong still wants to ask what is going on, he looked at Wang Bo asked: "Why?"

Wang Bo low said: "I am sorry, Xiao Teacher. I know that this will cause great losses and influence to the company, but I have to leave the dream factory."

Xiao Cong said, "I am asking you why, not listening to you apologizes."

He can affirm that Wang Bo must have anything to have.

Wang Boqiang laughs, "Nothing, I suddenly don't like this line."

Xiao Ye got up, "said something!"

Wang Bo said, "Teacher Xiao, I really don't have other reasons. I will pay for the contract according to the contract, I will leave this afternoon."

Xiao Jiang said loudly, "I am asking you why!"

Wang Bo's face is slightly changed, and he lows: "Teacher Xiao, I ..."

Xiao Chong looked at him, "Is there anyone forced you?"

Wang Bo did not speak, equal to it is the default.

Xiao Chong took his shoulders, "What is the hardships, otherwise I will think that you betray a DreamWork."

Wang Bo said, "I ... I don't allow me to continue to stay in Dream Factory."

Xiao Jiang, "" You enter the top four, your father is not happy? "

Wang Bo is bitter, "My father doesn't like me in the entertainment circle, he thinks this is a waste of time."

Xiao Bangle, "Do you think I am a waste time?"

Wang Bo shakes his head. "Teacher Xiao, your achievements are enough to work hard, you are my example."

Xiao Cong said, "In this case, then continue to stay in Dream Factory."

Wang Bo shake his head, "Teacher Xiao, I can't stay in DreamWork."

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "I will tell him there."

Wang Bo said, "Teacher Xiao, my father decided, very few people can change."

Xiao Chong said, "I have a decision, very few people can change. Since you are already a dream factory, then you can't talk about your father."

Wang Bo sighed, "Teacher Xiao, I can't continue to stay in DreamWork."

Xiao Ye is strange, "Where is your father now? Take me to see him."

Wang Bo shakes his head, "Teacher Xiao, thank you for your kindness, I really want to go."

He turned and wanted to go.

Xiao Central said, "You can't get the top four, are you going to give up?"

Wang Branch did not want to give up, but he had to give up.

In the end, he still opened the door.

Xiao Chong's eyebrows.

At this moment, his phone rang, and it was a good fortune.

"Boss, is it convenient to talk?" Qilin asked.

"Easy." Xiao Jiang has a certain weird.

"The boss, Wang Bo is actually Wang Yi's son." Fei Lin said.

Xiao Chong stunned, he didn't expect Wang Bo, will be the son of Wang Yi.

Fei Lin said, "As far as I know, Wang Yi and his son have some contradictions. His son wants to enter the entertainment industry, but Wang Yif is not allowed. If Wang Yi knows Wang Bo in the Dream factory, will definitely want to force Wang Bo to leave "

Xiao Cong said, "Wang Bo has already come to find me, he has left now."

Fei Lin said, "It is definitely Wang Yifang to find Wang Bo."

Xiao Chong is silent.

Fei Lin said, "You can only find someone to replace Wang Bo."

Xiao Jiang can certainly find a person to replace Wang Bo, but he doesn't want to do this, he can see Wang Bo's dream is in the entertainment circle, he said to Fei Lin, "I will find Wang Bo chat, don't talk. "

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Chong called Wang Bo.

Wang Bo laughs, "Teacher Xiao, I ..."

Xiao Cong said, "shut up!"

Wang Boyi.

Xiao Chong said, "Your breach of contract has not been handed over."

Wang Bo is also a glimpse.

Xiao Chong said, "Where is Wang Yi?"

Wang Bo face change, "Teacher Xiao ... do you know?"

He suddenly thought of Fei Lin, definitely, Fei Lin told Xiao Teacher.

Xiao Yao said: "Today is too late, take me to see your dad tomorrow morning."

Wang Bo said, "Teacher Xiao, my father's temper is a bit weird."

Xiao Yang smiled and said: "I am not going to talk to your dad, what is the relationship between his temper?"

Wang Bo was beashed by Xiao Bang, "That line, Teacher Xiao, I will pick you up tomorrow."

The next morning, Xiao Chong and Wang Bo have not started, Wang Bo wants to withdraw from the news of DreamWorks.

"Wang Bo quits? Is this news true?"

"It is said that it is true, Wang Bo yesterday left dream factory."

"What happened?"

"I don't know, the f4 of the Di Chiple is only F3."

"Haha, he estimates to change the script."

"If this happens after the TV drama broadcast, I have to see how he returned."

"His luck is good, Wang Bo quits before the TV series is started."

"The Xiao He did something that I had a grievance, Wang Bo actively quit."

Everyone is curious, why Wang Bo has to exit.

On the car, Wang Bo looked at Xiao Chong, "Teacher Xiao, I am sorry, this should be my father's people."

Xiao Yang said with a smile, "it's okay, small things."

Wang Bo said: "If I send a message to clarify it?"

Xiao Yucheng said: "Due to drive, go to your dad now."

Wang Bo had to drive.

Soon, Wang Bo came to the Peninsula Hotel with Xiao Chong.

Wang Yi lives in Presidential Suite in Peninsula.

Liang City said, "The boss, the young master took Xiao Chong."

Wang Yi can't help, "bring them up."

He is very curious, and Xiao Chu is going to do anything.

After a while, Xiao Chong and Wang Bo arrived.

Xiao Chong finally saw Wang Yifang, Wang Yi wearing bathrobe lying next to the pool next to the sun.

Liang City said, "The boss, Xiao Yang and the young master are coming."

Wang Huan closed his eyes, "Fei Lin is okay?"

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "The fee is all good."

Wang Yi said, "Do all the resources of your dream factory support her, I will inject funds to DreamWorks."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "DreamWork is not shortage."

Wang smiled and sat up, and the first time I was looking at Xiao Li. "As far as I know, the name of DreamWorks in Huaxia Entertainment is not high."

Xiao Cong said, "If the ranking of the high and low energy determines the company's strength, DreamWork will not win the first time."

Wang Xi, "Your boy is very mad, it is very angry." Toned, he continued: "Today you come, want to advise me to let Wang Bo stay in Dream Factory?"

Xiao Chong said, "Yes."

Wang Yifei, "Then you can roll."

He is more faster than turning his face.

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