9:00 on the next day, Beijing Peninsula Hotel.

The new book is about to be released.

Everyone is talking.

"Shen Ranwei sent a new book at this time, which is obvious to report the last time in the East China Sea."

"Just, the last time Xiao Chong's" Bai Night "is a great victory, this time is not necessarily."

"Shen Audiang must once, she wants to be better than Xiao Chong, but unfortunately, Xiao Li has already abandoned the text, she has not arrested opportunities."

"Haha, too interesting, isn't it to say that the DreamWork is already shares a stock ? Does them call each other?"

"That is also the killing of Xiao Chong, Xiao Chong, is absolutely impossible to go beyond the Antifurrant."

"Yeah, if he can't even be more surpassing, talk about Han Jingming?"

Everyone thinks this Qianlimi is a revenge.

At the beginning, Shen Tong to the East China Sea, was defeated by Xiao Chong with a "white night line", and the Qianliwei, who was talented, was absolutely worried.

At the same time, there are also many people who are paying attention to the new book of Agriculture.

This time, there is a few big brothers of the Huaxia.

It is said that this honesty is honest to absorb the temper of the Antimoda, and the focus is focused.

Even rumors say that the big of these work associations intend to recommend Shen Audiang to participate in a week after the Huaxia Literature Award.

The first place in the Huaxia Literature Award is "hurt the city".

Once the ancestralization, it can get a name in this award, such as entering the top ten, then she will not be the same in the literary position.

The big gods of the Association are talking about Shen Ranwei.

"I have seen the works of Shen Ranwei, she is very potential."

"Indeed, young people are the highest in her potential."

"The potential of Xiao Chong seems to be higher, but he only wants to be a big star."

"People have a message, we can't force him."

"I just feel that it is a pity that the Dragon and Zhang Lao are more optimistic about him, but he is not a mud."

"Yeah, this time he is closed, this is not to be called with Lao Han? But he doesn't look at Old Han, what kind of qualifications, what are he called people?"

"It's, this young man is so generous."

"He unless you quit the entertainment industry, and the young and hearts of An An, otherwise, the students of the old Korean are not as good."

"Yes, he just wrote" bright sword "," white night line ", is indeed a strange talent, but now ..."

Several big .

Hate iron is not steel.

Have such a good talent, run to write songs, and have a little gossip in the sky, which is really insult.

The big gods of these Huaxia Site are despised, and the disdain is in.


Peninsula Hotel.

The new book release will begin immediately.

Some new books will be signed in sync today.

On a large screen, the four big characters "also wrote" Guajie Gege ", and note: talented women's Qian Run Wei, the singer's Chopping provides ideas.

People who came to the scene were all.

What does it mean?

Minor Creative Creativity?

We haven't seen a mistake?

Those who have not arrived at the scene are watching before the TV, they are also shocked.

"This ... What is going on? Do you have a creativity?"

The big gods of the Association were also stunned, very surprised.


Unlimited Synchronous New Book "St. Pearl" is released.

Introduction is simple.

The background of the story is the Qing Dynasty. It is a story that a girl goes to Beijing to find the emperor's father.

This brief is simple and rude. If it is not written, it is really not a few people will come in.

Many network authors are also paying attention to the new book of Shen Ranwei, and they have also rushed over.

One of the authors called "Saudi" has already taken it.

He is the base author, the income is slightly, relying on a small white "Entertainment First Day Wang", so the super popular author releases a new book, and he will go to the study.

"Xiao Jiang provides ideas? Shen Ranwei personally handles?"

Shatom is curious, it looks at it.

After reading the little swallow, he was born behind the palace, he praised it, when he wrote a book review: Xiao Chong's creative novelty, the magnificent words of the embarrassment, let people be full of eyes, it is a feast!

His book review was reproduced by many people, because the evaluation is good, soon spread throughout the network.

Especially the readers of Xiao Chong and Shen Ranwei, but also praise this evaluation.

"This network is written, but the eyes are very poisonous, and the evaluation is also very popular."

"It is, this idea is too novel, and then with the embarrassment of the temple, it is simply a feast."

"" Guajie Gege "is actually a rare double-owner, this is really a bold innovation of Sudo Village."

"I said, this idea is Xiao Ca."

"Then let the people in the scene will ask, maybe this is just a head."

On the scene, I will have readers in the past.

The dynamic martial arts, "" Gui Zhige "set, as well as some rough plots, and even Ziwei Gege, Xiao Yanzi's still Pearl skin, is a Xiao Chong."

Everyone heard that Shen Ranwei admitted that it was shocked.

Is it in a pen?

A female fan can't help but say, "Jun Sister, how can you pay so much for a slag man, worth it?"

Dawway: "..."

Many people laugh.

The temper is so laugh, "Don't misunderstand, I just feel that this is a pity, the guy of Xiao Jiang also said that his writing is not allowed to control this type, so I only pat."

Those who want to see the lively are very disappointed.

Speaking of good love to kill?

Speaking of good Shen Ranwei to make Xiao Chong's face?

The work of saying good Qianwei is going to crush the work of Xiao Chong?

This Nima is not written by Xiao C, but also a little bleak.

The Huaxia Society and the big shite also looked at the "Pearl Princess".

This is really exciting.


How can you join us?

There is no one to do this in the cultural circles!

You are completely destroyed!

Several big of the Association is very angry, even if this is better, they don't buy it.

Cooperation, this is absolutely not allowed, this is in the industry.

"This is auspeted with Xiao Hei, it is too disappointed."

"Yeah, they are in the creation of it."

"Xiao He is in the rules of the rules."

"Xiao Zhi, this person, the villain, hateful!"

"Shen Ranwei, no matter how you can't let her enter the work of the association, if she can work together, it is an insult to the Association."

The gods of the Huaxia Site were omniscovered.

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