King of Entertainment

Chapter 688 is unfortunately

Tonight, the closing song of the East Gate is "unforgettable"! This song is a classic song of the world of Xiao Li, and Singing by Li. Valley, singing in the Spring Festival Evening, and fired all over the country.

Although this is the East Celebrity Party, Dao Chong has not changed this song. Because he thinks this can make East Dafa Celebration Party sublimated to another height.

On the stage, Xiao Chong and Zhang Yonglin gang in front!

"Unforgettable, unforgettable ..."

"No matter the earth and the cape ..."

"Shenzhou Wanli is embraced ..."

"I wish the motherland is good, the motherland is good."

"Wishes, the motherland is good."

"Wishes, the motherland is good."

"Say goodbye to this year, say goodbye to this life."

"No matter the new friend and the story."

"Next year, the celebration will be invited."

"Qingshan is in, people are not old, people are not old."

"Qingshan is not old."

"Qingshan is not old."

"Wishes, the motherland is good."

"Wishes, the motherland is good."

The stars sang this song, which is very shocking!

Moreover, this song has sublimated the East Daba Party, and the East University Celebration Gala will praise the motherland through his own "birthday", which is of course the theme of sublimation.

In contrast, the theme of the Beijing Great evening is too far.

The ratings of the East Big Party have been completely opened, and the evening is over, and the synchronous ratings are also fixed.

Xiao Ye won!

The East China won!

Dongda won!

On the other side of Jingcheng, Beijing's leaders collective, and the high-rise of Red Sun Media and Brilliant Media did not talk, their faces are hard.

They didn't expect ... they actually lose.

At the same time, many people on the Internet are talking about this first "unforgettable".

"The sound rhythm is soothing, melodious, the words are kind, far away, close to the public, Lang Lang's top, too high-spirited tension and penetration!"

"Yes, this song is both the evening that will scatter, and sincerely bid, sincerely bid, but also express the unlimited expectations and good wishes to meet the commemoration, with the Chorus of the Church, it is really The aftertaste is endless. "

"Qingshan, green water, the horizon, the cape ... It is easy to understand the lyrics and euphemistic melody, which will definitely make this" unforgettable "becomes a classic."

"Xiao Chong's is as strong as strong," gallbladder "is new," dark fragrance "makes it intoxication, this" unforgettable "really can never forget this night!"

"Dongda Celebration Party, will definitely be remembered!"

"That is of course, it is almost exceeding the spring late."

"There is no survey of the spring evening, it doesn't mean it is not as good as the Spring Festival Evening. It is too many playback platforms in the Spring Festival Evening, too much. If you leave these, the last Spring Festival Evening may not be better than the Dongda Celebration Party!"

Just when everyone discussed, the second batch of surprise gifts of "cutting a knife" finally had to draw!

Many people 's cut a knife schedule has reached 100%!


The second batch of spree categories, the most surprising gift is actually dinner with Zhang Yonglin.

Zhang Yonglin: "..."

He found that he was pitted by Xiao Chong!

Xiao Jiang, this is not to greet him in advance!

The qualification gift package with Zhang Yonglin into the breakfast was stirred into a high price, and there was a rich woman to bid a price of 5 million!

This crazy move is really bright!



At the same time, Xiao Chong has completely become a hero of the East China Sea, after all, if there is no Xiao Chong, Donghai and East, there is no way to win the war without smoke.

"Xiao Chongyang is mighty! I will also go to the dream factory to follow the long!" Some new students in Dongda played a chicken blood, mad worship Xiao Chong, and gratitude.


Xiao Jiang was dragged into a group - Dongda alumni group!

Is the President of Dongda Dry!

There are not many people in this group, and more than 30 people are real name system. Xiao Chong looked at an eye, all of the essays, well-known characters.

"Welcome Xiao Cities into the group!"



The well-known alumni of the East Dafa greets with Xiao Chong.

Xiao Jiang returned a smile: "Everyone is good!"

These people are really big, all walks of business, he didn't say anything wrong.

The well-known alumni in the East Dafa is not as good as the Bo, but it is only relatively far, and all universities in Huaxia, the influence of the well-known alumni of the East China is still very strong.

"Xiao Yang, is amazing! Today you give us a long face!"

"That is," The Spirit of "The Spirit" and "Thousand Hand Guanyin" are asked for me. "There is a big say.

Xiao Bo smiled and cry, "This is really no way."

"Haha ..."

Everyone is happy.

"The famous voice of Dongda is completely played, I intend to establish a booth, all new students in the future, have a chance to get a deep opportunity and scholarship ... I will take 300 million."

"I also have 30 million!"

"Follow it."

"Follow it."


Another big voice.

Some have not provided money, but some more valuable things than money.

In short, all the groups are big.

Xiao He thought about it, "I have 30 million, and the dream factory can provide some opportunities to them."

"Haha, Xiao Xiao is generous!"

"Xiao, the highest level of culture, you give this help to learn a name."





The big gents in the group agreed.

Xiao Chong played the name of the assistance - the Xiao Ci Association.

Zhongren: "..."

East President: "..."

Do you want to say it?

Xiao Jiang sent a smile, "active atmosphere, don't be true."

Everyone smiled.

Xiao Chong issued a new name - Dream Society!

"Don't need too much art, I think the two words of the dream are the best, I don't know what everyone means?"




The big gap in the group agreed.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "time is not early, everyone, the younger brother is sleeping."

He went down to sleep.

The next day, major media reported the news of the Beijing Great Party.

Xiao Chong pulled the Horse in the Beijing major program group in the case of not being optimistic, and it was definitely a news that was worthy of media book.

The media only did not blow Xiao Ca!

At the same time, Qi Wei and Bai Su are also completely fire, and everyone calls them to the dance world!

Indeed, their dance is really shocking!

In addition, Shaolin Temple is also famous for noise!

Everyone knows all over the country that the monks trained in Shaolin Temple is so powerful, I want to go to Shaolin Temple to see.

There are even many people who want to go to Shaolin Temple to learn martial arts, but these people have went, most of them are back from every way.

At this time, Xiao Chong is in the office with the new TV drama with Fei Lin.

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