King of Entertainment

Chapter 755 Planning Games

"Da Xiao, I know that the zombie theme is you created, but we are also very worrying when we make this game."

The manager of the game department said that "Your" I have a date with zombies "and" Zombie "we have seen it."

Tengda Vice-General Haha smiled, "Xiao, they are indeed very serious," Zombie Team "Every detail they are doing very serious."

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "You listen to my game planning first."

Everyone glances, your game planning? Do you invite you to engage in publicity? How to become a game planning?

Will you do the game?

Many people in the gaming department are amused, you actually want to taught us to do things.

Tengda, deputy, feeling that Xiao Ye is joking, "Xiao Chi, this game is also understanding?"

Xiao Chong said, "I understand it."

Tengda Game Department managers couldn't help but laugh, "Xiao, this game plan is needed to repeatedly, I think you still go back to check the information, then learn more about the game industry, this is probably better."

Tengda's deputy is also very euphemistic, "Xiao Chi, Roofu said yes, the water in this industry is very deep."

Xiao Cong said, "No, planning I have thought about it."

Everyone: "..."

Xiao Cong said, "I will talk about my ideas first."

Everyone smiled, since you want to say, then we have to listen to what you can say.

Xiao Chong said, "I still recommend a zombie theme, but add some plant elements on the basis of zombie theme."

Everyone has a face ratio, adding plant elements? What do you mean?

Xiao Central said, "Zombie invasion, players to resist zombies is planting plants, dozens of plants, each have different functions, such as cherries, can release, bomb, group attacks, there are zombies within a certain range. For example, the flowers, it can eat close to your zombies, in short, players can plant plants for different types of zombies. "

"By the way, the type of zombie is also composed of many complications, this point is unable to match your settings. Different zombies have different weaknesses, so different kinds of plants need to cooperate, this is the key to game victory ! "

"The game can also be divided into multiple modes, such as adventure, survival, small game, garden, etc. according to the gameplay."

"This game, integrated instant strategy, tower defense war, card collection, etc., you can increase, in addition to this ..."

Xiao Chukai said.

The more surprised the game department, the more surprised it, and finally only admire.

This game is too much better than their "zombie team".

Tengda's deputy general also grew up his mouth, completely shocked, he really didn't expect Xiao Central to make such a good game planning.

When Xiao Chong said, Tengda's deputy coach took the head to applaud, and the Tenda Games also applauded.

The manager of the Tenda Game Department is full, "Xiao, I have to apologize to you, you are experts in this area, I still have a lot of things to learn to you."

Others are very embarrassed, but laughing is that they actually doubt Xiao Chong.

Deputy Standard of Tengda, "How long does it take to complete the gross plan?"

Rooli said, "If Xiao Pei said, we can complete it up to three weeks. After all, we have found it before."

Tengda Deputy Conference, "Take Time."

Roman is nodded.

Did not continue to bother them, Tengda's deputy director went to Ma Tengda's office.

Tengda's deputy chief said that after listening to Ma Tengda, Ma Tengda was also shocked. He didn't expect Xiao Chong to do games.

Why is the gap between people and people so obvious? Pony has always feels very smart, but it is worse than the Xiao Chong.

You look at people, it's written, it's writable, it's acting, but also a director ...

Xiao Ma Ge said, "The younger brother, the entertainment circle really no need to bring it, let's do it together."

Xiao Chong shook his head, "Entertainment career can also be big."

Xiao Ma Ge said, are you reluctant to entertain the racket?

Xiao Cong said, "Ma total, say the truth, YX's type of game, Tengda can take the game, the game."

Ma Te Tengda also knows this, but he has no way to change, and Tengda's game business has developed.

He looked at Xiao Cong said, "That group greetings are too arrogant, you look at it, I will overdo them for upon five years."

Xiao Chong looked at him, "Gao Li people have sinned you?"

Ma Tengda said, "Last time our game takes the brilliance, the Golden people have not given us a good look."

Xiao Yang smiled, and the little horse appeared to be stimulated.

Indeed, the Golden people do the game Trick, this is the Oriental Confirmation, and the game production team of people is also very famous internationally.

Ma Te Tengda said, "In fact, we can go deep into cooperation, is Tianyu Technology is not yours? I have wireless, and Tenda communications and Tenda games, plus your dream factory, in fact, I can integrate resources, forming a industrial chain. "

The little in the wilderness is very big.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Master's idea is good."

In fact, he also has this idea, even though he doesn't understand business, but also knows that if you can really integrate these resources, it should be a good thing.

Ma Tengda saw Xiao Zhi agreed, couldn't help but laugh, "Then I wish us a happy cooperation."

Xiao Chong said, "Happy cooperation."

He is intended to be completely handed over to Ji'an, and he has no thoughts.

His dreams are very far!

What is wrong with a big star?

At this moment, the secretary of Ma Tengda was knocked in.

Ma Tengda looked at Xiao Chu, "The younger brother, the artist of the DreamWorks can fully promote your new game."

My new game?

Xiao Yang is crying, "I am relieved, I will tell them."

After going back, he let the dream factory began to promote the new game of Tengda Group.

Tenda Group has also begun to promote.

Tenda communicates with the name of Xiao Chong, pushed the user to the user.

Tenda new game, Xiao Chong, the master's work, the painstance, and look forward to!

Everyone is somewhat, Xiao Chong produced?

Is this Xiaoyang? Is the Xiao Chong?

It should be the same name.

Xiao Li has just created a comic, and it should take a break in a while, and it is impossible to go to Tenda production game now.

The most important thing, I have never heard that Xiao Cong will make games.

Moreover, this is the master of the master, Xiao Chong is not a game master.

However, Tengda has promoted a message, and everyone suddenly shocked.

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