King of Entertainment

Chapter 723 Shuk and Beta

Before the lens.

Xiao Chong is smiling. "Honestly, I have never been so nervous, this is my first time."

All kinds of snows in the bar, you will be nervous.

Tang Wenyu took the lead to send a flowers.

Now is a fairy tale live, she has not passed the mother's identity and cannot brush the gift, only flowers that don't need money.

All artists in DreamWork are all sent flowers.

The little white rabbit is there, many people have started brushing gifts.

"Welcome everyone to come to my live broadcast again. Today, the story brought to you is" Big Bear Two Bear "340th episode ..."

The little white rabbit is smile, the sound is sweet, and the skill is very high, not a poor, very infectious, very appealing, and you like it.

Although just starting live, she has already boarded the top ten of the present gift list.

Everyone can't help but feel that the little white rabbit is very high in the live broadcast platform.

At the same time, Long Aotian said in the bleaching of Xiaoyang, said: "Xiao Chong, the gift list is enough to prove that you are welcome to be welcomed by the child, the list of points will directly react directly to the end Not being welcomed by children, so you can't get a good fairy tale today, you will wait to plant heels. "

The leader is needed, but this is nothing to do with Dragon Proordism.

He is provocating Xiaoyang.

He is an irritation of Xiao Chong.

He is waiting for Xiao Zhi to be angry.

There are also people from the onlookers, and many people are waiting to see the jokes of Xiaoyang.

The first gift list, the second point praise list, the third synchronous ratio list, the fourth personal heat list, these four lists, Xiao Chong wants to win three, then he is a thorough loser .

No one is optimistic about Xiao Co, can win the little white rabbit, because the first gift list and the second point praise list, almost unaffected by the identity of the Xiaozhou first-line artist, there is no way to intervene at all.

By the way, there is a fairy tale feature list outside the platform.

Now, the first place on the hot list is "Big Bear Two Bear".

Xiao Yang smiled, "Today, the story brought by the children is" Shuk and Beta "."

His voice is also very appealing and affinity.

This is the basic ability of a professional host.

Since the face is a young child, there must be affinity and appeal.

Everyone, "Shuk and Beta"? What is this story?

The closet is to listen to the name. Everyone can't hear what the story is a story, you have to truly tell the story.

Xiao Jiang's magnetic sound rang in the live broadcast: "One day, Shu's mother said to the little mouse Shuk: 'Shu, you are big, you can go out to find something to eat'."

Many people, small mice Shuke?

Some people laugh, "imitate the dragon proud of the sky, and the creation of the manification."

Many people say that Xiao Chong seems to be .

"Shuk is a small mouse living in Huaxia. He has been in the hole after birth, and has never been playing."

"This day, Shush's mother told him while grinding his teeth, you can take him out in this morning, first recognize the road, and he will go herself later. He is very happy.

"Shu Koke also learns her mother to molate. He loves to eat good things. Every time I brought him back to him, he eats no enough."

"In the night, Shush came out of the cave with his mother. Shuk was shocked, because he saw a very large house."

How many people are criticizing Xiaoyang, but the children in front of the computer are attracted.

"Mom, this big brother said the story is really interesting."

"Mom, is there a mother?"

"Mom, don't you say that the mouse is a pest?"

"Dad, will the little mouse will be caught?"

"Hey, the little mouse will be eaten by the cat? Hey ... Don't, so pitiful."


Many children are very interested in this story.

Xiao Chong is still infected.

"Shuk's mother warned Shush, be careful!"

"Shuk strangely asked her mother why Mother could not speak loudly? Shuk's mother said to him, for our mice, speaking outside the small voice."

"Mom also tells Shuk, that is a wardrobe, it is a writing desk, it is a computer, that is a bed. Shuk looks tired, he thinks this world is very interesting."

Xiao Chong learned the voice of Shuk Mom: "This cabinet is most useful to our most, it is full of delicious, called refrigerator. But it is always close, you have to find a chance. Now, let's go to the table, there is a peanut Meter."

Xiao Chong went to change a tone and said a white: "Listen to peanut rice, Shuk's saliva flows quickly, he climbed the table with my mother, sure, there is a sprayed peanut, Shuk I have a big mom. "

From the storytelling skill, the little white rabbit is completely crushed.

Dragon Otimi and the Human Face of Chen Chuhe are gradually gaining.

The ability of Xiao He said that this story is really too strong. The most crucial story is really interesting.

Indeed, now even a lot of parents think this story is interesting.

With Xiao Chong's voice and facial expressions, everyone seems to have seen a mother and child.

In an instant, the role of Xiao Chong's shape in the story is very fresh.

Suddenly, Xiao Jiang wakes up: "Thief! So small, learn to steal things!"

He changed his voice and then screamed: "Don't face things!"

Everyone is stunned, are you performing a mouthful? Too bad!

Xiao Ye continued to replace the soothing side: "Shuk was frightened, he took a bird in the window sill, there were two parrots in the cage, a blue and one green, just what they would Say. "

"Listening to people, he is a thief, Shu Ke blush. He looked at my mother, my mother continued to eat like I didn't hear it."

"Mom see Shu Ko doesn't eat, ask him why not eat?

"Shuk asked my mother, is we calling this?"

"Silly children, what to steal, our mouse generation is like this. Don't care about them, people selling our horses are the least straight. Eat."

"Shu Koke has eaten two peanuts, he thinks that today's peanut is not as good as the past."

"The next night, Shuke himself came to find it. He came to the writing desk, but the peanut is not seeing. Shuk is preparing, the blue parrot shouted - the thief came again!"

"Really, what kind of mother is there," Xiao Chong learned the tone of the parrot.

"Hu said! My mother said that we are not a thief!" Xiao Chong learned the tone of Shuk.

Everyone seems to be immersive, and the world that is completely shaped by Xiao Co.

So, there is constant parents to give a gift, soon, Xiao Chong rushed to the top ten of the gift list, so that he is about to surpass the little white rabbit.

Dragon proudian and others have a big color.

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