King of Entertainment

Chapter 678 Yesterday, today, tomorrow

Hu Feihua was surprised: "Oops, there is no similar thing about the same thing, there is no similar color gift, but you watch the big mother's wind and rain for so many years, it is very good, I think it is this as ever, It is worth learning from our young people, it is the example of our study! "

Xiao Chong laughs, "Hey, don't learn from us, and two feelings have a crisis."

Hu Feihua looked at Xiao Chong, "before?"

Xiao Chong: "Now!"

Hu Feihua: "What is going on?"

Xiao Chong: "After the reform is rich, we have covered two small buildings. This building covers, she suddenly comes out to be separated from me, saying that she holds her a house to learn foreign languages, and it tells this feelings. It is a distance from the distance. The result is that I am on the building, the distance is opened, beautiful! I don't have to call me every day, call, but also speaking foreign languages: 'Hello Wow, rice is OK, downmi West Bar! '"

"Haha ..."

Everyone is smashed, your husband is really funny.

Dong Qing said: "Do you not tell you? I am with you with you?"

Xiao Cong said: "You are small."

Dong Qing didn't do it. "You don't even look at me in the evening. Every day, I will wait for Yuan Ping, I don't say you pull!"

(Yuan Ping is a famous artist for decades ago.).

Xiao Yucai said: "If you are, Zhao Jianqiang came out, did you go straight?"

(Zhao Jianqiang is a big handsome guy, this world is a famous artist for decades).

Dong Wei said: "Zhao Jianqiang is, Zhao Jianqiang is my heart idol."

Xiao Central said, "That Yuan Ping is my dream lover, I love it!"

Everyone laughed.

It's really a call.

Hu Feihua sweat, "Uncle, this is not right."

Dong Wei was angry: "Don't shoot! When these people, you said this completely!"

Hu Feihua hurriedly advised, "said two sentences."

Xiao Chong is admitted, "Wrong, don't you do it? Still in video!"

Dong Wei said: "Xiao Cui, this is , don't broadcast."

Hu Feihua said to the lens: "This is, don't broadcast!"

Dong Wei is , "it's so older."

Xiao Chong is full of eyes, "Isn't you raised?"

Dong Qing said coldly: "No culture!"

Hu Fei Hua is full of sweat, "I have been in the past for so many years, the wind and rain rain for so many years, in order to watch TV, I think it is not worth it."

Xiao Chong said: "It's not awkward, later even more, this guy put our family's male and female, the members of the two courtesy, and I have to play me."

Everyone laughed, and the members of the East and West? impeach? Your culture is quite high.

Hu Feihua is shocked: "Things are still big!"

Xiao Yucai said: "Well, later after the family's raising, everyone thinks me ..."

He deliberately selling

Everyone watched him.

Hu Feihua is speculated: "Are you right?"

Xiao Chong is booth, "I apologize to her."

"Haha ..."

Everyone is not happy.

Hu Feihua said: "If you apologize this, you must let the aunt say. You must remember what is going on that day."

Dong Wei pushed Xiao Cang and said: "I said with Xiaohu."

Xiao Jiang flocks the eyes: "Let's say it!"

Dong Wei said: "One night, , I have a straight hook, I have a straight hook, and I have to give me the poem."

Everyone laughed.

Xiao Chong's face is red, "Don't say it."

Dong Wei imitated Xiao Li's words: "Ah, white cloud, black soil apologize to you, come to you, please open your eyes, see me more pitiful. Today, how do you repeat yesterday's story, I am an old ship Can the ticket be boarded from your shipbuilding! "

Everyone laughed to shoot the thigh.

White cloud? Black soil?

You don't tease it.

Hu Feihua said: "You see, let's talk about it today, say that it is said that it is too heavy. Let's change the topic. Let's change the topic, imagine a better tomorrow!"

Dong Wei said: "Then, I will think about it."

Hu Feihua said: "You want to think first."

Dong Wei said: "I have a smooth thinking, I am born in the old society, I am growing in the red flag, walking in the spring breeze, ready to cross the century. I have seen it, I have a good idea." I have an idea. "

Hu Feihua is curious, "What idea?"

Dong Ji is a book: "I want to write this book."

Xiao Chong hurriedly said: "Oh, hit. Pull, read the book, you can't see it, you write a book."

Hu Feihua said: "Uncle, now it is hot, write a book."

Dong Qing said: "People Yuan Ping have a book," the day ", my book is called" month "!"

Xiao Baole, "I can brag your cattle, you have to write" month "I also write this book," the wife ", blow."

"Haha ..."

"Repel the moon? Don't tease it."

"Two teasings!"

"It's so good, this package is my best to see it in recent years."

The audience is full of praise to this small item.

The people on the capital, but they can't laugh.

on site.


Hu Feihua said: "The more you say it, the more you don't have to be strong, you will slowly think about this book slowly. Uncle is either, what is your most thinking now?"

Xiao Yao said: "I feel that we are still living now, getting more and more old, the rest of the time is less and less. In the past, the day should be the second, now I am going to lead her. Travel, take a relatively large city, go to Tieling, honeymoon. "


How old are you?

Everyone is crying, tears have laughed out.

Dong Wei said: "I have to find a thinking of honeymoon, I have to be beautiful, put these two front tobits, put a porcelain."

Hu Feihua, thumbs up, "Advanced!"

Dong Yu is headed: "Well, then in the whole, make a pull."

Xiao Bangle, "I took a cucumber."

Hu Feihua, I can't smile. "If you get a pull, take a cucumber, I can only be hot pot. I said that the wine is coming out. In fact, I heard it, my big mom, I want to always be young. Let us together, I wish you a big mother forever, live happiness! "

Hu Feihua said: "When we end this show, according to the practice, we must ask every guest, everyone uses a sentence, and sum up your own inner feelings, the big mother came first?"

Dong Jiyi: "If you have left, a sentence?"

Hu Feihua nod: "One sentence."

Dong Wei asked: "From the heart?"

Hu Feihua said: "Yes, from the heart."

Dong Qing said: "I really want to see Zhao Jianqiang."

Xiao Central is not cool, "Pull it! Dry!"

"Haha ..."

"Uncle, you have to be green!"

"Yeah, I saw a big grassland came over."

Everyone laughed and was in the bleak.

Hu Feihua smiles, "Do people say that they have been from the heart!"

Xiao Jiang snorted: "It's so shameful! Don't do things! Let you say a word, you said this, you are not shame! Don't say it!"

Hu Feihua said: "Uncle either said, a word."

Xiao Chong looked at him, "I also have a sentence?"

Hu Feihua: "Ah, a sentence, right."

Xiao Chong: "Who is reported to the plane ticket here."

"Haha ..."

"Your uncle is your grandfather!"

Everyone laughed.

Hu Feihua haha ​​smiled, looked at the audience.

End of the product.

The laughter has not ended.

After the Xiao Chong, Zhao Xueyi took the synchronous ratings. ??

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