King of Entertainment

Chapter 798 Chorus

Xiao Chong's magic performance brings too big to the audience. The next few programs are also very good, but everyone still feels unable to surpass the Magic of Xiaoyang.

How expects to be Xiao Chong again.

Many people have called to the Spring Festival Evening program, which strongly requires Xiao Chong to go up again.


Miao Wei told Xiao Chong in this matter.

Next, Zhang Yonglin said, "Isn't there a song? It is better to sing together."

Others are also attached, "Yes, Xiao Gui, you will go to step with Zhang Tianwang."

Xiao Chong shook his head, "no."

He can perform magic, but other programs can't be on, because he only directed.

Zhang Yonglin took Xiaozhou's shoulder and said, "How? I am afraid to keep up with my rhythm?"

Xiao Baole, "I am afraid that you don't sing well."

Zhang Yonglin smiled, "Then we go up to comparison?"

"Xiao Gui, go to step!"

"Xiao Gui, go to step!"


Everyone took the opening.

Xiao Chong will finally nod.

Outside, Zhang Hua got news, laughing and said to the audience, "The following is to bring Zhang Yonglin and Xiao Chong to bring a song to the father of the world."

Everyone was surprised, Xiao Chong finally played.

Many people are curious, will this be a song? It is actually brought to the father of the world.

Xiao Chong and Zhang Yonglin goes at the stage.

There is a song information on the big screen.

Song: "Father".

Words: Xiao Chong.

Queue: Xiao Chong.

Everyone glanced, the song is actually called my father.

Zhang Yonglin opened first.

"Always ask you, but I have never said thank you."

"Until growing up, I know that you are not easy."

Xiao Chong came to sing.

"Every time I leave, I always decompose."

"Smiling and talking, turn around and tears."

Two people chorus.

"I want to be the same as before, I will take you warm palms, but you are not in me, let it go to Ankang ..."

Many male spectators on the spot, especially the male audience of Dad, all.

This song……

I rarely have the song of my father, especially so moving songs.

Many people have some red eyes, and they are touched by this song.

The stage lets the songs continue.

"Time time is slow."

"Don't make you old again."

"I am willing to use everything."

"Changing your years long."

"Dad who is strong in a lifetime."

"What can I do for you."



"Time time is slow, don't let you get old."

"I am willing to use me to change your years long ..."

"Is it your pride, still worried about me, your child cares ... Growing up ...

"Thank you for having you all the way ..."

Zhang Yonglin and Xiao Chong sing, the audience continued to applaud.

"Thank you Xiao Chong, my mother has, my mother has, there is no father, now we have finally have a song."

"Yeah, no one has written songs with my father's perspective, thanks to Xiao Chong, in fact, we are also difficult."

"Xiao Chong and Zhang Yonglin's singer are top, this song is too good, they don't have done their father, but their injection is extremely sincere, this is the ability to have a first-class singer."

Many people are conquered by Xiao Chong and Zhang Yonglin.

Not only the father, many young people are also moved by this song.

"We usually care too little about your father."

"Yeah, my father is also very difficult, the whole family is supported by my father, but we usually care too little about him!"

"Thank you for the song!"

"Yeah, thank this song, thank you Xiao Li, thank Spring Festival Evening!"

Many young people have been poured by Xiao Coici.


After the song of "Father", the singer's singer came to the stage.

Xiao Jiang returned to the background.

Zhao Xueyi laughed, "The boss," father "this song is completely fire, you and Teacher Zhang's cooperation is too perfect."

Zhang Yonglin smiled slightly. "I brought your boss to formal, he almost ran more than."

Everyone can't help but hold.

Xiao Yang laughed, "That is, the king is the king, I will be a bit of magic, singing that is the secondary industry, and I am a little bit."

Zhang Yonglin: "..."

Where do you degrade yourself?

Xiao Chong looked at Zhao Xueyi, "How much is the synchronous ratio?"

Zhao Xueyi said, "37%!"

Everyone took a breath.

In this way, more than 40% is not difficult.

40% is definitely a watershed, who wanted to break this chance, and it is difficult than Deng.

The show is still continuing.

Oriental girl combination and F4 also debuted, as the most popular men in Huaxia and women, they settled, not as super-class star.

Xiao Jiang's song to them is "Let the world full of love", this is a classic good song, the most crucial it is suitable for many people.

"Gently hold your face, dry your tears, this heart is always you, tell me no longer lonely ..."

"Deeply focusing your eyes, don't need more languages, holding your hand tightly, this warmth is still changed ..."

Although the singing skills of oriental girls and F4 are not top, but they have never heard of this song.

Xiao Cheng is too powerful. The music genius has been difficult to describe him. His songs in this evening are completely different styles. It is nothing to listen to it yet, it is too much. "

"Yeah, theory of writing songs, no one in Huaxia is his opponent."

"If he can't enter the first line, then the superline is too water."

"On the writing of the song, Xiao Ye is the king of the king!"

More and more people are conquered by Xiao Chong.

The Spring Festival Evening is such a magical stage, a small role can fire, let alone Xiao Chong is the general director, is a general planning, a magician, a singer!

The song is still going on.

"We are with joy, we have to endure."

"We are looking forward to the same expectation."

"We are all wind and rain, we have pursued."

"We tremble with the same love."

"Gently hold your face."

"Wipe your tears, this heart is always you, tell me no longer lonely ..."

"We are happy, we are with endure, we are in the same expectation ..."

"We are all wind and rain, we have pursued, we tremble with the same love ..."

"Oh ... year-year year ..."

"Oh ... we go to tomorrow ..."

When the song is over, everyone has hit it.

Oriental girls and F4 fire all over the Chinese!

The synchronization rate of Spring Festival Evening is directly 40%!

When the Spring Festival Evening was taken, the Spring Festival Evening directed by Xiao Chong created a record that was almost impossible to have people to break.

However, the Spring Festival Evening is not over!

The miracle is still going on!

Xiao Chong's Spring Festival Evening, still possible to create a higher record!

Everyone is looking forward to this moment.

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