
A academy.

Yu Feifei took a unimpeded in the Xiaozhou.

After getting off the bus, Yu Feifei said: "My old man is really very violent. Do you make sure you want to go?"

Xiao Cong said, "It's coming, of course I have to go."

I can't let the "painting skin" abortion, DreamWorks have invested too much on this movie, Xiao Chongzhen does not want "painting skin" no way ~.

Who can think of the film release, the old man's old man actually inserts a foot.

Yu Feifei said, "Pay attention to it later, my old man does not like to be bothered by others."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I know Yu Sister."

The two people walked in, and there was a middle-aged man in the yard. They were very amiable.

This should be Yu Feifei's old man Feng!

According to Yu Feifei, she had the old number of "playing all over the world" when she was young, she didn't know if she was blowing.

"Dad, he is Xiao Li." Yu Feifei said.

"You are the young man who cures Huang Lao?" Yu Manfeng looked up at Xiao Chong.

"Yu Shi, I am Xiao Chong." Xiao Yang smiled.

"It is said that Zhang Zongyang worships you as a teacher, learn medical skills with you?" Yu Shi Feng smiled, "he has always been very high, you don't have a matter of breaking him, he will not worship you as a teacher."

Xiao Baoxin said, we played a gambling, and he lost.

Yu Hiren, "" Are you coming to me? "

Xiao Central, the heart said that Yu Shi is not as violent, and more people who have said that Yu Fei said.

Be sure to face Yu Sister and Yuhua Long, he only boarded his face, he was serious.

Yu Human Feng said, "I don't agree with Xiaolong in the entertainment circle, it is completely wasted at his time. You see him except for the first" fine military hero ", what is the shit? ? "

He is very calmly swearing.

Yu Hire Feng coldly said, "When is my family, when is it falling to the angle?"

Xiao Central said that you are in this matter.

Yu Zhanlong said, "In short, I don't agree with him to continue playing. In addition to the" fine hero ", you must all."

Xiao Chong said, "Yu Shi, give a small dragon other role, just to temper his acting. I have already planned to give him a few movies. It is the family's feelings. I personally think that than" fine military hero "." It is better. "

Yu Shi Feng said, "I said, he can't continue to waste time in the entertainment industry."

Xiao Chong's headache, not long after he settled Wang Yifang, now there is a hundred people.

Yu Feifei said, "Dad, Xiaolong is only 20 years old, it is better to give him five years."

At this time, Yuhua Long also rushed back, he said, "Dad, I feel that my sister said, you gave me five years, I can't be famous, I will come back."

Yu people's phoenix laugh, "What are you doing? Isn't a drama?"

Xiao Chong said, "Yu Shi, I don't agree, what happened to the drama? Every industry has a hard work, you can't use your son's efforts, you can't use the entire entertainment industry."

Yu Feifei and Yuhua Long did not help but knead a cold sweat.

Yu Renfeng can't hurt it, "Xiaozi, very few people talk to me, if you are a little truth, I have taken you early."

Xiao Chong: "..."

I just walked away at the ghost door?

Yu Hire Feng asked, "I heard that your word is written."

Xiao Jiang Yizhen, nodded, "I have to go."

Yu Shi Feng said, "Ten minutes, if you can take a poem with chrysanthemums, I will promise to Xiaolong five years."

This yard has a lot of chrysanthemums.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Don't do it ten minutes, I can make it now, Yu Shi, is there a pen here?"

Yu people, Feng Yi, can you make it now?

Yu Zhanlong said with a smile, "I will take it now!"

He took the pen ink paper.

Xiao Co will write!

The flowers are not in the white flowers, and the independently bumbles are poor.

Ning Ke is born, and why did He have blown in the north wind.

Poetry - "Cold Chry"

Yu people can't hurt, "Good poems! Good words!"

I have seen that he loves this poem, and prefer Xiaozhou words.

Yu Feifei despite the poetry of Xiao Chong, but at this moment, it is also shocked. The speed of Xiaoyang wrote poetry is too fast.

Yu Zhanlong lifted the thumb and said, "Xiao Ge, admire!"

He is really too admiring. For his rough, don't say a poem, even if you write homework.

Yu Human Feng said, "I promised to give this kid for five years, but if he played something, if he is still a bunch of shit, then he simply roll back."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Yu Shi relieved, I guarantee that he will never make a film."

Yu people sway, "Okay, don't bother me again."

Xiao Chong said: "Yu Shi, then I will go first."

Yuhua Dragonfly off the bike to leave.

On the car, Yu Zhilong said, "Xiao Ge, I am so thank you."

Xiao Central said, "You don't blame me. Since" Jingwu Hero ", I didn't have a suitable role."

When Yu Zhan Long started, some did not accept gas, but later he understood that he did need some precipitation. Now he is quite grateful to Xiao Yang, he shook his head, "I will never bad brother, I really need to work."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I will send you to Zhang Zongyang for a while, you will follow him first."

Yu Zhan Long Yizhen, "Don't Drama?"

Xiao Cong said, "I am preparing for acting, you will notify you when you follow him."

Yu Zhanlong nodded, he believed Xiao Chong, and then he had long been to see Zhang Zongyang. He did not mention Zhang Zongyang, the Taijiquan master.

Back to DreamWork.

Tian Zhen is still waiting for Xiao Chong.

Xiao Yang smiled and said: "Nothing," Painted Skin "can be released as scheduled."

Tian Zhen finally gave a breath.

Xiao Cong said, "Are Shen Xiamen come?"

Shen Xiake is a deputy director of "Painted Skin".

Tian Zhen said, "He will come immediately."

His voice just fell, Shen Xiake came.

Xiao Chong called him alone in the office.

Shen Xia passenger is confused, I don't know what Xiao Ca wants to do.

Xiao Chong said, "Recent DreamWork will have a new film's shooting plan."

Shen Xiake's heart beats.

Is it finally rounded me?

He wants to make a movie for a long time.

Xiao Central said that "the movie's script is not officially official, the type is a moving film, director ..."

Shen Xiake is more excited.

"Director is you!"

Xiao Cong said, "Today, tell you, let you take the work in the hand."

Shen Xia hurriedly said, "Thank you Boss!"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "The script has not yet come out, you don't have to thank me, what should I do if I have a street?"

Shen Xiake's trust in Xiao Chong is blind, he believes that the drama written by Xiao Cap will be successful.

"Meteor Garden" The blood drama of the dog can fire, he does not believe that there is also a worse script than this.

Of course, this idea does not dare to say it.

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