King of Entertainment

Chapter 756 Anniversary

Tenda's new game plan is Xiao Chong!

Not other Xiaoyang, is a singers Xiao Chong!

Everyone is really shocked, Xiao Chong actually ran to plan the game.

"Teacher Xiao is too unusual. If he has time, can he still take a TV series, or write a few songs."

"Just, you have to update the artist's list, is Xiao Teacher not anxious? He is now the first line, and then further entertainer."

"Teacher Xiao, this is a master, and it is invincible in the animation field, so running to the game field to challenge difficult."

"What is the name of Xiao Teacher's new game?"

"The name seems to be called" plant war zombies "."


""Plants vs. Zombies"."

Many people smiled and cry, the name of this game is also too wonderful.

How do plants with Zombie Wars?

Are you teasing us?

Indeed, this game name is too quiet.

"When I saw Xiao Teacher is a line, the game name is not hot."

"Let's take a look at the new game of Guli," New Tian Shen Continental "."

"Just, the smoke of the grandeur is released. Play, said that their game is called" New World ", I think it is surprising, and now I have changed the name."

Indeed, now the Korean new game has officially started publicity, and the name is used is "New Tian Shen Continent."

"Oriental male is the spokesperson of this game, we say what we have to try."

"It is said that the beauty of the era is also the spokesperson of this game, hey, otaku welfare, you don't miss it."

The beauty of the times and the Oriental will be two major teams, now hot, they endorse "New Tian Shen Continent", the game does not have to promote excessive promotion.

"New Tian Shen Continent" has not landed in the 999 platform, many players have appointment in advance.

The "plant vs. zombies" makes a lot more relatively little, although Xiao Yizhen is a big star, the popularity is comparable to the super popular artist, but he has not done a game after all, and the senior players are not high.

Only the bones of the bones of Xiaoyang are willing to try to play.

Although Xiao Ye has mobilized the artist of DreamWork to promote this game, it seems that the game players are a bit not bought.

No way, although the star brought the traffic, most of their fans are still more sensible, will not do something because of your words.

"Plant vs. Zombies" is a little bit of the name, plus it is Xiao Cong's planning, so advised a lot of people.

YX Company's manager is also paying attention to the game on the market, and see Tengda Group actually find a foreign party to do game planning, he is almost smiling.

"No one is Tenda?" Huaxia District manager laughed, "If they don't have this talent, I will give up the game."

There are many people to shoot a horses next to them.

"Indeed, Tengda is originally doing instant messaging. Now I really want to do games, they don't have the amount of ourselves."

"Tengda will do his instant messaging, really think that there is Tenda communication this traffic weapon, can they be successful?"

"In fact, in addition to NVIRK, other game companies are not so, it is also difficult for Tenda Group to feel that they can success, because Huaxia's game production level is low."

These gorges completely see the Huaxia game industry.

The Tenda Group of this world is also doing instant messaging, but their game business is really not going to start, and there is no fierce in the past.

YX's Huaxia District manager is extremely arrogant, "" Don't pay attention to Tengda, in accordance with existing program promotion games. "

He didn't put the "plant war zombie" at all.

At this time, his secretary said, "Cui Manager, Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I invite us to participate in their activities, this is the anniversary of their group's 30th anniversary."

Three Kini Company is the head office of the 999 game platform.

Huaxia District Manager nodded.



DreamWorks received an invitation from Sanjiu Group once a week, they want to invite the artists of the dream factory to sing, Xiao Chang is oriental girl and F4.

Sanjiu Group is a big company. In addition to inviting some companies in the industry, many artists have been invited. After all, this is the 35th anniversary of the Three Nine Groups.

In addition to DreamWorks, the seven entertainment artists, he almost all.

the next day.

There are companies and artists to travel to the peninsula.

The reporter and the people who came onlookers also have people outside the hotel.

At that time, when I arrived, I made a scream in the crowd.

The beauty of the times is really beautiful, all of which are big long legs, and the skin is unlikely.

The Oriental Muli has come, and it also caused a mistake.

Ma Tengda came with Xiao Chong.

After the car, Ma Tengda said that "the three-nine groups of shareholders are Net 100 million. At present, the biggest domestic game is them. However, in addition to their own games, other homes, the promotion resources they give are not More, so far, it is far less than. "

Xiao Chong looked at Ma Te Tengda. "I think you can get a game space in Tengda communications, and make some small games in the game space."

Ma Tengda is bright, "This is a good idea, but we have no good games."

His game business has just started, and there is really not much game.

Xiao Yang smiles, "mahjong, chess, etc. can be put in it."

Ma Tengda, immediately exposed the color, "You pay attention to it, let me go to the company."

He used to really consider the game platform in the communication space.

Xiao Chong said, "I will give you a game planning again."

Ma Tengda is big, "Then I will wait for your good news."


Xia Mengli three people and Xiao Heng are chatting with four people.

Since the "Meteor Garden", the F4 is red, which has become a combination of hot men in China.

Despite this, they are still very polite in front of them.

Who don't know, the smallmons have used the boss's bodyguard, that the relationship can be very close.

In addition, Xia Me Li Li was saved by the boss from the gangsters, and he had a tribute to the boss.

Only Cao Yuer, this Korean woman seems to have no relationship with the boss.

At this time, Cao Yuer looked at the distant era, "a group of chicken."

Xiao Heng is separated from four people: "..."

This Cao Yue is also enough.

How did the beautiful woman become a group?

Does Cao Yun have a hatred with them?

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