King of Entertainment

Chapter 807 Down Group

At the same time, the entity book of major bookstores is also sold crazy, all sold out.


Print again!

The five martial arts fires of Xiao Chong have no margin, and major media are also reported about these five news.

The title of Huaxia martial artist is also proposed.

"After the Wolong Qingyun blocked, some people can pick up the war of martial arts!"

"Xiao Cheng is really invincible, what is written. I am afraid that in addition to that kind of, there is no not written."

"Haha, the landlord, Xiao Chong does not write that, but he will not write."

Everyone laughed.

Just when Xiao Chong's fire, DreamWork is coming, a group of Xiangjiang people!

The seven entertainment companies in Huaxia, one of them is in Xiangjiang, named Down Group!

Today is the people of the Down Group, and the person headed is their vice president Tang Ji.

meeting room.

Ji Dang smiled and said, "Welcome Tang Tao to our dream factory."

Tang Ji smiled slightly. "I said this person doesn't like to turn the corner. This time I represent the company to dream factory, in fact, for Xiao's five."

Ji'an said, "Tang Dynasty, sorry, these five we don't sell copyright."

Tang Jishen said, "Do you always talk to him alone? I think I can convince him."

Ji'an said: "Tang Dynasty, our boss is not there."

Tang Jiyi said, "It doesn't matter, I can wait."

Ji Dynasty said, "I will tell the boss in Tang Gu, Tang Tang is not necessarily waiting here."

Tang Jiyu smiled, "Okay, then I will wait for your news."

After they left, Zhao Xueyi looked at Ji'an, "Does these people do not know the value of these five? If the boss is just written, the copyright is sold to them, but the boss also has DreamWorks."

Ji Dynasty said, "They must also know this, even if they still have to come, explain that they do have confidence to hit the boss."

Zhao Xueyi did not believe they can hit Xiao Chong.

Did you rely on money?

Xiao Co is not lacking.



The next day, Down's people came again.

Tang Jishen asked: "Is your boss back?"

Ji Dynasty said, "I will take you with you."

She has told Xiao He, and Xiao Li promised to see them.

meeting room.

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Tang Tong."

Tang Jiyi walked over and reached out, "Xiao Qi."

The two will be held after a few words.

Xiao Central said, "Tang, I don't have a circle with you, I will not sell the copyright."

Tang Jiyu said, "Xiao, you listen to the conditions we open first."

Xiao Caote head.

Tang Jiyu said, "If Xiao, you will sell copyright to us, we are willing to help the dream factory further."

Xiao Jiang smiles, "How to further?"

Tang Jiyu said, "Our boss has influenced abroad, you should know that you should know."

Xiao Chong, of course, clear the influence of Tang Jiyu, the only entertainment company that can stand firm in Mi State is Tang, in addition to the world-class special effects company and distribution channels.

Hua Xing is the first of the seven entertainment companies, because Huaxia is behind Huaxia.

If you leave this factor, the Down does not necessarily lose to Hua Xing.

Tang Ji smiled and said: "Our boss said he is optimistic about Xiao, I want to cooperate with Xiao's depth."

Xiao Chong is understanding, the five are actually only one reason, and more important reason is that Down wants to cooperate with Dream Factory.

Tang Jiyi said, "We have brought it to the cooperation agreement."

His secretary handed the cooperation agreement to Xiao Chong.

Xiao Chong looked up, honestly, this cooperation agreement is really attractive, it is difficult to refuse.

Tang Jiyu said, "If Xiao is always willing to cooperate, we can sign an agreement now."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Tang Tong, time is not early, let's go to eat first."

Tang Jiyi smiled slightly, "Well, let's go to eat first."

On the dinner table, Tang Jiyi does not file an agreement.

After the meal, Xiao Chong did not continue to talk, but said to Tang Jiyu, "Let's continue to look at the agreement, then pay for tomorrow afternoon."

Tang Jiyi nodded, "Okay, let's about tomorrow."

After they left, I said, "Do you want to promise them?"

Xiao Chong said, "The conditions they give are very good, but we pay a lot."

Ji'an said, "" Recently, even if they have developed in China, it seems not very smooth. "

Xiao Central, "In the past, the entertainment circle is the market of Xiangjiang people, but now it is not, and the strength of a company in Xiangjiang is also very strong. The company has cooperated with brilliant media."

Ji Dynasty knows which company is.

The latest ranking of that company is China ninth, second only to seven entertainment companies and DreamWorks.

Xiao Central said, "They are still too little, if they are easy to promise them, then our status will be very low."

Ji'an said, "What do we do tomorrow?"

Xiao Cong said, "Drag, and you deliberately disclose a little news, just say that Lu is also working with us."

The Lu is the ninth entertainment company.

Ji'an understood.

The next day, Tang Jiyi did not take the initiative to call the DreamWork.


Tang Jiyu said, "Xiao Ca is not simple, no wonder he can make a big dream factory."

A manager said, "Tang, the conditions we have opened are already very thick, he has no reason to refuse."

This is also true.

Tang Jiyi said, "He wants more benefits."

His secretary said, "This Xiao Co is really a persendon."

Tang Ji smiled slightly, "Normal, I can understand. However, we can't express it, he wants to drag, I will be with him a few days."

Just then, some people came in and said, "Tang Dynasty, DreamWorks said," I have to go to Xiangjiang in a few days. "

Tang Jiyu, "Investigation?"

Suddenly, he helplessly shook his head, "he is forced to me."

Everyone has not returned to God.

Tang Jiyi said, "Let's go, go to the dream factory."

Everyone is still a bit.

Tang Jiyu said, "He wants to cooperate with Lu."

The color change.

Tang Jiqi sighed, "I have a mistake in this game, let's find the time of the dream factory. If you have trouble in the dream factory, the situation may not be the same."

Everyone is quite helpless.

Soon, they went to DreamWorks.

Xiao Chong put forward several requirements.

After seeing the bargain, I finally signed a cooperation agreement with the Down.

The copyright of the five martial arts and teachings is priority to Down, but the main actors must give him a consent.

Of course, the martial arts film is just a small matter relative to the cooperation between the two companies.

The news of the Down's and DreamWorks, immediately spread throughout the entertainment circle.

The entire entertainment circle is fry.

"DreamWorks this is the rhythm of take-off."

"It is, Down's influence of foreign countries, although it is already big, it is still very powerful."

"In addition, the market in Nanyang, Gaoli and Xiangjiang is also very big in Nanyang, Gao Li and Xiangjiang.


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