King of Entertainment

Chapter 714 is the upcoming

This time, the big gods of the Huaxia Association were really angry. They were originally intended to find Shen Runwei, but now they completely gave up Shen Move.

"" Guide "is a shame!"

"We will never admit that Qianwei and Xiao He are writer."

"Huaxia Society will never recommend them to participate in any award!"

Many major literary awards in China, only the Huaxia Songs Association has the opportunity to participate, did not get the recommended letter, and even the qualifications of these awards did not.

That is, even after the Xiao Chong wrote a decent work, there is no chance to participate in the Huaxia Literature Award, and there is no way to participate in the World Literature Award.

I don't know who I have passed the words of the Association, and more people know this.

"It's okay now, Xiao Cong is going on, he can't prove that he is better than Han."

"Yeah, Han Jingming, the first person, the first place of the Chinese Literature Award, Xiao He wants to prove that he must take this year's Chinese literary award head name, but now he has no chance."

"Who let him destroy the rules, even if they cooperate, they can't tell it."

Indeed, in addition to Xiao Chong and Shen Ranwa, there are many people doing this, but everyone did not say it.

The old man in China is very disgusted with this matter. Now Xiao Chong hits the muzzle, and no one can help him.

The group of this group of old men, no matter how big the background behind you, they should be jealous, and they criticize they will criticize, no one wants to constrain them.

Say that I'm too arrogant.

Xiao Li is really no way in this time.

Dawway is also.

This kind of thing is rooted, of course, but what is it? She never thought about what Huaxia Zie Association, and didn't think about it with the old man with stinky temper.

Anyway, I will send a new book, and some people will still see it. It is enough.

This is the idea of ​​Erlogre.

She didn't want to be a Wenhao, I would like to write quietly.

As for Xiao Chong, Shen Audiang doesn't have to ask, this is more than him, and it is impossible to put the old man in the eyes than him.

Indeed, after the Xiao Code is finished, I saw the news about being blocked by Huaxia, he smiled, I really didn't take serious things.

His readers are urgent, and they will leave a message below his Weibo.

"Teacher Xiao, don't be discouraged! Be sure to write new writing!"

"That is, what is I can't participate in the Huaxia Literature Award? We support you! We all buy something!"

"Yes, you must insist on writing new writing, we look forward to your day."

"What is" hurting the city ", but we believe that you can write better than" hurt the city "."

"Xiao Chong, don't stick to it!"

The readers have given Xiao Chong.

At the same time, the unlimited chief post message is given to Xiao Chong, "Teacher Xiao, I am an unlimited summary."

Xiao Jiang replied to a smile.

The editor-in-chief said, "Teacher Xiao, when your new book is expected to release? Ma has said, give you the best publicity resources."

Xiao Cong said, "the morning."

Director: "..."

Don't make it good?

The morning?

Don't you have a joke? You have to write, but you have to surpass Han Si, you will write it now, what is this?

What good works can you write in three days?

The summary has a laugh, "Teacher Xiao, you don't have a joke."

Xiao Central said, "I am serious, I have already finished writing. And this is not long, it is about 200,000 words."

Director: "..."

More than 200,000 words three days, you are fucking than the speed of the small white writers on the Internet, you can write the gods?

The summary laughs, "Teacher Xiao, can you disclose a little confidence in advance? I will help you in advance."

He was originally expected to Xiao Chong's new hug, but now he is completely dead. Xiao Li is completely self-self, it is almost impossible to write anything.

Three days 200,000 words, nearly 70,000 words a day, and the people who have genius cannot write a good work.

Xiao Central said, "My new main is the story of marriage."


The editor-in-chief is crying, then the word "marriage" is propaganda.

He will arrange it right away.

Soon, unlimited promotion begins - Xiao Chong's new work, marriage, and see famous poets, authors, singers, historians ... How to create a new situation in marriage.

Everyone looked at the recommendations all laugh.

poet? Is the author? singer? How do you feel ruthless?

Marriage class?

Xiao Chong actually wants to write marriage? Is he crazy? This transformation is not too big.

Yes, before Xiao Chong either writes military, either write suspense, never written a marriage class. Besides, the marriage class is a small type. Many things are rotten, and there is no new idea.

"Xiao Yu is really not written, what kind of theme is there!"

"Just, marriage? Do he get married? Dare to write marriage!"

"Yeah, how does Xiao Chong do not write suspense? His money is good at suspense, what do he want to do?"

"Perhaps Xiao He wants to break through itself."

"Break through a wool, what is the use of breakthroughs now? His opponent is Han Jingming, he doesn't have to write something that you are good at, actually think about breakthrough, this is not a deadline?"

"Marriage? I really smile, Xiao Teacher can't play away."

Everyone is very very unhappy for Xiao He wants to write marriage.

In everyone, Xiao Yu is really looking for death.

"Strange, why is it started now? Xiao Chong did not write new?"

"Just, this only two days."

"Maybe it is propaganda in advance."

But the dream factory also released a message, Xiao Chong's new work will be released at 10 o'clock.

Everyone is all shocked.

acquired? In other words, Xiao Chong is just written for three days? I am going, this is too exaggerated?

"Three days? Is it a short?"

"There is no way to take the Chinese Literature Award."

"Do you know that there is no way to participate in the Huaxia Literature Award, so it is a short story."


"Oh, I didn't expect Xiao Teacher who gave up with Han Jingming."

Many people are unfortunately unfortunately.

Han Jingming saw a sneer after the news, "" This news is still a self-knowledge! "

His students have started to shoot horses, but they didn't blow him to the sky.

At the same time, his readers fans are there.

Xiao Yang really gave up, he also knows that he has a few pounds! "

"It is, he still has a self-knowledge."

"He is still peace of mind when his big star, don't take yourself as a cultural man."


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