King of Entertainment

Chapter 704 True Bai

Rental house.

The ancient peaks have been ready for wedding.

Bai Su is smirk: "What happens to be married."

The ancient peaks said, "Our marriage does not need to pay a marriage, dear, I will help you put the wedding dress."

Bai Su is scared to retreat.

The ancient peaks were approaching, and the whole face was distorted.

Bai's refund has no retreat, she is really desperate.

Just when she wanted to take out the shredded bowl committed suicide, she took the giant rang, some people were broken.

The ancient peaks have not reacted, and it has been pressed in the ground.

At the same time, several men in black uniforms follow.

After Bai's robbery, I was fainted.

Just when Bai Su is sent to the hospital, the command car is inside, several policemen in the province have not had half a temper at the moment. If the friend who is in advance is the person who said in advance is the team of this team, they will be orally.

Han Dong said, "people have been scared, and have been sent to the hospital."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Thank you."

Han Dong said, "Perseve."

Those policemen in the province saw this scene, the heart was shocked, is Xiao Chong? How can I know Han Dong?

Xiao He took the bus and rushed to the hospital.

Bai Su has awakened.

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "You will rest in the hospital in the hospital."

Bai Su shook his head, "We have delayed many days, and then I am fine."

Fei Lin said, "Now it is a matter of urgency to send a message to clarify the previous thing."

Bai Su is slightly.

Fei Lin told Bai Su to take things.

Bai Su looked at Xiao Cang silent.

Xiao Chong is degraded to this because she is very guilty.



Indeed, the number of fans in Xiaoyang now has dropped to the ice point.

Many people are in fun, when the next artist is updated, Xiao Ye will definitely fall out of the artist.

"Xiao Ye is still concentrating on the scene."

"Behind the scenes? I am only afraid that there is no one dare to be with his work."

"Just, if you have a favorite artist award, he will definitely take the first."

"Fast, DreamWorks announced the latest news of Bai Su!"

Everyone went to see the latest news released by DreamWork.

Bai Su is saved!

DreamWorks announced the video of Xiao Li's threat to the ancient peaks and live video.

Everyone is all stunned.

"Bai Su is actually tied by her fans."

"This ancient peak is really a change. State."

"The original words are all he let Xiao Central say, I said that Xiao Ye is like a middle evil."

"He is thinking about the reputation of Xiao Chong."

"This person is too crazy."

"It turned out that we were misunderstood."

"Yeah, Xiao Jiang is in order to save people, actually sacrifice his future."

"Instead, he sacrificed his future, he took his life in."

"Sorry, Teacher Xiao, we misunderstand you."

"Sorry, Teacher Xiao, we misunderstand you."



More and more people pay attention to Xiao Chong and apologize to Xiaozhou.

Xiao Chong's popularity has skyrocketed, actually more than his original popularity value.

"If I have a boss, this boss, I am willing to pay so much for employees."

"Yeah, Xiao Chong is definitely the most selfless boss in the world."

"Give Xiao Congzi and give a dream factory."

"I have no conditional support in the future, I have no conditional support."

"I will never believe it anymore, I will believe it anymore."

"I really feel ashamed for the past."

"" I will absolutely support. "

"We are also, don't push the" Ghost Blowing Lights "," We can't give it. "

More and more people support the DreamWorks to re-broadcast "the essence of the ghosts".

DreamWorks decided to return the "Ghost Lights in the Night" at night.

Red Japanese media.

Longkun is somewhat depressed.

Once the "Ghost Blowing Lights" is broadcast, according to this momentum, "The Tomb Alliance" is only very difficult.

After the "fine ancient city" in the evening, it is so much like it. "The ancient city" has reached the key plot - Liao Jin Tomb.

After reading the plot of "Liao Jin Tomb", the audience is too pleasant, and the special effects of "fine ancient city" are really not covered, and the visual effect is extremely shocking.

The next morning, the ratings of "The Ancient City" directly broke the records of "Liang Jian" maintained, and it was very stunned.

"This is the ceiling of the tomb TV drama."

"Just, Xiao Chong's acting has not said that he is more than enough."

"Indeed, the combination of Xiao Chong and Huang Dorm is indeed very exciting, plus Hu Feihua, this TV drama is really active."

The collections of Liaojin Ancient Tomb have indeed seen the audience very cool.


Xiao He has left the province, arriving in Dunhuang, Gan Province.

When the crew arrived in Dunhuang, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, so he did not hurry to play, but at the hotel.

Bai Xiwei came again. He didn't know that ghosts came to the Xiaoyang room, and she said, "You didn't protect white sin."

Xiao Chong is crying, "Uncle, I will knock on the door when you come in."

Bai Xiwei said, "If Bai Su is there again, I will not let you go."

Xiao Chong: "..."

Bai Xiwei said: "There may be some people to find trouble recently, but I will block it."

Xiao Chong is confused, "Who will come to find trouble?"

Bai Xiwei said, "a few Yangly."

Xiao Jiang is inexplicably, "You guilty of the Yanglyman?"

Bai Xiwei said, "They are coming to Bai Su, when they are, they are going to do it, but I am blocked by me."

Xiao Yang is shocked, "What are they looking for Bai Su?"

Bai Xiwei said, "They want to find some clues from Bai Su."

Xiao Chong is confused.

Bai Xiwei said, "Do you still remember the book?"

Xiao Caote head.

Bai Xiwei said, "The book is actually a password."

Xiao Jiang stunned, he didn't understand.

Bai Xiwei said, "There is also a play in the hands of the Yanglyman, and the game and the book can be found in Bai Su Grandpa."

Xiao Central said, "Since the thing is so dangerous, why do you have to give her."

Bai Xiwei said, "That is the mother of her mother."

Xiao Central said, "You don't seem to turn this person."

Bai Xiwei did not pay attention to Xiao Chong, continue to say, "The grandfather of Bai Su is the first generation of hands after the founding of the country, and even the Yanggang and Korean players are not the opponent of Bai Su."

Xiao Jiang did not expect Bai Su's grandfather, actually a Go master.

Bai Xiwei said, "You are also eyeing it."

Xiao He is a glimpse.

Bai Xiwei said, "They should want to use you to solve the secrets of the game."

Xiao Yang is crying, "You said it seems to be true, I almost believe."

Bai Xiwei said, "Yes, people who want to deal with you, actually hidden in the entertainment company."

After that he left.

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