King of Entertainment

Chapter 703 found

In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Chong received a phone call from ancient peaks.

The ancient peaks said, "The second thing, humiliate your fans, say no, you can be red, the north, the north, how to wording, you should be more clear than me."

When he finished, he hanged the phone.

Fei Lin can't help but say, "Boss, you must not listen to him."

Others didn't speak, but obviously didn't want Xiao Chong to do it in the ancient peak.

Once this is done, Xiao Yur really wants to be rebellious, and it will take a crack.

What is most important in the entertainment industry? Of course, a reputation.

If the name is stinky, how come it is mixed in the entertainment industry later?

Everyone says that this ancient peak is obviously what you want to make your reputation, how can you go to him.

Xiao Jiang did not speak, he went out to play a call.

"Is it found?" Xiao Chu asked.

"It's a bit difficult, we don't have the best." Han Dong said.

The clue is indeed too few, and the other party only provides a photo, even if the clues in the past few days are difficult to find each other.

However, Han Dong has already a little eyebrow, I believe how long it should be used.

After Xiao Chong hangs, I will take a video.

Soon, Xiao Chong's video is good, pass it to the web.

When I saw Xiao Li's video, Xiao Chong's fan was shocked.

Even if Xiao He is so cold, there are still a lot of fans to support Xiaozhou.

But this time, even the fans of Xiao Chong were hurt.

"Xiao Chu is too disappointed."

"If I will support him in the future, my family is dead."

"Take it! Who will tell me two words in the future, who I am in a hurry."

"Just, what is something, what is it."


Another fan of the fans take off Xiao Chong.

Xiao Dongdon felt that the popularity was plummeted, from tens of millions fell to tens of thousands.

If you want to have the artist who playing multi-person sports, there is no good value to fall.

The happiest is of course Dragon Kun and Wang Shengmai and others.

Dragon Kun did not expect Xiao Chong to die.

Now the "Tomb Alliance" can be described as a diaper, and "ghost blowing lights" has been taken.

Wang Jing dream is incredible, he didn't expect the last person who got a depression, but he would be Xiao Li himself.

Don't he really evil?

Yuan Ziling home.

Yuan Ziling mother is worried, "Is Xiao Xiao really really evil?"

Yuan Ziling called Xiao Chong.

Xiao Chong laughs, "I believe me, I don't have any evil."

Yuan Ziling is smart and smart, and it is said that Bai Su is.

Xiao Cong said, "Don't tell others, I am worried about the mad dog to jump the wall."

Yuan Ziling said, "I know, you are careful."

Her phone just hangs, Dong Qing also called.

Xiao Chong explained again.

Dong Wei smiled, "Now you are already the public enemy."

Xiao Cong said, "saving people is tight."

Dong Wei said, "Is there a thread now?"

Xiao Central said, "Don't tell you first, in case the madman is called again."

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Chong looked at Fei Lin, "You go to rest first."

Everyone has not glared in two days.

Felin is waiting for a bitter, they can't sleep now.


Rental house.

The ancient peaks look at Bai Su, "Why don't I put it on my clothes?"

Bai Su didn't know how to answer him.

The ancient peaks picked up the clothes and handed it to the white matter, "wear it immediately."

Bai's face pale.

The ancient peaks are full of face, "Do you hate me to buy something?"

Bai Su is really crazy, with this madman, she is really afraid.

The ancient peaks stared at Bai Su, "If this dress is gave you Xiao Li, will you accept it?"

Bai Su said, "I don't like men to buy clothes, this is nothing to do."

Ancient peaks, "You don't like clothes?"

Bai Su: "..."

No way to communicate.

The ancient peaks bundled Bai Su, and then locked the door to leave.

He came to a jewelry store.

Women should like jewels.

The ancient peaks are intended to buy jewels.

Once Bai Su has accepted jewelry, it will explain him.

"This is our set of love."

Ancient peaks are self-written, "If you accept it, you will explain it completely."

He returned to the rental house with jewelry.

When I returned to the rental house, the ancient peaks found that Bai Su was gone.

"How is it?" Ancient peaks were shocked, hurried out to find someone.

At the same time, Bai Su drilled out of the bed and ran out and ran upstairs.

The ancient peak suddenly killed a horse.

See Bai Su, he is a face, "Why do you want to go? Don't you love me?"

Bai Su is really crash, and hurriedly ran upstairs.

But the ancient peak is a big man, the speed is faster, soon chasing it up, grabbing her hand, dragging her to the rental room.

White sneakers are shrinking in the corner.

The ancient peaks took out jewels. "What do you bought for you?"

Bai Su did not dare to speak.

The ancient peaks smiled. "This is our set of lovers. You are my bride tonight, we have to enter the cave!"

Bai's face is like a dead ash!




Xiao Jiang is still waiting for the phone of Han Dong.

Xu Shanxiu said, "Can you really find Bai Su?"

Xiao Cong said, "If they can't even find it, it is estimated that no one can find it."

Everyone was very surprised, the boss actually knew this kind of cattle.

Next to it, the police in the province did not believe in Xiao Chong.

A policeman said, "Mr. Xiao, I know that you trust your friends, but I think you should believe that people should believe it."

Xiao Central said, "My friend's ability, I believe."

The police didn't have a unhappy, what you mean, you doubt our ability?

Xu Shanxiu hurriedly played a round field, "A few comrades, our boss also believes you, otherwise he will not take you."

For the head of the police, "Mr. Xiao, the case and the film are different, you may know it very much, but I have to listen to us. We have no a few different cases here."

Others also reveal the color of proud.

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "I really didn't have to doubt you, but my friend should be more professional."

The faces of those police officers have become unheatched, you still haven't suspected us?

Xiao Central is telling the truth, South Koreand's ability and professional ability, and looks at the whole Huaxia is also top.

If you don't say Han Dong, even Han Yan, it is not an ordinary handleman who can compare it.

Therefore, Xiao Cong said that he is more believed in Han Dong, it is really true.

"Hey, then we have to see Xiao Mr. Xiaoyi." A policeman laughed, it was obviously a mocking.

"Just, we have to look at it. How much can he resist, Mr. Xiao is so trusted." Other people attached.

"You should immediately see him immediately." Xiao Cong said.

His voice falls, and Han Dong's phone is coming.

"found it!"


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