King of Entertainment

Chapter 639 Paintings is about to release

The next day, the news that "Painted Skin" is about to be released.

Su Jiye starred in Su Ji, Tianzheng director, adapted from Xiao Chong's "Liao Zhai" series, and it is very big.

Tian Zhen has been published since the "Midnight Milk", so this "painting skin" is highly eye-catching.

Many people have seen "painting skin", have not seen the sound of the radio, the expectation of the film "Painted Skin" is still very high.

Dong Ji plays the original version of Pei Rong, the heroine, the world of Xiao Li, Pei Rong is Zhao.

Zhou Yu Tong played Xiao Wei, the demon fox, the original is Zhou. Warrior.

Su Jiye played Wang Sheng, Wang Jiajun, the original version is Chen. Kun played.

Yu Zhanlong played Pang Yong, the old lovers of Pengong, the original version is the donade. Dan played.

The actor's lineup is still very powerful. After all, there is Su Yumo and Dong Ji, and Yu Hua Long is now a second-line actor, the popularity is very high.

The only thing that is likely to be Zhou Yu Tong, she will soon get the second line before, but at the end, the bottom of the bottom.

Although Zhou Yu Tong ranked the lowest in major actors, she is really suitable for this role. I believe that after the "drawing skin" is released, her popularity will increase a lot.

Online, everyone is very satisfied with the "painted skin" actor lineup.

"Su Mu Yushen male protagonist, that must be seen."

"It's, Su Yumo is a new Jin Dynasty, the acting is completely unable to say."

"Tian Zhen directs, it is definitely a boutique. However, I hope that he doesn't shoot" the midnight bell "feeling, otherwise I will estimate that I can't sleep for a month."

"It should not be, Xiao Teacher Written is not entirely a terror story."

"Zhou Yuzhen and Dong Wei play, absolutely look at the head, plus Su Jishi and Yuhua Long, this play is absolutely wonderful."

"It is already very exciting, with the level of Tian Gui, will definitely take the effect we want to see."

"Haha, Xiao Jiang finally returned to the right track," painting skin "is intentionally," Meteor Garden "is too long."

"Painted skin" is not broadcast.

Recently, the brilliant media has no new movie, but the Red Japanese media has a foreign love, inviting a well-known male star to play the man.

This movie of the Red Japanese media called "Like Water Tenderness", they cooperated with the flying, borrowed the red envelope model of Tenda Group to promote this movie.

Flying Talk is the biggest competitor of Tengda, the user is not more than Tengda, has always been a lot of heartbeat.

This time, although Xiao Chong did not think about any box office with the Red Rope, it would be able to implicate two movies in Tengda and Flying.

Sure enough, the media started to speculate, "painting skin" and "tenderness like water" box office who have low, and become a problem that everyone cares.

Xiao Chong's fans have some distressed Xiao Chong.

DreamWork is just a small company. Before it is a brilliant media, now the Red Day Media, the two companies have taken the battle, which is not given to the DreamWorks.

Fortunately, Teacher Xiao is strong enough, change the average person, and has lost his pants.


Just when the media speculation is two movies, Sophie calls about the dinner.

She is going back to France.

Xiao Ca, of course, is impossible to refuse.

Evening, restaurant.

Sophie is dressed in today, it is worthy of France.

Xiao Central praised, "Miss Sophie has I have seen the most beautiful foreign women."

Sophie laughed, "Xiao, thank you for your praise."

Xiao Chu asked, "Why is it suddenly going back?"

Sophie said, "There is a movie waiting for me, I have to go back."

Xiao Cong said, "It seems that the next time you meet, it should be a long time."

Sofi said, "We are chatting with video."

Xiao Jiang, and then nodded, "must!"

After the meal, Xiao Chong sent Sophie to the hotel.

Sophie opened the door, turned and looked at Xiao Chong, and didn't wait for the Xiao Chong to react, Sophie has picked up the feet, kissed on the lips of Xiaozhou.

Then, Sophie entered the room with her fastest speed, slapped the door, and her back gasped, his face was ruddy.

Outside the door.

Xiao Chong touches his lips and sweets.

Actually kissed!

Xiao Jiang has a little crying.

Knock on the door?

Xiao Chong raises his hand, still did not knock down.

He turned and wanted to go, and thought about it, but I still feel that I can't be so cheap.

Just when he decided to knock on the door, his phone suddenly came, it was a field.

At the end, Tian Zhen actually called, and definitely had an urgent matter, Xiao Chong was connected to the phone, Tian Zhen said: "The boss, Yu Huilong's sister came, she said" Painted Skin "is temporarily not released."

Xiao Baoyi, "Why?"

Tian Zhen smiled, "I don't know."

The sister of Yuhua Long, but the company's shareholders, she spoke, Tian Zhen is not properly refused, so I can only call Xiao Chong.

Xiao Chong said, "Where is Yu sister now?"

Tian Zhen said, "Just in the company."

Xiao He was rushing.

Dream factory.

Yu Feifei is drinking tea, and people giving her tea are field.

Tian Zhen accused, "Miss Yu, the boss came over."

Yu Feifei said, "Don't worry, he is useless."

Tian Zhen: "..."

You don't even give the face of the boss.

Tian Zhen is stable, "Yu Miss, I want to know why, Agon is very good, you are also supported, how can I repent now?"

He is really puzzled.

Yu Feifei drunk a tea. "You don't have to know why this matter, anyway, our old man said, Xiaolong can't continue to play."

Tian Zhen said, "But does not affect the" painting skin "release?"

Yu Feifei said, "The movie of Xiaolong has to be taken, and it is sealed."

Tian Zhen's face change, is the Yuhua Long? What big figures are there?

No, Miss Yu's so powerful background, her brother is sinful, and Miss Yu should also be able to settle.

Yu Feifei said, "Anyway, this is room for cauting."

At this time, Xiao Chong came in and asked, "What is it?"

Yu Feifei looked at Xiao Chong, "You know it is useless."

Tian Zhen was refunded out.

Xiao Chong sat down and said, "You have to let me know the reason."

Yu Feifei said, "My old man is not happy, he does not want to see Xiaolong in the entertainment circle, wasting time."

Xiao Bao Yao, "I don't think this is in a lunch, Xiaolong's acting has great progress, and it is very potential."

Yu Feifei said, "This is not used by this, and the old man is not listening except for Huang Lao's words."

Xiao Chong is asked, "What does Xiaolong himself mean?"

Yu Feifei said, "The kid, of course, wants to continue to stay in the entertainment circle, but he is absolutely smashed."

Xiao Cong said, "Take me to see your father."

Yu Feifei looked at Xiao Chong, "My old man is a little violent, you have to see him?"


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