King of Entertainment

Chapter 757 Orouse Orouse

Just when Xiao Heie guess, the Cao Yueer and the beauty of the beauty of the times did not have a hatred, Ma Tengda saw the high level of the Three Nine Groups.

Xiao He didn't follow.

"Yun, we met again."

The beauty of the times came over, and the captain of the head smiled, "I didn't expect you to join Huaxia's entertainment company."

They actually know.

Cao Yueer glanced at Lin Min, "I am very familiar with you?"

Lin Min smiled and laughed, "It is really unfamiliar, and I have read a few years."

At this time, the Oriental will come over.

Song Menglong, the captain of the Oriental, gave birth to Xiao Chong, smiled and said, "Sensitive, this dream factory has a lot, since you know her, you can remember to remind her."

He was previously packed in the service post, but this time he was not afraid of Xiao He, but also actively provocative Xiao Chong.

Xiao Chong is some accident, who gave Song Menglong so big counsel?

Lin Min couldn't help but laugh. "Don't you think you are very noble? It is not the same."

Cao Yueer is laughing, "Who is the lower person? I feel disgusting."

Xiao Heng and others were shocked, what is going on?

Xia Mengli and Xiaomo also doubtful.

Song Menglong bruises, "Tell someone, say anyone?"

Cao Yueer looked at Song Menglong. "You are just a dog of my Cao's family, actually dare to bite."

Song Menglong laughed, "I am not the artist under Cao Jia, I am now in S.B."

Gaoli three entertainment companies, S.M, S.B, S.x.

S.B's strength is not better than the other two, and they are even more foreign countries.

In the whole year of last year, the Korean Gaoli idol drama of Huaxia is almost half of this company.

The beauty of the times is the company's cultivation. If you can't think that the Oriental Muli is actually dug in this company. It is no wonder that Song Menglong is no longer afraid, because Cao Junji has constrained him.

Before he was done by Xiao Cang, the wolf is so wolk, and now I will see Xiao Chong again, and he naturally reports an arrow.

Cao Yun laughed, "" It turned out to have another dog, it is no wonder that dare to bite people. "

Song Menglong has a sink.

Lin Min said, "Dream Dragon, don't be angered by her."

Song Menglong is light, "I am relieved, I will not."

Lin Miner looked at Xiao Chong, "Xiao Chi, fire Cao Yue, as long as you fire her, I am willing to give me a dream factory, you will make me play your TV drama."

In her opinion, the famous girl in their era, Xiao Jiang must know how to pay.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Do you think it is a TV series that you can play a dream factory?"

Lin Min's face change.

Xiaomo and Xiao Heng have been separated from others.

Lin Min's face is more difficult.

Xiao Chong is bruising, "A Gao Li people, actually ran to Huaxia to teach me to do things, really ridiculous."

Lin Min's face is sinking, "Xiao Chong, don't regret it!"

She is really angry.

Xiao Chong is too lazy to pay this self-righteous woman, directly left.

Lin Min gem was shaking.

Song Menglong suddenly exposed a smile, "Sensitive, a vice of Sanjiu is not wanting to ask you to eat?"

Lin Min is a flash, and I don't know what bad idea is thinking.



Xiao Chong looked at Cao Yun, "Do you have any enemies?"

Cao Yuner said, "Lin Min has a relationship with my uncle and the brother."

Xiao Jiang Yi.

Xiao Heng and others showed a disgusting color.

Xia Mengli stayed, she didn't expect Lin Min, will be such a person.

Cao Yueer said, "She is my classmate, we will enter the company, but then there have been some things, she uses me."

She did not continue to say it here.

Xiao Chong did not ask.

At this time, Ma Tengda's face is hard to come.

Xiao Jiang, "Horses, what happened?"

Ma Tengda said, "Sanjiu does not intend to promote our game."

Xiao Cong said: "Is it a fixed?"

Ma Te Tengda, "It is their deputy profite."

At this time, Lin Min looked at Xiao Chong in the abroad, and she was the deputy general of the Three-Year Group.

Ma Tengda did not understand what was going on, Xiao Chong suddenly understood, he looked at Ma Tengda, "Ma, maybe I am tired."

This should be confused by Ma Te Tengda.

Xiao Central said, "The ghost that the Korean girl is engaged in, I have just happened with her."

Ma Tengda shook his head, "Even if there is no such a beautiful woman, they will not focus on our game, they are worried that I do the game business."

Tenda communications is very cattle, but far from the promotion, what can be fired.

Especially in the field of game, Tengda's promotion capacity is really no way to follow the three nine.

Ma Tengda said, "I will not continue to stay."

Xiao Jiang Yi.

Ma Tengda said, "Your proposal is very good, I will go back to study now, the next step, Tenda wants to do their own game platform."

Xiao Cong said, "Game planning, I will give you as soon as possible."

Ma Tengda nodded.

He just wanted to go, Cui Manager and Song Menglong and others came over.

Xiao Chang also flashed.

Cui Manager said with a smile, "Ma total, we met again."

Ma Tengda leather smile, "Yes, we met again."

Not long ago, I would like to join the event, that is, this is deliberate, and he will not forget.

Cui Manager is laughing, "Master, where is the" plant war zombie "? Why don't you introduce it."

Song Menglong looked at Xiao Chong, "Cui Manager, he is the person you said."

Cui Manager looked at Xiao Yang smiled. "Singing to play games, the span is really big, no wonder you can think of the name of the plant war zombie, it is impressive."

He is naturally not in the praise, but is ridicuing Xiao Chong.

Xiao Heng went to the face of Xiaoyu and others, and the tone of this Korean man made them very uncomfortable.

Although they don't think Xiao Cong can make a decent game, Xiao Li is their boss, and they are of course not willing to see others to humiliate their boss.

Song Menglong laughed, "Cui Manager said yes, I first heard the name of this game, and was attracted by this game. Xiao boss is worthy of writing, this is really nothing to say."

Cui Manager's red wine glasses, "Then I will wish the new game of Maicong in the summer."

When you kill the red wine, he smiled and left.

GM Tengda is ugly.

Xiao Central said, "Ma, we don't seem to be humiliated."

Ma Tengda turned over, "It's not as if it is, it is really humiliated."

Xiao Central said, "I am a bit unhappy!"

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