King of Entertainment

Chapter 679 is about Dongda

The synchronous ratings of the East Gate are still leading the Beijing Great evening, which is definitely what people have not been thought of before the evening begins.

First, "Shaolin Soul" level of the program is open, and now it is "Yesterday Tomorrow" this classic, and the measures of the Head of Jing.

"It is said that there are three trings in Beijing, as long as they play these three trings in the second half, the ratings are the first is their."

"I also heard that Beijing's big side has prepared three ace programs, once these three ace shows begin, the ratings can definitely beyond the East."

I don't know where to come out, many people are talking about the three big king programs in Beijing.

Just when the netizen hot discussion on the "three big king programs", the songs of the Big Big Song have begun, it is a song that is singing by three super-class artists - "Welcome to Beijing".

The three major super-class artists chorus songs, I don't seem to be attractive.

What's more, this song is a "old insect" of the top ten praises in Huaxia.

"Old insect" is the top of the Red Sun Media. He is almost written by the first line of art, and each song is a classic. This time, he personally wrote "Beijing Welcome You" equally Lang Lang, the melody is very beautiful.

Many people think that this is the king card in Beijing, but the Beijing-Bian program group said, "The song of the oldworm teacher is good, but our ace show is not" Beijing Welcome you "."

Everyone was shocked, they think this song is already classic, but it is not one of the three big king cards in the Beijing-Daba program group.

East Gate Party.

Wu Mei, Tang Wenxiao and Dong Yuen Tadai.

Original Xiao Cui thought that Wu Mei was not coming back, but she still came back, after two days of constructing, she quickly mastered this song that she was about to sing.

The audience saw Wu Mei, Tang Wenxiao and Dong Judadai, also lit up in front of him, three female singers, what song they will sing?

The Beijing Master.

The "old insect" of the fifty-year-old is also concerned with the Dongda party, see Wu Xiansan to board the stage. He knows that Wu Mei is estimated to sing the new song written by Xiao Cap.

Since the death of Xiao Chong, the top ten gratis people in the word circle, many people say that Xiao Chong is on top ten words, he certainly does not take advantage of it.

He acknowledged that Xiao Cheng's talent was full, but he did not admit it on top of the top ten words.

He wants to see it in the same conditions, his song is not as good as Xiao Chong's song.

Today, this opportunity is coming!

"Teacher, you spend so long to grind this" Beijing Welcome You ", Xiao Chong's creation is stronger, I think it is impossible to surpass you."

"It is, teacher, Xiao Jiang has to do a general director, but also to create, how can he be quiet to write songs?"

Several disciples of the old insects believe that their teachers will win.

Only a person in a worm did not say, quietly looked at the TV big screen.

East Gate Party.

The song name is given on the big screen.

Song: "Meet the East".

Words: Xiao Chong.

Queue: Xiao Chong.

Sing: Wu Mei, Tang Wenyi, Dong Wei.

Everyone glances, "meet the East"? Is this a plate for surprise and "Beijing Welcome to Welcome"?

The face of the oldworms also changed slightly, he did not expect Xiao Chong to write such a song.

Meet the East?

Beijing Welcome to you?

Is this not a plate?

Whether it is a coincidence, the old worm is somewhat uncomfortable, he is going to listen carefully, what kind of song written is a song written by Xiao Chong.

"Haha, this song is very bleeding."

"It is, the old insects wrote a" Beijing Welcome to welcome you ", he actually made a" East ", too interesting."

"This is impossible to be temporarily written."

"I know, I am definitely Xiao Chong, I have already expected it, so I prepared such a song in advance."

"Yes, it seems that this Xiao Co is iron my heart to do it with Beijing."

Everyone is watching the drama.


Music sounded, Wu Mei three began to sing.

"Open the mind to strike the shyness of the spring."

"Dance steps are open to the silence of the winter."

"The warmth of mellow is with affectionate greetings."

"Mianyu rain, bathed, yesterday yesterday, yesterday, yesterday."

"You use warm eyes to welcome me to meet me from the joy of yesterday."

"Come on it, about the East!"

"Come on it, about the East!"

"Meet under the silver moonlight."

"Meet in warm affection."

"Come on, come on the East."

"Come on, come on the East."

"Meet in a sweet spring breeze."

"Meet that forever, Youth China."

"The heart is commemoms."

"Meet the year and one year, no matter the end of the world."

"The heart is commemorated."



"Come on, come on the East."

"Come on, come on the East."

"Meet in a sweet spring breeze."

"Meet that forever, Youth China."

"The heart is commemoms."

"Every year, no matter the end of the world ..."

The song sang, the audience boiled, all warmly.

Wu Mei San's voice is very perfect, can't find any flaws.

The most important thing, this time, the words and composes of the song are all transcended by "Beijing Welcome".

This song is that Xiao Chong is changed according to "Meet 98", and the original sing is king. Philippine.

The Spring Festival Evening of 98, two people sing this song, causing a small sensation.

This song has also been spread all over the north and south of the Yangtze River. It is definitely a classic good song.

The old worms and his disciples don't talk completely.

They lost.

A "meeting the East" and thoroughly slammed them.


Everyone is also talking about this song.

"My college entrance examination also needs to be big."

"I also think, there is such a senior, I must go to East."

"I also need to go."

"Teacher Xiao Wen is too powerful. The most important thing, he also serves as the general directors, general planning, and small products of the East Daba Party ... He is almost a lot of work almost."

"The older worms really planted with the head, and the song he wrote is not bad, but unfortunately encountered Xiao Chong."

Everyone was saddened by the old insects.

What is better than anything, actually compare more songs?

Write a song with Xiao Rong, isn't it to die?

On the other side of the Beijing-China program, I wanted to use "Beijing Welcome to Welcome" to pull near the ratio, I didn't expect to last. Xiao Chong's counterattack is too sharp, let them return to Shenshan again.

The red-Japanese media and brilliant media are also depressed.

The two companies jointly and the party started so long, and the ratings were still behind, it was too shameful. The most important thing, they have the platform of Beijing, and finally lose, this is even more shameful.

Wang Shun dreams.

At very moment, he can only use very means.

Mong, Xiao Chong can't laugh.

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