King of Entertainment

Chapter 689 Ghost Blowing Light Series

Xiao Chong and Fei Lin were discouraged by "ghost light".

Fei Lin has written the literary script of "fine city", and the slight script is all painted.

The thick and one-story information is placed in front of Xiao Chong, so that Xiao Jiang is surprised.

Although I know that Philin is very serious, Xiao Ca did not expect Philin so serious. Especially the slightly lens script, Fei Lin is very fine, plus her painter is still good, it looks pleasing.

Xiao Chong now knows why Philin's TV drama ratings is so high, and people treat each work is extremely serious, and this movie that is filled is difficult.

Compared with Fei Lin, Xiao Bao is somewhat embarrassing, these basic skills are really far less than Fei Lin.

Xiao Ye is seriously overlooking, and I can read "ghost blow light", and she is in place for the imagination of the scene.

After reading it, Xiao Chong looked at Fei Lin nod, "these no problem, how is the risk of checking?"

Fei Lin said: "I brought some important roles."

She handed the information to Xiao Chong.

The most important thing is of course the angle of the iron triangle.

The protagonist Hu81, Fei Lin offers three actors, two two-person lines, a three-line, she suggested choosing the second-line artist Pan Mingheng.

The fat man Kay, Fei Lin offers two actors, a first-line, a second line, she suggested choosing a first-line actor Huang Continent.

Shirley Yang, Fili provided three actors, a first-line, a second line, a three-line, which did not recommend it, by Xiao Chong.

Xiao Central said, "Wang Jie will set up Huang Mainland."

Huang Dalian is the artist of DreamWorks, and the acting skills, it is a line, and it is right.

Xiao Chong is then said, "Shirley Yang is a smart, intelligence, beautiful and sexy role."

Fei Lin smiled, "Dong Qing, Zhou Yu Tong, Bai Su, who do you choose?"

She didn't choose other actors, I picked these three.

Dong Qing, the acting is not good, it is fully able to compete for this role

Zhou Yu Tong, the acting is equally very good, and the beauty is unlikely, it can also be competent.

Bai Su, which can be used as a second-line artist in that year, and see her extraordinary, plus the excellent performance at the East Gate, and the popularity will be competent.

Fei Lin does not give suggestions, it is to worry about trouble.

The ghost knew that these three women were the best relationship with Xiao Chong, so she gave the question to Xiao Chong.

Xiao Central said, "Bai Su."

Philin is curious to look at Xiao Chong.

Xiao Cang said, "Because she has a dance, the physical condition is excellent."

Fei Lin understood that Xueli Yang in the "Ghost Ball" was the passive of the mountain, inherited the moving mount of the family, and there was a certain combat ability.

If you really shoot movies, Dong Ji, Zhou Yu Tong and Bai Su Ten people are undoubtedly the fastest whitee.

In fact, the first consideration of Xiao Chong is Dong Qing, but he thinks it is still not choosing Dong Qing, the shooting condition of this TV series is estimated to be very bad, Dong Qing is still not sinned.

Fei Lin said, "What about the male protagonist Hu81?"

Xiao Chong once again looks three actors' information.

Pan Mingheng's temperament is very close to Hu Bayi. The acting is also good, it is indeed very suitable candidate.

However, this is a big production TV series, and Xiao Co will be fully supported TV series, the protagonist is impossible to be settled.

Xiao Central said, "Try Pan Ming Sheng to try the mirror."

Fei Lin nodded, immediately let the assistant contact Pan Mingheng's agent.


East Sea villa.

Pan Mingheng is doing exercises with a woman.

After the end, Pan Mingheng said faintly: "Roll!"

The woman's body is scholate everywhere, heard Pan Mingsheng's words, hurriedly holding clothes to leave the room.

Just then, his broker called.

"What?" Pan Mingsheng is a bit impatient. He has recently been very uncomfortable, because he met a female artist who knows many years ago to refuse his invitation.

"Born, Philin's assistant called, I want to make us in the past."

"Fei Lin? Isn't she added to DreamWork?"

"Yes, she is now the director of DreamWorks."

"She wants me to shoot TV series?"

"It should be, let's go now, this is a good opportunity, and the TV drama of DreamWork should be very promising."

"Well, you are waiting, I will come over."

Pan Mingsheng scored a small song while wearing clothes. "She is now in the dream factory, maybe we can still meet."


Soon Pan Mingsheng went to DreamWorks and saw Fei Lin and Xiao Chong.

Pan Mingsheng did not expect Xiao Central, it was also, and the pet was thrown, hurriedly took laugh: "Teacher Xiao."

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "I will talk to you, this Dream factory is about to shoot a TV series, and I plan to be starred by you."

Pan Mingsheng was surprised, and he hurriedly said: "Thank you, Teacher Xiao, thank you," "

Fei Lin asked: "Is it" ghost blowing lights "?"

Pan Mingsheng lit up, DreamWorks actually plan "ghost blow light", his favorite is "ghost blowing lights", he nodded: "Teacher Xiao, how can I have never seen it."

Fei Lin immediately made Pan Mingheng show a piece of drama.

Pan Mingsheng began to perform in the case of not preparing, it was very fast, and the performance was very in place.

Xiao Yang smiled nodded: "Yes, Hu Bayi will be played by you."

Pan Mingsheng is overjoyed, which may be the chance of his actor he became a line.

After determining Hu Bayi actors, Fei Lin took Pan Mingheng.

When I arrived at the door, Bai Su came in.

Pan Mingsheng saw Bai Su, couldn't help but laugh: "Don't be innocent."

Bai Su saw Pan Mingheng, his face revealed the color of disgust, and he did not pay attention to Pan Mingsheng, bypass Pan Mingheng left.

Fei Lin's face change, looked at Pan Mingheng, "Do you know Bai Su?"

Pan Mingsheng said, "I am a company that year, I am his brother."

Fei Lin felt that things were not so simple.

Pan Mingsheng said with a smile, "she should have some misunderstanding, fee guidance, I have said a few words to her."

Fei Lin nod: "I am waiting for you outside."

Pan Mingsheng nodded, and then went to the direction of Bai Su.

Bai Su saw Pan Mingheng chased, cold and said: "Roll! I will disappear from me!"

Pan Mingsheng said with a smile, "Master, why will it be so ruthless? We have not seen it for many years, talking a few words."

White is full of disgusting, "I have nothing to say to you."

Pan Mingsheng said, "I was also forced to help."

White is brugging, "Don't take me, otherwise I will show you the matter."

Pan Mingsheng flashed a shilly color, smiling and said, "I didn't expect to have passed so many years, you are still being worried."

Bai's turn is walking.

Pan Mingsheng stared at Bai Su's back for a long time, until Bai Su leaving him to reveal a cold smile and turned away.

After a while, Bai Su was the depression office.

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