King of Entertainment

Chapter 644 Pearrs

The export of Donghai Airport has been blocked by the reporter.

Xiao Hei just got off the plane, and the reporter surrounded.

"Teacher Xiao, you have served as the general directors of Dongda Celebration, do you have the first to take the ratings?"

"Teacher Xiao, is said that the Beijing University must also hold a hundred years of celebration. Do you think you can surpass the celebration of the University of Beijing?"


Another reporter questioning, at all, do not give a long time.

The Beijing University does also hold a school, and the time is almost a few days before and later.

Although this kind of class is almost impossible to meet, after all, there is a comparison of the front and rear, if the ratio of the East, it is not as good as Beijing, it will definitely explain that Xiao Chong's ability is not enough.

Before the To the East Sea, Xiao Chong already knows that Beijing is also to hold a school, and have already guess the reporter may ask this, so he doesn't feel unexpected, smile and say: "Dongda Celebration will not be the first I am uncertain However, the DreamWorks will do their best to strive to be the first. Do you want to see the East China? "

That reporter, strong, "Of course hope."

Tang Wenyi and Dong Wei, they can't help but, Xiao Chong's mouth is never forced.

At this time, I suddenly had a reporter asked, "Teacher Xiao, this time the East University celebrates, will you take a stage? Still, how are you planning behind the scene?"

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "You have to go to the scene on the same day, live in the TV to watch it. Ok, we have something, other questions will ask again."

Extruded the population, the departure of the Xiao Chong and DreamWork left the airport.

At this time, Zhao Xueyi said to Xiao Central, "The people of the East said it will meet tomorrow afternoon."

Xiao Caote, "Go back to the company."

When I returned to the Donghai Dream Factory, the wife of Zhao Xueyi is waiting for him with a child.

Xiao Li patted Zhao Xueyi's shoulder, "Go to the wife first."

Zhao Xueyi's time for the East China sea every month, it is indeed a child.

Xiao Jiang couldn't help but feel it. He also went home to see it. He announced that the whole staff was resting.

At this moment, Yuan Ziling called, "I am also in the East China Sea."

Xiao Jiang, "You are also in the East China Sea?"

Yuan Zhiling said, "Business trip."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I have to go home, you will go back with me."

Yuan Ziling thought about it, "Where are you?"

Xiao Cong said, "I have passed you."

Yuan Ziling told the address Xiao Chong.

Xiao Chong then called the mother.

After the family, Xiao Ma received the phone call, don't make fun, I will work in my meal.

Xiao Wan said, "The son really took Professor Yuan back?"

Xiao Ma is joining, "nonsense, do you think that my ear is deaf?"

Xiao Yu said, "This child should be married."

Xiao Ma said, "Professor Yuan is indeed unclear, this child can not delay the professor of Yuan, no" Professor Yuan did not have today. "

Xiao Wan said: "I will kitten it today."

Xiao Ma said, "Hey, the sun came from the west."

Xiao Wan said seriously, "You can't take it."

Xiao Ma took a slap in the palm.


After Xiao Chong received Yuan Ziling, Yuan Ziling asked in some tense: "What gift do I have?"

"Nothing to bring, you are the biggest gift." Xiao Coheng.

"I really." Yuan Ziling asked: "What is your parents like?"

"Then buy a little smoke and clothes." Xiao He thought about it.

Yuan Ziling also has no experience, only to hear Xiaoyang.

Just then, not far from it.

Yuan Ziling eyebish.

"Professor Yuan, eat together at night."

The man is a man wearing a suit, the thirty bouting, the long-winged dog is like.

Yuan Ziling said, "I have no time."

Xiao Jiang smiled and said, "Yuan Jie has already had a time."

Here is the downtown area, Xiao Cu, in order to avoid trouble, wear a mask.

The man looked at Xiao Chong, "Are you?"

Xiao Cong said, "I am a boyfriend of Yuan Jie."

The man's face changed, and then quickly resumed calm, smiled and said, "I didn't expect Yuan Sister already have a boyfriend ... I am from the vice professor of East, where are you?"

"There is no name, I will not introduce yourself." Xiao Central said, "If there is nothing, I will go first with Yuan Sister."

This person is a pursuit of Yuan Ziling, Xiao Li is too lazy to pay attention to him.

Wu Jian's eyes flashed a lot, and said, "Academic exchange will have not ended yet, Yuan's deputy can not go."

This time, Professor Yuan is the school representative of the Beijing Drama Academy, come to the East China Sea to participate in the Academic Exchange Conference.

Yuan Ziling looked at Xiao Chu, "I will end up for an hour."

Xiao Yang smiled, "Then I am waiting for you."

Anyway, it is still early.

Wu Jian said, "Yuan Deputy, let's go in, rest, the soul is here,"

Yuan Ziling looked at Xiao Chong, "You wait for me outside, and go to the auditorium?"

Xiao Yang smiled and said: "Of course it is a viewer."

Since he is here, he certainly wants to see the academic exchange of Yuan Ziling.

Wu Jian light smiled, "Yuan Deputy, he went to the audience, it is best not to talk casually."

Yuan Zhiling said, "Nothing, the content of the academic exchange will be a lot."

Wu Jian is an accident: "Is it a teacher of Beijing and a teacher?"

Despite can't see the long phase of the Xiaoyang, she can conclude that Xiao Jiang's age will absolutely not more than 30 years old, may only be a teacher.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Yes, I am also a teacher."

He is the honorary associate professor of the eastern part.

Wu Jie smiled, "I am a professional art professional, what are you learning?"

Xiao Chong said with a smile, "I also also the teacher of the art."

Wu Jian disdain, the heart said that it was just an art department teacher, he is a professor of artistic art professional, like a perfect woman in Yuan, is your small person?

He is very high as it is self-told, and he has never married with the youngest associate professor.

In his way, only the talented women like Yuan, who had such a talented woman.

Xiao Bao is too embarrassed!

Looking at Xiao Li, he smiled slightly, "I don't know where you are the art department?"

Xiao Cong said, "It should be considered a literary professional."

Wu Jiangao said, "That will be a good time to listen, there are many professors from all over the world, you will definitely benefit a lot."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Then I have to listen to it, but I think I should have nothing to learn."

Wu Jian was amazed, you are very mad, I don't know if I will tell other professors, what they will think.

When three people talk, I have already entered the academic exchange hall, and there are many representatives from all over the world under the stage, and the Taiwan is a professor and teacher of major schools.

In addition, there are some literatologists from the East China Sea Cultural and Beijing Cultural Communities, some of them are still familiar.

This exchange meeting is quite high.

Just is a rest time, now is the last stage of the communication, the students ask questions, the teachers on the stage will answer one by one, give the students.

In addition, students can also throw their own ideas and let teachers to communicate.

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