King of Entertainment

Chapter 645 Wu Jian's martyrdom

Xiao Jiang is just looking at a place under the stage.

The exchange will start, and the students speak eager.

On the stage, Wu Jian looked at Yuan Ziling, "Yuan Deputy, your boyfriend is the university?"

Yuan Ziling said, "East."

Wu Jiang lived, "Dongda?"

He is also east, how has never heard of such a person.

Despite surprise, he quickly resumed calm, smiled and said: "Can be seen by Yuan, I want him to be very talented."

Yuan Ziling said, "He is really talented, many professors are more than him."

Wu Jian's heart suddenly was somewhat uncomfortable, Yuan Zhiling's meaning felt like him looked down.

At this time, the students with literature are raising the question. Wu Jianxin is clear, suddenly said: "We are sitting in a literary department, and his level is quite high, I think your question, you can answer your questions. "

The student of that literary department is a girl, asking the creation of the creation.

Everyone couldn't help but see Wu Jian's eyes, and the focus of the entire communication meeting has been on Xiao Co.

Wu Jian smiled and said, "You will answer the question of this classmate."

Xiao Chong looked at the girls of the literature, "Sorry, what is your problem?"

Many people have a little dissatisfaction when they are in their hearts. Is this guy to participate in the exchange meeting? It is too polite.

Others have some doubts on the stage, and I am really a teacher.

The girl in the literature laughed, "" The teacher, my problem just, the structure problem. "

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Your question is too big, the specific is a bit."

Many people laugh, not the problem is too big, don't you understand?

The girls in the literature said that "there is a teacher to evaluate my work structure loose, readability is not strong enough."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Do you start writing?"

The girls in the literature are sorry, "Last year, I like Xiao Cong's teacher, so I also want to write, but I wrote that I know is not so simple."

There are very few people who don't know Xiao Chong in the East China Sea. Most of them are naturally known to know Xiaozhou.

Some teachers said, "Xiao Ye has come to the east, I can take you to see him. I still have seen him a few times, I believe that in the friendship of the brothers and sisters, he will definitely help your."

Many students heard this teacher to know Xiao Zhi, can't help but envy.

Xiao Chong is slightly, he doesn't remember this person at all.

At this time, Wu Jian looked at Xiao Chong, "How? What should I answer this question?"

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Some things directly tell you that you will not understand, you want to learn to write, I will give you three recommendations."

The girl is somewhat unsure, you are afraid that there have been never been written, can I give me any suggestion?

If you recommend her awareness, she will definitely accept it, but the Xiao Central is not qualified, and it will not be high than it compared to the level.

Not only that she thinks, many people think this.

80% is Wu Jiancheng, I want to show this teacher. If this teacher is really level, it is not sitting below.

Xiao Co said: "First, learn more to read more."

Many people are happy, is this not nonsense?

Wu Jian also couldn't help but laugh, which is indeed a correct nonsense.

Xiao Chong said, "Second, find your own style; third, ask yourself every day to write a little bit, the pen will not be, you will have a harvest sooner or later."

Many people can't help but laugh, and they are two correct nonsense.

The girls in that literature are also somewhat unsure. She is the genius of their class. She is super high in small literacy, and it will become a paper in the pen. This is needed to teach.

She really wants to say that I need actual guidance, not these seemingly useful nonsense.

Despite the somewhat non-confident, she is still polite, "Thank you teacher."

Then she looked at a literary circle on the stage, "Teacher, can you give me some opinions?"

That big has said a lot of targeted measures.

Such a contrast, more Xiao-boy-talking is a fart.

Yuan Ziling shakes his head. In fact, Xiao Central said that these three suggestions are the most critical, but now these students are so eager to have a good time, and they will not succeed tomorrow.

Wu Jian Dafu, he thought that Xiao Chu should be a bit of something in his belly, but now it seems that Xiao Chong is alive, this superficial person is more conceivable, and the deputy principal of Yuan.

At this time, there are students in the platform, "I am also the students of the Literature," Professor Wu mentioned Teacher Xiao, so I want to say a few words. "

Wu Jian looked at this person. "What do you want to say?"

The classmate said, "I saw a lot of negative evaluation about" Meteor Garden "on the Internet, so I would like to ask you," Meteor Garden "The TV drama script is really so bad?"

Wu Jian smiled and said, "Donghai Drama Academy and the teachers of the Beijing Drama Academy, you said a few words."

Today, the teacher at this communication will cover a lot of professional, as long as the problem is not too drilling, some people can answer.

The professor of a Beijing Drama Academy did not ask Yuan Ziling's opinions directly: "Xiao Capese writes is really good, such as" Dawn Buji "and" Painted Skin "that is hot. But" Meteor Garden "is very general, completely In order to cater to the market. "

The students under the stage began to become turned up, obviously dissatisfied with this teacher's evaluation.

There is another classmate. "I am a student of Jingda Literature. Since I talk to Xiao Chong, I would like to ask you teacher, what do you think of Xiao Chong's literary work?"

The teachers on the stage did not expect the communication failed to evolve into this. They can't help but laugh, and they did not help but feel the influence of Xiao Chong.

Few artists can have such influence in colleges and universities.

Xiao Chong is definitely the first!

Wu Jian said, "I don't think of learning literature, but I think Xiao Chong's literary ability is still, but it is limited to best-selling literature."

In fact, he kicked down to Xiaozhou, a township of a township, actually became the humanity of the East, and the wind also covered him the youngest professor, where he was.

A professor of Jingda nodded, "I agree with Professor Wu's view, Xiao Li's only one can take the hand," Wanli 15 years ", but I think that the historical monograph is not from his hand. "

At the top of the Taiwan, "Wanli 15 Years" is not written by Xiao Teacher? Is this impossible?

Xiao Jiang's eyebrow, Wu Jian, is it? Who is the old man of Beijing? I have to sin him?

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