King of Entertainment

Chapter 658, Beijing, the news

Xiao Yur is really seen in some palpitation, what is the old classmate in a hint?

Ji'an suddenly said, "time is not early."

Xiao Chong: "..."

I said, "I will send you down."

Xiao Caote head.

Ji'an suddenly said, "Xiao Chong, Red Day Media and Brilliant Media have privately found it privately, and my parents."

Xiao Ye finally understood why it was so quirky today, he couldn't help but laughed. "Do you think I suspect that you want to hop?"

I said, "You suddenly be so good to me, is it worried that I am leaving?"

Xiao Jiang is full of questions, I suddenly been good to you? Just because I gave you a coat? Do I usually do?

I looked at Xiao Chong.

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Don't think too much, I am just simply care for you."

After saying this, Xiao Chong suddenly felt wrong, but he turned to think that the employees were not wrong.

Ji Andon all the people have become easier, smile and say, "You rest assured, as long as you don't want me, I will have been in Dream Factory."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I can ink you, you will be able to do this, okay, let's rest first, I will go first."

Ji'an sent a sentiment to the door to the door, at this time, Zhao Xueyi's call was called.

Under normal circumstances, Zhao Xueyi can't call it so late, unless there is any urgent matter.

After the call, the face changed.

Xiao Chong looked at her.

Ji'an said, "The boss just left the company with me, I told him about the news."

Hanging a phone, she looked Xiao Cong said, "The news came over there, and the Red Japanese media officially undertake the Beijing-China celebration party, and ... for some reasons, the Beijing-China celebration party is in advance, time is the same as Dongda. "

Xiao Biao is a big thing, the celebration is a big event, and Beijing is actually talked in advance, and it actually with the same day.

This is the case of the Red Sun.

Ji'an said, "Beijing's influence is much more than east, the attention is definitely higher than Dongda Celebration."

Xiao Jiang knows what she wants, Jing University can hardly guarantee the first ratio first, and the To Beijing is the day, there is no doubt.

Li Sai Feng, the director of the Entertainment Commission, is from Beijing, and the influence of Beijing is really that the general school can be better, and the East is more than.

Xiao Chong said, "The influence of Beijing is big, but the ratings are mainly watching the show."

Ji Dynasty said, "Do we need to adjust it?"

Xiao Chong shakes his head, "Not needed for the time being."

He estimated that the leaders of the East China and Donghai will definitely let him pass.

Sure enough, Wu Kun, the second day, called it.

Xiao Zhi took Ji'an and Zhao Xueyi went to the East.

On the car, Zhao Xueyi said: "It should be the time adjustment of the Beijing University celebration party."

Xiao Central said, "eight nine do not leave ten."

Ji Dynasty said, "will they change the time of the East Celebration?"

Zhao Xueyi also felt that there is this possibility.

Xiao Cong said, "If you go, you will know."

School meeting room.

One of the leaders of the President of the East China Sea, this leader is Jinghong.

Jinghong looked at Xiao Chong, "What do you heard about the news there?"

Xiao Central, "I heard it,"

Jinghong said, "Talk about your opinion."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I want to listen to the opinions of the view."

Jinghong said, "I have three kinds of opinions, the first opinion, change the celebration time, postpone or delay; the second opinion, modify the program, continue to improve the show; the third opinion, that is, the infine does not move."

Xiao Chong looked at the principal of the East, "Opage of the East Campus?"

The President of the East said, "We are more inclined to the first opinion."

Xiao Cong said, "I personally prefer the third opinion."

East President's eyebrows, "Are you sure?"

Xiao Chong said, "I am very sure."

The President of the East said that "Beijing has basically reserves the first ratio."

Xiao Chong asked, "Who will help them reservations?"

The President of Dongda couldn't help but laugh, "the bar, this is a fact."

Xiao Central said that "DreamWorks before doing" good voice ", many people also say" the strongest voice "should be the first. Before I shoot TV series, everyone said that my TV drama is destined to put the street."

The President of the East said, "Can the variety show or TV dramas compared to Dongda Celebration?"

The East Coronation is a big event for the entire East China Sea, and it is absolutely not a half point.

Xiao Chong said that "the principal wants to have any consequences of the East China adjustment party? Everyone will definitely laugh at the East, think that the East is not as good as Beijing."

Although it is not as good, you can't open acknowledge.

It suddenly challenges the evening time, which is obvious to show weak performance.

In the momentum, Dongda has lost it.

The President of the East does not talk, he certainly considers this issue.

But now he has rid of the tiger.

If you know that the Beijing Conference is adjusted, he will not announce the time of Dongda Celebration in advance. It's okay now, not, it is not.

Xiao Chong looked at Jinghong, "said the deputy, I still a word, my opinion is the third, according to the original plan."

Jinghong said, "Before the leaders said, you should pay attention to you, but pay attention to it."

The President of East and Xiao He listened.

Jinghong said, "Since Beijing is deliberately, then the East must fight for the first rate!"

The face of the President of the East China is slightly changed, this difficulty is very big.

Xiao Cong said, "I started at the beginning of the ratio."

Jinghong said, "From today, you have any requirements to give us directly."

The President of the East, knowing that the leadership is not in Xiao Fang.

The big gods in the East China sea gave this heavy responsibility to Xiao Chong, the school must work together.

Jinghong said, "In addition, the leader said that your program planned enough, but I hope that you will take out two hundred power to come, strive to make better."

Xiao Yang smiled, "I do full!"

After the break.

Xiao He has arrived in the car of Jinghong.

Jing Hong said with a smile, "" Is the pressure not small? "

Xiao Cong said, "It is a bit, but it is not too big, and the red media is."

Jinghong said, "Anyway, the big boss has already let it go, you can do it."

Xiao Caote head.

He doesn't want to take a second.

Jinghong said, "You give me a bottom, can your program plan better?"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Don't question my ability, then say, I don't want to lose to Red Japanese media."

Jinghong finally relieved, he also met.

I took the car, the Xiaoyang back DreamWorks modified the program planning case.

He does have a better thing without picking out.

The next morning, he took the latest program plan.

Zhao Xueyi and Ji'an were shocked, Xiao Chong, this speed is really no.

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