King of Entertainment

Chapter 806 Wulin Lord

The next afternoon, Wolong Qing Yun sent a news, the news is very simple - Xiao Chong's martial arts, open the unhappy river, so there is no second person to compare with it!

Everyone was shocked.

Especially in Xiangjiang, they did not expect Wolong Qingyun to the 's evaluation.

People who are familiar with Wolong Qingyun know that this person is very proud, as martial arts creation, he is not convinced.

Can get such a high evaluation, enough to show that the martial arts of this person is good.

Everyone can't wait to see Xiaozhou martial arts, but there is no way, all platforms are not.

"I am going, Xiao Chong is this is not going to publish a new book?"

"Just, what is his book to buy directly to the bookstore?"

"That's also, we are willing, but you have to tell us which bookstore is bought."

Many people are in a hurry.

Finally, wireless announcement of Xiao Chong's new book is about to be released, time is 8 o'clock tonight.

Everyone is excited, it is finally coming.

"Continued or released directly?"

"It should be serialized."

"Xiao Jiang has already finished writing, he should be released one time."

"Take him, since Wolong's boast is so good, we have to look at it anyway."

eight pm.

Xiao Chong was released.

A total of five are released.

"Shooting Heroes".

" ".

" ".


"Tianlong Babu".

Everyone was shocked, no one thought that Xiao Central actually wrote five.

"I am going, I have to see which one is first."

"It's, five, which part I want to see first?"

"Haha, it's too cool, I have no part to see!"

"The god carcraft should be good, I will look very powerful, I decided, first look at the gods!"

"I will see Tianlong Babao!"

"Soon, the website gives reading recommendations."

"Reading the order, first look" shooting the heroic pass ", then look at" God Carving Heroes ", then" Eternal Tudon ", because these three were called the Three Dragonfly!"

"Then look at the shooting hero!"

Many people have a little bit.

"Shooting Heroes" is relatively placed, but with the deepening of the story, Jiangnan seven strange and experts have played, and the story is getting better and better.

Especially Huang Rong, East Evil West Northern Nanda has been playing again, more exciting.

Everyone was shocked, and martial arts actually wrote this!

"Xiao Chong actually writes such a good job of Guo Jing, and it is too strong."

"Huang Rong's ancient spirits were also written three points written by Xiaoyang. This role is too much."

"Five talents"! "

"The ability to shape people, Xiao Ca said the first, who dare to call the second?"

"It's no wonder that Mr. Wenlong said that Xiao Chong's noct has no second person, it is true, Xiao Jiang out, who is fighting?"

This "shot" Heroes "is completely fire.

Many people read the book very quickly, and immediately finished the "Shooting Heroes", and then look at "God Carving Heroes".

"God Carving Heroes" Many characters are taken back from the "Shooting Heroes", Yang Kangzi Yang has went to Taohua Island, and then go to the South Mountain, then misuse the ancient tomb.

The little dragon girl debut and suddenly stunned all readers.

The word "aunt" is tempering.

"It's so beautiful, too fairy, I feel too much about this."

"Huang Rong is really awful!"

"The young Huang Rong is so cute, why is it so bad!"

"It's, too destroyed!"

The next plot, everyone likes it very much, because everyone feels that Yang Hao and Xiaolong are going to make an affairs.

However, the dragon knight appeared!

Tianxian's little dragon girl is actually tarnished!

"My Grass! I want to give Xiao Chong blade!"

"I want to kill him! He actually made this hero to the goddess of the goddess!"

"Ah, ah ... I have to kill Xiao Li!"

Many people are crazy.

The plot written by Xiao Co is too hot.

Next, the little dragon girl and Yang have been separated again and again, so many people cry.

After the 16th year of the year, there was a big reunion ending, and the reader finally forgived Xiao Chong.

There have been many people to start watching "Eternal Tudon".

Everyone thought that the protagonist was Zhang Cuishan. As a result, Zhang Cuishan committed suicide.

"I am going! We saw a long time, you actually kill the protagonist?"

"Teacher Xiao, did not say the protagonist is Zhang Cuoshan. In fact, the protagonist is Zhang Cuishan's son Zhang Wuji."

Everyone saw the end, I only felt that Zhang Wuji is so embarrassing, it is difficult to become a big event.

"Eti Tulong Ji is absolutely the most bad, good look, but it is not as good as the front!"

Many people have a little disappointment on "Eternal Dragon Slayer".

After reading the three songs, many people began to watch "Swordsman" and "Tianlong Babu".

The protagonist of the lakes of the rivers and lakes makes foxes, but he is a blind trust of the master, let many readers spit, it is a dead brain!

Despite this disgusting story, many people still like this, especially alone, and there is an emergence of this.

Single nine swords, who is very cool, everyone looks very cool.

It is the most blood of everyone to boil "Tianlong Babu".

Three major male protagonists, Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, the bluff, each has its own characteristics, heroes, love, and neat, have become a brother, let people look in front.

There is no cliff, Tianshan nursery rhymes, etc. The characters are constantly playing, and everyone will look more and more excited, this is too exciting.

During the martial arts, no one wrote the three protagonists, Xiao Chong is the first person.

At the same time, writing three protagonists, the plots are not scattered, this ability is really not ordinary people.

Many people write a multi-protagonist, and finally can't accept it, but Xiao Chong is completely

"This" Tianlong Babu "is definitely the most exciting, written very well!"

"I don't agree, I think" shooting the Heroes "is the best."

Many people are the best in arguing, and the fifth part of Xiao Chong is more hot.

Many people think of the name used before Xiao Chong.

When the World Literature Award, Xiao Jiang used a solitary defeat.

When the comic circle, Xiao Jiang used it to be unbeaten.

Isn't this a strong in it?

Sure enough, Teacher Xiao has already written!

The more people have admired, and Xiao Chong actually wrote five martial arts horses.

These five, just take it out, it is unmatched, and even the Wolong Qingyun must be willing to worship the wind.

From now on, who dares to say that there is no martial art master in the Mainland?

From now on, who dares to say that the martial arts of Xiangjiang is the first?

There is Xiao Chong, no one dares to call the first, including Wolong Qingyun.

Xiao Chong is the martial arts!

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