"Down is taking all the 18th parts of Wolong Qingyun, this time, with DreamWorks, they must have got the copyright of Xiao Hei's five martial arts."

"Affairs, it seems that the five martial arts of martial arts will begin."

"This is sure, this time the film is the most wise decision."

"Is it necessary to work together?"

"It's very likely, I am curious now, who can play a small dragon."

"I think Bai's is good, only she has this temperament."

"Yes, even though Bai Su has been 26, but I think she seems to be 20 years old."

"Haha, you must be Bai Su, otherwise Laozi will not look."

"Who plays the Dragon Knight?"


"You this devil!"

"Yes, it is a demon upstairs!"

"I think that Xiao Li is hiding, in order to cover up the true style of the Dragon Knight."

"Haha ..."

Everyone laughed.



Down's director is already on the plane rushed to Beijing.

It is the first-line director pure life, and he is basically adapted by Wolong Qingyun.

Pure life is forty in the past this year, and the richness is strong.


Pure life is also looked at "Shooting Heroes".

During the five parts of Xiao Chong, his favorite is this "shooting hero pass".

Of course, other four of him liked, especially "smile".

He loves this five.

I saw it again.

He has been caught up with it to make a TV series.

When I arrived in Beijing, he immediately rushed to Dream Factory.

Xiao Chong has heard of vital pure life, and he is very recognized for the power of pure life.

Therefore, Tang's make a pure life to talk to himself, he does not oppose it.

Pure life is excited, "Teacher Xiao, a long time."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I am a long time, I am looking at the TV series of your director."

Pure Sir.

Xiao Central said, "Tang has always said to you?"

Pure life nodded, "The main actor is set by you."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Do you want to say?"

Haha smiled, "Wolong Qingyun teacher will also specify starring."

This is a normal thing in Xiangjiang, and the big card writer does have this right.

Xiao Central said, "Which one is you planning first?"

Pure life said, "This year, my plan is the three songs of shooting. Next year, it is" Swordsman "and" Tianlong Babu "."

Xiao Chong said, "Are there a plan for the archery?"

Pure life nodded, he has brought the plan.

"Active Heroes" actor, Guo Jing and Huang Rong were empty, and other actors have put forward suggestions.

The same is true like "God Carving Heroes" and "Lietian Dragon Slayer".

After Xiao Chong after reading, "Do you know if you have a combination of Dongfang's oriental girls?"

Pure life nodded.

Xiao Central said, "Su Si Mo came to play Huang Rong, as for Guo Jing ... you look at it."

Pure life nodded, Xiao Ca can give the male protagonist to Tang's very good.

Xiao Chong said that "the little dragon must play by Bai Su, Yang is Xiao Yu."

Pure life said, "I have already thought of Bai Su, as for Xiao Jie, I am not familiar."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Let Xiao Heng in."

I was called in a long time.

Look at Xiao Jianheng, Xiao Heng is bright, this youth is simply ridiculous.

Xiao Zen's color is not to say, it is enough to compare the four beautiful men such as Chen Chuhe and other entertainment circles, the most important thing is that he is healthy.

Xiao Heng is somewhat, he certainly knows what to do.

That is Yang.

That is a role that countless actors dream of.

Pure life nodded, "I have no opinion."

Xiao Heng is exposed to the show.

Xiao Yang smiled, "I don't write too much."

Xiao Heng said: "Thank you,"

Pure life haha ​​smile, "You should thank your boss."

"Thank you boss." Xiao Heng said with a hurry.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Okay, you will go to your business first."

Xiao Heng went out and retired.

Xiao Chong also said, "The heroine of" Yi Tian Dragon Slayer "Zhao Min, I suggest that Zhou Yu Tong, I have no opinions."

Pure life nodded, Zhou Yu Tong him heard that the value is indeed ahead.

Xiao Central said, "In" Smile Rivers and Lakes ", the endless character of the East I suggest that they are directly played by actresses, but must be inevitable enough."

The pure life, he really didn't think about it directly using an actress.

Xiao Chong said, "As for the fox, remember, don't be a handsome, but must have the kind of temperament."

Pure life wrote down.

Xiao Central said, "Wang Yuli, Tianlong Babu, is still in Bai Su."

Pure life smiled and said, "I have this meaning."

The first person he thinks is indeed whitee.

White sinensis, it is really not a general actor.

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "La, your level I believe, I hope to see the fine works."

Pure life nodded, "I must do my best to take these five works."

He also has its own artistic pursuit.

So good five, he didn't want to be destroyed by himself.

Talking about some details, PG is leaving.

He just left before, the little feet were coming.

"Brother, congratulations."

Ma Tengda haha ​​smiled.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I have to congratulations, DreamWork has your shares."

Ma Te Tengda said, "Down's strength is very strong, the dream factory has hope."

Xiao Cong said, "You will not be special to congratulations?"

Ma Tengda said, "Of course not, I am coming to find you signature. I heard that you have become a superior artist, you have to give me signature."

Xiao Baole, "said people."

Ma Tengda smiled, "I haven't bought it yet?"

Xiao Chu asked, "Do you want the five game copyright?"

Ma Tengda nodded, "If these parts can change into games, then it will absolutely fire."

Xiao Chong said, "It's not not."

Ma Tengda knew that Xiao Jiang definitely had later words.

Xiao Cong said, "I will have a new album immediately, and I will give me a lot of effort."

Ma Tengda is shocked, "Do you want to release a new album?"

Xiao Caote head.

Ma Tengda said, "You rest assured, this incident is in me."

On the same day, Tengda gave Xiao Chonggua.

Xiao Jiang is about to release a new album!

The news was opened, and the entire entertainment circle was fry.

The ability of Xiao Chong Write a song is unquestionable, and the singing is also top, may be only the king.

However, Xiao Chong has never sent a album.

This is simply incredible for an artist that is already a first person.

Today, the Xiaozi is finally going to post a new album.

Without Tengda promotes, many people have already expected.

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