King of Entertainment

Chapter 705 Zhang Mang people come

Bai Xiwei, Xiao Li, did not tell other people.

The next today's crew is being filmed.

At the same time, the ratings of "the essence of the ghost lights" continue to rise.

The shooting progress is faster than expected, and "the ancient city" can be killed in most half a month.

This day, when they ended the shoot, a beautiful woman came to the hotel where they stayed.

This woman is not someone else, it is a fish!

Xiao Jiang once again saw the fish, can't help but stop.

Philin knows that the fish is the assistant for Xiao Chong, I don't know how to disappear, I thought that the fish was back.

But suddenly they found that there were several people around the fish, and the face was not good.

Fish smiled and said, "Mr. Xiao, this time I come to do a transaction with you."

Everyone glances, do transactions? What did she think?

Xiao Yang smiled and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Fish smashed the white sin, "No matter what conditions you mention, we have to take the absence."

Fei Lin is waiting for people, take away Bai Su? What is this woman's brain?

Bai Su is also very strange, she doesn't remember myself to know the fish.

Xiao Yang smiled, "Are you doing a population. Is it?"

Fish said, "We plan to sign the white sin," We will make her international superstar. "

Red Japanese media?

Fei Lin is somewhat, what is the fish to join the Red Day, and also replace the Red Japanese media.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "said something."

A middle-aged man next to the fish is arrogant, "Why bother to talk to him, according to me, directly grab it."

Bai Xiwei didn't know when he was already in Xiao He, he smiled and said: "You can try."

The middle-aged man saw Bai Xiwei, and his face became very ugly.

In the past few days, he can be hit by Bai Xiwei, this guy is terrible.

Fei Lin and others looked at Bai Xi Wei, all stunned, what is this?

Only Xiao Chong and Bai Su know Bai Xiwei, others don't know.

Fish smiled and said, "We are civilized people, not to fight."

Looking at Xiao Li, she continued, "You open a price, we need the same thing in Ms. Bai Nai."

Xiao Jiang looked at Bai Xiwei, honestly said that he didn't want the book.

Bai Xiwei said, "The book is on me, you can come over."

Fish smile, "We have no exercise from gentleman."

Bai Xiwei said, "Then you don't roll."

Fish smiled, "But we see that Mr. seems very be very embarrassed."

Bai Xiwei said, "So you want to use Bai Su to threaten me?"

Fish Mo said, "We just remind Mr.". "

Bai Xiwei smiled, "Do you believe it? If you have a good thing behind you, I have a way to get close to her."

Fish is certainly do not believe.

However, at this time, Wu Teng static phone calls.

Fish is turned on the phone.

Wu Teng Jingxiang said, "Let's come back."

Fish is nodded.

Wu Ivia hangs the phone.

Fish smiled and said, "Mr. Xiao, let's go first, we will see again later."

Her voice just left with people.

Fei Lin and others have a face ratio.

what on earth is it?

Xiao Yang smiled, "Nothing, what should you do?"

Fei Lin and others can't smile, is it nothing to do if the kind of scene is?

Bai Xiwei said: "Come with me."

Bai Su looked Xiao Chong.

Xiao Central, "I will go with you."

Three people arrived at the hotel.

Bai Xiwei looked at Bai Su, "In fact, I am your uncle."

Bai Suyi.

Bai Xiwei said, "Your dad is a special forces, your mother is an artist."

Deli, some of the combination of special forces and artists? It is too quicker.

Bai Su is also very embarrassed.

Bai Xiwei said, "Your dad is killed by protecting the national treasure, your mother is also implicated."

White is brugging, "Do you think you are shooting TV series?"

Bai Xiwei said, "But because I have been working abroad, I have encountered some trouble, so I lost contact with your mother. Later, your mother didn't know why, send you the orphanage, and then she went to Yang Guo."

White is actually a little, but her face is still very cold.

Xiao Cu is curious, "then?"

Bai Xiwei said, "Her mother is missing."

Xiao Dong is more curious, "What is the national treasure you said?"

Bai Xiwei said, "Tell you that it doesn't matter, it is the twelve zodiac bronze statue."

Xiao Chong: "..."

He didn't expect that the mission of Han 3,000 was actually life.

Bai Xiwei said, "Your mother is called Shen Xinran, you should have heard."

Bai Suyi.

Xiao Chong also stunned.

Shen Xinran's name they kept, twenty-five years ago, it was a super big star.

However, suddenly suddenly disappeared, no one knows where she goes, this is a fan so far.

Bai Xiwei said, "Wu Teng's woman will definitely do it."

Xiao Jiang, "Wu Iviao?"

Bai Xiwei nodded: "Don't look at this woman, if you don't know the yellow family, there is Zhang Zongyang behind you, she has already paid you."

Xiao Jiang did not expect Bai Xiwei, actually knew that he met the yellow family and Zhang Zongyang, this guy really is not simple.

Bai Xiwei said, "Xiao Chong, she will definitely buy you, you have to stabilize."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I certainly stabilize."

Bai Xiwei said, "Take care of white sins, I am gone."

Xiao Central said, "Uncle, you are really walking?"

Bai Xiwei did not say it.

Bai Su looked Xiao Li, "Do you think he is really true?"

Xiao Cong said, "It seems to be true now, at least he is standing here."

Bai Su said, "What is the bronze statue of this?"

Xiao He is also very embarrassed, is there a value of twelve copper? But Wu Teng is not bad.

The most important thing, Han Sanyan actually wants these bronze statues, Xiao Chong is even more confusion.

Bai Su said, "I feel that I have brought you a lot of trouble to you."

Xiao Baole, "Nothing, I am not afraid of this person."

Bai Su is not known to think.


Time is over ten days.

Today is the last play of "ghost blowing light", and it is completely killed.

Original Fei Lin plans to take three months, but they didn't end after two months.

On the one hand, it is because all the scenery is all depicted in advance, and the shooting plan is also the ultimately finalized, saving a lot of time.

On the other hand, in the process of shooting, Many of the Chonda's recommendations have made Philin to save a lot of lenses and save time in invisible.

Xiao Chong has seen too many "ghost blow lights", and how it is already asked for a chest, so these recommendations can be proposed.

Fei Lin didn't know these, so she was deeply bleeding, and she felt that her second-line director was even less than Xiao Chong. ??

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