King of Entertainment

Chapter 797 Chapter of the Magic to Performance

Song: "There is a cloud in the wind."

Words: Xiao Chong.

Queue: Xiao Chong.

Dong Wei slowly moved.

"There is a cloud in the wind."

"A rainy cloud."

"The clouds are all in the heart."

"Drip is all you."

"There is a cloud in the wind."

"A rainy cloud."

"The cloud is hurt in the wind."



"Blow, blow, blow up and full."

"I can't find a silk pity."

"Floating a lot of miles away."

"Waiting for your return."



"Every time I think of you again."

"The wind is in the wind ..."

Dong Wei's delicate voice, the extreme movement of this song.

A woman like an infatuation tells his feelings.

Many people are idling, the melody of this song is too beautiful.

"Dong Qing is worthy of Dong Qing, this singing is still as good as ever, the key sing is emotional."

"The song written by Xiao Chong is better."

"I really envy Dong Qing, Xiao Chong wrote a lot, but basically gave Dong Qing."

"Yeah, Xiao Chong's song is basically gave Dong Qing."

"You don't look at Xiao Chong and Dong Qing's relationship."

Many people are envious of Dong Zai.

Many people seek Xiao Chong's song, she wants to have.

Dong Qing's song is over, the host said to the audience, please appreciate the magic performance.

The curtain is dragged.

When the screen is raised again, a plane appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone is, what is going on? Not to perform magic?

Just then, the cabin was opened, and Xiao Jiang came down from the plane.

Everyone is another, what is going on?

"The magician is actually Xiao Chong?"

"What magic he wants to perform?"

"Is it related to this plane?"

Everyone is exciting and curious, exciting is that Xiao Central is really playing, curious is that Xiao Chu is going to change what magic.

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "The next magic is very magical, everyone must not blink."

Everyone is happy, where is the magical?

Xiao Cong said, "The next thing is the moment of witness the miracle."

He raised his hands, and the staff put the curtain.

The light is on.

Under the public.

Xiao Cang said, "I will change the plane to the plane."

The audience was stunned.

"how can that be?"

Buffling. "

"Just, how can such a big plane may say that it is gone."

Everyone does not believe this is true.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Please don't blink your eyes."

Everyone did not blink.

The two heads of the curtain are open, everyone can see, so it is impossible to move forward or back, that is, it is impossible to drive.

Of course, the plane is more impossible to fly.

After ten seconds, Xiao Central said: "Rising the curtain."

The curtain rose.

The plane disappeared in air!


"How is it possible? I really disappeared!"

"Is this too fake?"

"What about plane?"

"How does the plane disappear?"

"Is it my eyes?"

Many people are incredible.

At the world of Xiao Biao, this magic is very famous, but this world has no one has done.

So everyone is shocked.

Xiao Jiang smiled: "Everyone must have not read it, there is still a magic."

Everyone is more expensive.

Xiao Cong said, "If the next magic fails, everyone may never see me."

Everyone was stunned.

A huge water cylinder appeared on the stage.

Xiao Chong walked into the box along the ladder.

The staff took the lens to let the audience have seen it clearly, and there is no such as water outside the water cylinder.

Everyone still didn't understand what Xiao He wanted to do anything.

Xiao Cang said, "I will lock yourself, the key is left outside."

The audience was stunned.

This is really dead.

Backstage, Dong Ji and others have changed.

This magic has no rehearsal, so they don't know that it is so dangerous.

At this moment, the Xiao He on the stage has been tied, and the key is also placed in the box.

In addition, Xiao Jiang only wore a panty, and the body could not hide what unlocked tools.

Xiao Chong is put into the water tank, and the water tank is also covered with black cloth, sealing.

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, 30 seconds ...

Everyone's heart is hung.

Once failed, Xiao Cu really accident.

One minute.

Two minutes.

Dong Qing can't help but say, "Sadly save people!"

Tang Wenyi and others have no way to stay calm.

The audience is also anxious.

Yuan Zhiling mother did not dare to see.

Yuan Ziling was also anxious.

Suddenly, the snoring sounded, the water cylinder was pushed away, and Xiao He was drilled out.

The people finally greeted, and then applauded.

Dong Ji and others are also relieved.

Yuan Ziling mother couldn't help but a sentence, "How can this Xiao Xiao kids with your life?"

Yuan Ziling comforted, "Mom, he is afraid of being dead, will not kids with his life."

Her heart is blaming Xiao Chong.

on site.

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "In addition to performance of magic, it is only a bit of a chance, showing a figure, must have a lot of male compatriots, I am still going back."

Everyone haha ​​smiled.

Xiao Jiang returned to the background to change clothes.

Zhao Xueyi came over, "" Synchronous ratings broke 35%. "

Others are shocked, this ratio is too horrible.

Everyone looked at Xiao Chong.

If it is not a Magic show, the ratio is estimated to reach so high, and now it is now in advance.

I thought that Xiao Chong as a total director actually actually played the magic. Everyone couldn't help but have some embarrassment, and the heart said that we didn't have enough!

At the same time, everyone is on the magic of Xiaoyang.

"It's too much, actually changed the plane, how did this do it?"

"I also want to know, how did this do it."

"So big plane, actually disappeared, too much."

"If Xiao Chong has been born for decades, he has changed the enemy's plane directly to the enemy's battlefield. Our war is not so difficult."

Everyone laughed.

"The water tank escapes, I think it is."

"It's, the water cylinder escape is really powerful, how did Xiao Chong come out?"

"There is no key in the water cylinder, which is sure, the people in the scene have been checked."

"Maybe it is a wire we can't see, isn't someone unlocks with wire?"

"Are you funny? If you have this thing in the water cylinder, you will lose you, do you see it?"

"Just, don't just fight guns, admit that others are very good?"

"Yeah, Xiao Zhi is really powerful, no one wants him to go to perform magic."

"Yes, the most important thing is such a cow's magic."

"Observed, completely served!"

Many people are conquered by the two magic of Xiao Li.

These two magic are the most cattle in the years, no one.

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