King of Entertainment

Chapter 641 Painting

The time released from "Painted Skin" is getting shorter, and the "painting skin" of Tengda Group spare no effort, the flying chat is also promoting "tender water".

During the period, "Meteor Garden" is also in synchronous hot broadcast, "tide" is completely defeated, which is not the opponent of "Meteor Garden".

The "Meteor Garden" is hot, and it is also completely red F4. Before participating in the "super boys", they can't be a real artist, the broadcast of "Meteor Garden", they are officially stepped into the entertainment circle, becoming a real artist.

The starting point of F4 is too high. The "Super Boys" ratings are the first, "Meteor Garden" ratings first, and there are oriental girls to accompany them, they don't want to be red.

Many companies are studying F4 mode and intends to build their own "F4". For a time, F4 became an idol of the drama nasal ancestor, the men's sea election ...

The more successful F4 is successful, and Xiao Chong is also famous, because he created a combination of F4 in one hand.

Since F4 big red, Xiao Chong, is certainly using F4's popularity of "painting".

Under the publicity of F4, many young people are also very expected to "painted".

I quickly arrived until the release day.

"Tenderness like water" and "painting skin" are simultaneously released. This propaganda of both parties is spared, who can take the box office champion, no one can predict.

From the pre-sale of the box office, "tenderness like water" with foreign famous artists will take a slight wind, but the advantage is not particularly obvious.

At 7:30 in the evening, everyone has entered the cinema.

Tonight, Xiao Chong also accompanied Dong Wei to the cinema, and it is "painting skin."

Dong Wei looked at Xiao Chong: "You have to see if my acting is progressing."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "This is also useful? Your acting has been online."

Dong Xi Le, "Su Mu Ye is, we don't dare to say your acting skills."

Indeed, the best in this movie is Su Musi.

Xiao Cong said, "You are the best in actress."

Dong Wei is hitting, "What is the fox?"

Xiao Chong, "Fox Case?"

Dong Wei said, "Now many people say that her acting is better than me, if she has my resources, it is definitely red than me."

Xiao Co-board face, "How is her acting skill?"

Dong Ji also wants to talk, Xiao Chong launches her into the cinema.

The movie has started!

The shoot hall.

"Painted Skin" began to show.

The story is mainly what the Han Dynasty is Wang Sheng, the king of the king is in the Western region, and the woman is saved on the way.

Wang Sheng did not see it. Before he saved Xiao Wei, Xiao Wei did actually only eaten a person who used to maintain human form.

Wang Sheng didn't know, Xiao Wei loves him at first sight.

After Xiao Wei followed Wang Sheng, he was separated from his sister, looked at Wang Sheng and Pengong couple, and he gave birth to the heart, and he wanted to take it.

At the same time, more and more people in the city were dug a heart, Wang Shengyou watered to find the truth.

On the other hand, Pei Rong has perceived a small life, and it is interested in his husband. It is in the trust of Wang Sheng to Xiao Wei, she can only go to her old lover, Pang Yong (Yuhua Dragon) to help.

However, the misunderstanding happened.

The contradiction between Wang Sheng and Pei Rong is getting bigger and bigger ...

The audience is attracted, and there are no people who go to the toilet.

Su Mushen's performance is extremely delicate, but when it comes to the military drama, it is not lost, and it is extremely in place for the character of the characters.

Su Jishui in the movie, for women, some are very deadly killer, and a look of Su Jishi will let the female audience in the shooting hall have a heartbeat, and I have to see his sister ... A lot of it, how good is it? .

Dong Ji's extremely in place, her acting is really a great breakthrough.

Zhou Yu Tong played the little only, that a smile revealed the charm, the skin is like gel, the spring mountains, and the fox demon.

The man's audience is ignorant, and the heart says that this Zhou Yu Tong is to be my wife, then I will decrease.

Zhou Yu Tong's acting also has a huge breakthrough. She interprets the fox demon in other movie works, and it is good.

Then, the Yong Yong of the Long, the braveness, indeed the blood of the remaining dragon, and his feelings of Pei Rong's emotional play were quite successful.

"The progress of Yuhua Long's acting is really big. It can act on the drama, and there is an emotional play."

"Indeed, he can now be a movement actor now."

Everyone is also very high for the evaluation of Yuhua Long.

At the end of the film, almost everyone commented on "painting skin".

Especially the "painting", it is more intoxicated and praised.

"Do you can't do good?"

"Just, he is invincible, so there is no one to surpass him."

"This song is absolutely able to go to the gold song list."

Everyone is very high for "drawing heart".

"Painting" This song is definitely built for "painting skin", it is too suitable for this movie.

"Xiao Chong wrote this song must be repeated, otherwise it is impossible to achieve this effect."

"Yes, even if you are a foreign line, you can also see that this" draw heart "is created with heart."

Many people are talking about how to use their hearts when they come out of the cinema.


The Xiao Chong next to him heard the old face red.

Dong Qing did not know that this is actually a blush one day.

At the same time, many people are evaluating the effects of "drawing skin"!

"Start me, I heard that" painting skin "special effect is that DreamWorks have their own special effect team, and some are worried that it is not enough, and now I am more concerned."

"Indeed," Painted Skin "special effects is not inferior to the effects of the big entertainment companies."

"I can't think of Xiao Central, I will build a special effect team, this is not a one or two billion."

"It is said that the characteristics of the dream factory also include Tianyu Technology, which provides technical support to the special effects of DreamWorks."

"No wonder, Tianyu Technology and DreamWork teamed up to form a special effect group, it is relatively easy."

The DreamWork Factory Specialty Group first shot all the audience a very satisfactory answer.

"Painted skin" is first-class in the "painting", or special effects, absolutely in recent years.

"Tenderness is like water", the main thing is an emotion, but it seems that many domestic audiences do not buy, and the evaluation is far less than "painting skin."

But the evaluation and box office will never be a proportion. Who can win the first day's box office champion, no one can predict.

Don't forget, the evaluation of "Meteor Garden" is not high.

the next day.

Box office statistics!

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