King of Entertainment

Chapter 724, Shugu and Beta

"Lying in trough, power, Xiao Teacher is chasing Xiaobai Rabbit!"

"Teacher Xiao's personal heat has risen to 20 million."

"The synchronous ratings between Xiao Teacher's live broadcast has risen to the top ten."

The fans of Xiao Chong are excited.

"Shuk and Beta" are simply the god of fairy tales. "

"Just, did the Dragon proud one write this story?"

"Shuk came out, Tama? Is Beta is also a mouse?"

Everyone is curious.


Xiao Co-board faces, learn to speak the blue parrot: "Is these things that you are working?"

He then transforms the tone: "This ..."

"It's not your labor, it is stealing! Hey, your mother will not only steal, but also clean, the clothes in the wardrobe are bitten by her!"

"Shuk did not expect his family's reputation so bad, he wrote his own, did it, born, it is a mouse! Shuk cry."

"Shuke is reluctant to be a thief, he decided to leave the home, go outside, exchange food through labor."

Hearing here, many adults are stunned, this is not just a fairy tale.

Even those who originally want to find the work of the Association are also silent. This is really not a simple fairy tale, and its educational significance is too big.

Xiao Chong's live broadcast is still going on.

"Shuk looked in the bedside home on the bedside, it has a red plastic propeller, Shuk once seen the helicopter from the hole in the house."

"This day, the window is open, the helicopter stops on the bedside table. Shuk quietly drilled into the plane, this helicopter's cabin is quite big, except for the driver sitting, there are two rows behind chair.

"Shu Ke remembered the words of 'mouse over the streets, so he decided to install it, let people see that he is a mouse."

"Shu Ke took the pain and pulled the beard. He put on the flight service. Wrap the tail in the waist. Shuke saw a toothpaste on the bedside table, he ran over the cover and squeezed out many toothpaste."

"Everything is ready, Shush is sitting in the cockpit, put on the flying cap, saying to yourself, now I am not a mouse, is a pilot Shuk!"

"He opened the launcher, the red propeller turned, and it turned, the faster, the helicopter left the bedside table."

"Shuk driving a helicopter in the house, he also deliberately wiped the bird cage, when he saw the parrots could not recognize him,"

Everyone heard here, more interesting to the story of "Shuk and Beta".

What happened next to Shu Koke?

Can he find it on your own?

He will be discovered by others? Is it a mouse?

What will his end? Will he be disappeared?

Everyone's heart hangs.

Children are also worried, they have already entered the role of Shock.

They are like Shush, under the shelter of Mom and Dad, there is no way to leave home.

They are also eager to think about Shuke, their driver planes go out to see the outside.

This is the gimmick of "Shuk and Beta", which allows children to have a sense of resonance and generation.

So, Xiao Chong's gift, praise the speed of rapid, and continuously surpass another net red.

The nets of all live broadcasts are shocked by the chin.

"Nima, this is too fierce?"

"Just, don't you say a fairy tale? As for?"

"Yeah, he is not a cross talk and fine, not singing."

Many nets are not unconfil.

Xiao Jiang, of course, does not know this, he is still silent in the live broadcast.

He suddenly called: "Help! Help!"

He went into the soothing rhythm: "Shu Koke suddenly heard the shot on the ground, Shush, it was an ant in the water, he is struggling."

"Shu Koke hurriedly opened helicopters to the water, and then manipulated the plane vertically."

"Shu Koke explored the plane and shouted me to save you. He hovered the plane in the air, only two inches away from the surface. Can there be no rope on the plane, the ants come up?"

"Seeing the little ant, Shu Koke suddenly remembered that he had tail. So he hurriedly solved the pants, solving the tail from the waist, opened the plane door, and stretched the tail to the water."

"Little ants grabbed the tail of Shuk, climbed the helicopter, saved."

"The little ants rubbed the water on the body, say thank you. Shuk live so big, Shu Kedi heard someone to thank him, he was very happy."

"Shu Ke sent home to home, see the ant king, the ant king thanked him, I want to thank Shuk, Shuk said no, but it is unbelievable, said that I am a bit ... hungry."

"Under the anthop order, take the highest-end food to enroll S Shugk."

"Soon, hundreds of ants carried many rice granules. The bread slag was put in front of Shuk. Shuk was eaten, really blamed, he felt that these things were still fragrant than peanuts."

"Shuk said to them after eating, you have anything else, come to me to help, I often fly here."

"The ant king said, we also welcome you often!"

"The little ant with a crying, you can come often!"

"Shuk's heart is also sour, but he dare not cry, if the tears rushed away, people recognize that he is a mouse, who is also care!"

"Shock drilled into helicopters, rushed to everyone, took off."

"Dear children, today's story is here, tomorrow, remember to watch the story of" Shuk and Beta ", who is Beta? What kind of story will he tell you?"

Xiao Jiang smiled and ended today's live broadcast.

Everyone watched the gift list, all shocked.

The gift list is first!

The red anchor bird of even the bucket is not more than the boy.

Everyone watched Xiao Chong's heat, more than 50 million, almost broke the highest thermal record of the big bird.

Then, everyone will look at the list, and the Xiao Chong also got the first.

Synchronous ratings is not used to say, Xiao Chong has also soared.

Everyone is stunned.


Extremely ferived!

The first day of the Chow-Central, the returning newspaper, actually won the data of such a counterfield.

The most important thing, Xiao Chong is completely unknown in the field of singing, if it is in the field of singing, is it still going to go against the sky?

Dragon arrogantly is not convinced, cold and cold, "The fairy tale thermal list has not been updated."

The first is still him now.

In general, the hottest list is slightly slow, and it may be equal for half an hour.

He doesn't believe that Xiao Cong can go beyond his "Bear Two Bear", this is his peak.

Many people have went to see the latest list of fairy tale.

Can you surpass "Big Bear Two Bear"?

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