King of Entertainment

Chapter 799 is an unforgettable

11:30 in the evening.

It is half an hour from the end of the Spring Festival Evening.

The Spring Festival Evening of this year is too exciting. Many people in previous years are doze-off, and even many people have insisted not 11 o'clock, but this year, everyone is still in a state of excitement.

Because the show is too exciting!

Other Spring Festival Evening programs can only look like it.

Today, Xiao Jiang let everyone know that there is no one to be more than him.

"After this person does this person, we will broadcast it in time."

"Yeah, this doesn't matter to compete."

"Don't use other artists, you can take the first one by your own and DreamWork."

"The East Central Celebration has proved his ability, this national Spring Festival Evening gave him such a big platform, he played his ability to the limit, in which case no one will be his opponent, he is invincible. "

Xiao Jiang makes many people admire, more desperate.

Previously, there were brilliant media and Red Sun media and Xiao Cai called Board. Now even the brilliant media and the Red Day Media did not say.

Moreover, this spring will not only be the DreamWorks of Xiaoyang, and there is also the artist of Huadian, is equivalent to tealing with Hua Xing.

In this case, it is really impossible to have that company will be a bleak opponent.

Now, everyone wants to see that Xiao Chong can finally take more high ratings.

Time will soon be twelve.

The last show started.

This is the only program that appears before, but everyone still likes.

Song - "Unforgettable".

Sing: All Spring Festival Evening Artists.

All artists are going to stand up.

Under the stage, I don't know who took the lead. All the audience also got up and sang.

At the same time, the audience in front of the TV is not singing with the autonomous follow.

The Year of the Ox ended in a "unforgettable".

The people who collect five blessings also started with a $ 10 billion at the same time.

"Lying, I got 530 yuan."

"me too!"

"Haha, no white hard work."

"Thank you Xiao Yang, others grab Wu Fu is for entertainment, I grab Wufu is really poor."

"Haha ..."

Many people can't help but hold.

"This year's Spring Festival Evening is definitely the first in history."

"It's, the leuks should not be with my bar."

"If this is not the first Spring Festival Evening in history, what kind of Spring Festival Evening can be counted in history?"

This time, this no one is questioning the historical position of this spring.

At the same time, the final ratio of the Spring Festival Evening also came out.


"Lying, I didn't see it wrong?"

"It's too fierce, how can the ratings so high?"

"It's too exaggerated, this is terrible."

"I can only say, Xiao Culi is better!"

"On the show, everyone is slag in front of Xiao Chong."

"50% of the ratings, who is fighting?"

Everyone really served.

I don't accept it.



Spring Festival Evening program group.

Xiao Bao is really tired.

Even the Chinese shadow art people who have advice on Xiao Cong have been revealed at this moment.

Indeed, Xiao Chong completely let them service.

"Selling to create history with Xiao Gui, is our honor."

"Yeah, our Hua Sha 3 is also one of the creation of this history."

"What is Xiao Gui's movie?"

"Xihong City's Rich". "

"Although this movie is only used for ten days, I still feel that I should not be bad."

"Yes, I don't think it is bad, I must go see."

"me too."

"I have to look at it."

"I have a proposal."

Miao Wei said that "all the artists of Hua Sha 3 help Xiao Gui to promote this movie."

"I agree."

"I agree."

"Haha, this is no problem, I will send my Weibo to my fan support."

"So are we."

"The director of Xiao Gui is definitely the top of Huaxia, his work, even for ten days, it is absolutely impossible to be crude, we believe in Xiao Gui."

Although it is already the early morning, Hua Xing's art people still took out the mobile phone through various channels to promote the "West Red City".

Don't underestimate the influence of Chinese 3 artists!

Although the biggest wrists in them are just a line, they have a lot of friends in Hua Sha 3, and they follow.

In the morning, many people went to the cinema to buy movie tickets.

Although the pre-sale of the box office has ended, the pre-sale box office of "Xihong City" has not improved, but many people have a feeling, the box office of "Xihong City's richest" will be exploded!

The movie is released at 7:30.

At 6 o'clock, many people have been waiting in the cinema.

All artists of DreamWorks bought tickets!

Two people in Zhou Xinghe and Fan Wenli also bought a ticket.

"People who see our movies seem to be a lot." Fan Wenli said.

"Yesterday, Hua Xing's artist is helping to promote."

Zhou Xing River said that "the appeal of the boss is too strong."

Fan Wenli said, "Do you think this box is more than 5 billion?"

This time she really didn't.

Zhou Xinghe said, "I believe the boss, 5 good luck is absolutely more than enough."

Fan Wenli smiled, "Do you believe you?"

Zhou Xinghe said, "That is, I have seen it once, I feel that I am playing."

The two said that they have entered the cinema.

Although they have seen movies, they still have to feel at the movie.

Tang Wenzhao and Dong Ji two also met into the cinema.

Dong Ji did not know about Xiao Chong, only about Tang Wenyi.

"The boss is going to accompany it?" Tang Wen asked.

"Can you accompany anyone?" Dong Yu is not a jealous, just some lost.

Tang Wenyi bought a box of popcorn to tell her, "Nothing, we haven't seen movies yet."

Dong Xi smiled, "Yes, I appreciate you."

After a meal, she asked: "How do you think this time is his movie?"

Tang Wenyi is not good to answer, "should not be less than 5 billion."

After all, even if the movie is not good, there is a sign of Xiao Chong and Zhou Xing River. The box office should not be less than 5 billion.

Not only they, many people feel that "Xibao's first rich" box office will eventually be fixed in 5 billion, and it is impossible to high. You can rely on strong appeal in the past few days. The quality is.

At 7 o'clock in the evening.

Many people have admitted.

For the last rate, "Super Police" is still the first.

The degree of popularity of the rice country is also the first in this world.

In addition, Longkun's movie is also very high.

"The riches of the West Red" also rely on Xiao Yun Spring Festival Evening to get a little box office, and then will definitely be successful. "Longkun disdain, the popularity of the Spring Festival Evening can not let the" West Red City's Rich "box office exceeded 1 billion.

This time, his movie box office will definitely exceed the "West Red City".

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