King of Entertainment

Chapter 754 Chapter Tongda Game Department for help

The latest list of the top ten comic masters announced!

The ranking is not divided, Xiao Chong appeared in the first place, nationality is Huaxia, representing the "Thousands of Qianzhu", "One Piece", "Detective Conan", "Crayon Shinchan".

After learning this news, Liu Sheng Qiandao fainted.

After the domestic people learned about this news, they were excited and rushed to tell.

Prior to this, no one thought of Huaxia to have a comic master. This is not only a breakthrough of zero, but also realizes the quality leap.

The highest happiness is of course the people of Tianyu Technology. When I first made a dream factory, I was a good chess, such as today, I have become a world-class anime company.

Delicious, "" Thousands of Thousands of Thousands of Search "Anime Production Do you need more time?"

When the comics version of "Thousands of Thousands" came out, they have begun to work overtime, and everything is made in accordance with the requirements of the movie level.

"It should be released as scheduled next week."

"Thousands of thousands of hunt" is ready!

The news was opened, many people in China were very expected, but they had a variety of awards, and helped Xiao Zi became the work of cartoon masters. I have to take a look.

The pre-sale of the box office of "Qian and Qian" begins.

This time, "Thousands of Qianzhu" has no opponent, and the box office pre-sale will be brought to billions directly the next day.

At the time of "Qian and Qian" box office pre-sale, Tengda Group invited Xiao Co to the company.

"Xiao, I will come, I am actually to give us another propaganda program." The Deputy Site of Tengda, "Our new game is coming soon, but the current situation is somewhat unfortunate. Golden games are obvious than our more popular. "

Gao Li people's idol drama and game market are too big, even if it is still not inferior to Yanggang anime.

Tenda's secondary industry is the game. The development of recent years is also true. After all, they have Tenda communication, which can flow.

However, Tengda's game still didn't do the Korean game, the Korean game is too strong. On the one hand, people's games are really good, and in other hands, people's star fans are also promoting local games.

Boutique game + idol star promotion + electronic competition route, which has created hot in Korea.

Tengda is not a star, but the effect is not very good, that can only explain a problem, their game itself is not very good.

Tengda's deputy general with Xiao He to the game department, they quit this game called "Zombie Corps".

Xiao Jiang has some accidents, the zombie design in this game is very similar to the game that he has played in the past, and some other scenes are very similar.

However, it is only!

The difference between the two games is too large.

Tenda This game is obviously more than that of his birth.

Xiao Chong used to play games, he did not say much, try to play this game, honestly say this game is really very general.

He looked at Tengda, "Is the Korean game have been put?"

The largest game platform in China is a 999 game platform, which can be found in all domestic and foreign games.

Tengda Deputy Conference, "It's useless, but the basic information of the game We have."

He allowed the secretary to take the information.

Korea's game is a web game called "New World." Only from the information, there is basically no highlight of "New World".

No country can be sure, "new mainland" is a strategy game.

The "zombie team" is obviously the work of the heat, and the "Zombie" is released, and Tenda will make a "zombie team".

Xiao Chong now understands that Tengda will come over, it should be because he is a zombie theme's nose, you can give them some suggestions.

Although Xiao Jiang does not understand the game, but he has drawn a game production skill, and now it is a place to use.

After he enabled skills, there is a full understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of "New World". Of course, he also has a further understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the "zombie team".

He suddenly had some ideas in his heart.

Just when Xiao Chong's information, Tengda's game team is also next to it, and it is a bit uncomfortable in the hearts of a foreman to guide them.

Xiao Chong is really successful in the entertainment circle, an electric circle, and the literature circle is very successful, but this is a game circle, a completely different field, do you know a game's production process?

Xiao Yi naturally didn't know what these people were thinking. He looked at the Deputy Standard of Tenda. It can be solved. "

When I heard Xiao Yang, the people of Tengda Games were black, and we made a hard work. You actually gave it to you. You although it is the company's shareholders, it is also a founder of zombie theme, but you can't So humiliation us.

Tengda officer and said, "Xiao always feels that can be improved?"

The people of Tengda Games also looked at Xiao Chong. They would see what opinions can be made.

Xiao Chong said, "The" Zombie Team "is not single, but it is too conservative."

The people of the Tengda Game Department were pulled, we were too conservative? you sure?

Their creative concept is at least for many domestic game companies for three or five years. Now Xiao Li, the outer team, actually said they are too conservative, how can they endure.

Tengda's deputy is strong, "I don't know how to do how we should do? Now" New World "will be in the market, the fastest two weeks, big changes, we don't have much time."

They were pressed for too long, this time, I wanted to compress YX's airweight, and I couldn't be dragged to a new game after a few months.

In fact, Xiao Jiang did not know that Xiaoma's gorge will soon participate in the activities, and they have been humiliated. Pony has always wanted to revenge.

"Zombie team" put so much money, now it is absolutely not able to change, because the little horse will never agree.

Also, the people of the game department will not agree.

After all, Xiao Chong is just a line.

"I think" Zombie Corps "should be changed, completely gave up the previous game plan!"

Xiao Bang is not amazing, "With the" zombie team "foundation, plus a mature planning, with Tengda's strength, two or three weeks should make the game."

"Zombie Team" is still reserved, so there are many times in invisible.

He feels feasible, but the people in the game department are unhappy.

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