King of Entertainment

Chapter 657 Stunning teachers

Xiao Meng is full of red.

On the stage, Xiao Jiang has already entered the seat.

The piano sounds.

Everyone's chickens are up.

"This is Xiao Chong's" home "."

"Yes, I have also heard, this is" home ", this piano song can be very difficult."

"It's amazing, he actually bounces" home "."

Everyone was shocked.

Even Wang Ting's mother stayed, this "home" she also popped, but she didn't play it, so she didn't dare to come out, she didn't expect her idol, and there were still people dare to bounce, and This is better.

At the Mid-Autumn Festival, the "Egyptian" of Xiao Chongli is played, but he pressed Xu Lang. "Home" is the name of this song in this world, which is the same as the whole network.

Xiao Meng got up and applauded, "Uncle Come on!"

Everyone smiled, they finally knew why this small shakes would say that her uncle is the first, I am afraid that this piano is really she listening to it.

Yes, even if they also think this piano is quite close to the level of Xiao Chong.

If Xiaomei's uncle can't be said to be the country, the country should be able to enter the country.

One song is final.

Everyone applauded.

Wang Ting mother couldn't help but ask: "Xiao Meng, who is your uncle?"

Everyone wants to ask this question.

Xiaomei looked at Xiao Chong, "Uncle, I don't want to be low, you let them see who you are."

Xiao Baole, took the mask.

Everyone was sluggish.

"Xiao ... Teacher Xiao?"

"Xiaomei's uncle is actually Xiao Teacher?"

"What did we do just now? Actually give him the first place?"

Mr. Hao and others were shocked, and it was a full face.

Can you not be embarrassed?

Xiao Chong can be the first host, a first-line singer, and poetry is actually played a countdown first. If you pass it, the judges are estimated to be drowned.

Wang Ting mother stunned, she didn't expect that her opponent would be derived in her idol.

At this moment, Wang Ting mother is more embarrass than anyone, more than anyone else.

For a long time, everyone came back.

"Teacher Xiao, sign me a name."

"Teacher Xiao, there is me."


Another teacher ran over to find a Xiaoyang signature.

The children are shocked.

"Xiao Meng, your uncle is so good."

"Just, he will write a song, and actually play the piano."

The children were all sprouted, and Xiaomei's vanity was satisfied.

Wang Ting's mother did not pay, running over Xiao Chong, "Teacher Xiao, I just sorry."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "What happened just now?"

Wang Ting mother face is red, "Teacher Xiao, can you help me sign?"

Xiao Caote head.

For a time, parents will become a signature meeting.

It's hard to escape from school.

At the same time, Xiaoyang wrote the songs to be passed on the Internet.

Netizens listened to this "Wuhu Bay of grandmother's family" and suddenly was shocked.

"I went, Xiao Chong actually came out again."

"The melody of this song is so beautiful, I like it too much."

"The ability of Xiao Chong, this song, is really not said, all in all rounds do not have a dead end, what song he will write."

"Yeah, he invincible."

For a time, "Wuhu Bay" of "Wuhu Bay" actually boarded the song search list.

At the beginning, many singers thought that Xiao He has a new single, but after listening to it, all live.

This Nima is actually a song!

The children's song actually boarded the song search list, and a large number of artists were stunned.


At night, Zhanghua Home.

Zhang Hua learned that after the matter, he couldn't help but listen.

Zhang Yuqi played a small head of Xiaomei, "Don't add trouble to my brother in the future."

Xiaomei emphasized: "Is uncle."

Zhang Yuqi headache: "My name is brother, you call uncle, is this not a chaotic set?"

Xiaomei said, "You call you, I call me."

Zhang Yuqi really took her no way.

Xiao Biao, this bear child is indeed very late.

After a meal.

Xiao Jiang returned to Dream Factory.

He wants to write a song.

Several songs of several school celebrations have to be rewritten.

This singer's singer, all of which are DreamWorks, and Xiao Chong, can of course give them a few songs.

The lights of the next door, the Lang'an office is still on, and she is still working overtime.

Xiao Chong went in the past, I wanted to knock on the door and found that they were open.

I am asleep at the desk.

Xiao Jiang took off her coat to cover her, but she woke up.

"Go back and rest." Xiao Yang smiled and said.

"It's still early."

I smiled and smiled. "There have been many things have not been processed today."

Xiao Cong said, "Listen to me, go back to rest."

Ji'an said, "Your boss has nothing to rest."

Xiao Yang smiled and said: "So I am going now."

I still want to say anything, Xiao Cheng interrupted her, "I will send you back."

This time, I didn't stick to it, I nodded.

After half an hour, Xiao Jiang sent Ji'an to the residence.

I took a few steps and turned and looked at Xiao Cong, "I can't sit down?"

Xiao Caote head.

Ji'an is in front.

Xiao Chong follows her behind.

Both people don't talk.

Xiao Yang looked up, suddenly found that Ji'an is really good, aggregation, curve is exquisite.

He can't help but evaluate in his heart, the old classmates are very high, the body is also first-class!

When I was on the building, I felt some awkward. She always felt that her eyes stared at her behind him.

This is also a new home for the first time for the first time.

The decoration is very warm, the hall is mainly blue tune, the open kitchen and hall are connected together.

Now Ji'an is not bad, but she didn't give himself a chamber.

Xiao Chong sat down, Ji Anran, poured a cup of tea, "The preparation of the celebration party is very smooth, there is no leak."

"Getting time, don't talk about work."

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Yes, your parents?"

I said, "Go back, my mother is not used to it."

Then both people didn't talk.

Scene is somewhat embarrassed.

I thought about it, "Do you still remember that we will read the book?"

Xiao Yang smiled and asked, "You have to say some."

Ji'an said, "I remember that you didn't seem to make a book, I didn't expect you to succeed. Actually spend a variety of knowledge, this perseverance is really admired. I can imagine that you must be very important. bitter."

In her thinking, the knowledge in the Xiaocheng's mind is definitely the end of the year, there is no other explanation.

Xiao Jiang Yi, can only feel emotion: "Yes, I will read the book every day, I almost all night, I will not have today's achievements."

Ji Anran said, "This is also a talent. If there is no talented, even if you read more books, it is useless."

Honestly, Xiao Chong has a bit blush.


He has time is better than looking at the little movie.

Ji'an looked Xiao Chu, "You are the best person I have seen."

Xiao Chong's heart is jumping, what is this? Old classmate, you look at me like this, I am a little flustered.

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