King of Entertainment

Chapter 809 Xiao Jiang released a new album

"There is still 7 days from the new album of Xiaoyang!"

"I will remind myself once every day!"

"Haha, I have the same, I can't miss this historic moment."

"The first album of Xiao Chong, I have to buy anything!"

"As a first-class artist, Xiao Central actually issued albums for the first time, too incredible."

"Haha, Teacher Xiao is definitely the most undressed singer."

Many people are amused.

"Thank you also want to send a new album!"

"Is it real?"

"The news is accurate, and Xie Guanxi does have to send a new album."

"Do he deliberate?"

"Strap, he is of course deliberate, he is obviously wondering Xiao Li. He was squeezed down by Xiao Cu, can only be super unlined second, he is of course not convinced."

"Interesting, Xie Guanxi didn't have a new album six years?"

"It is indeed six years, this time he once again out album, it should be aimed at Xiao Chong. His super-first wired is the Xiao Yang gun, he will fight back."

"Xie Gui's popularity is not low, this time he has a new album, Xiao Jiang may not win."

"Indeed, Xie Guan Xi's last album sells first in three consecutive years, which is not brushing data. Xiao He wants to win him, it is impossible to take out true."

"Dragon struggles, if Xie Guanxi once again won the first line first, the Xiao Chong can tragedy."

Many people are more looking forward to the new album of the two superstars.

Brilliant media.

Xie Guan Xi's eyebrows, he really wants to borrow the new album to return to the first line, but he really didn't think that Xiao Chong actually issued a new album.

There is a saying that he admits the strength of Xiao Chong, especially the ability to create.

Despite the brilliant media already financed his album, even the top ten praises came, but he did not grasp the wins.

"When is the Xiao Forum release a new album?" Xie Guanxi wants to determine the time again.

"Seven days later." His assistant answered.

Xie Guanxi hesitated, biting his teeth, "Our album is also released after seven days."

His assistant face is slightly changed, and the words will stop.

Xie Guan Xi Xin said that it is better to show the time, it is better to release the same day as Xiao Li, and he does not believe that he will lose.

His fortifications are also 40%, even 50%!

Soon, Xie Guanxi issued a new album after 7 days, also spread.

"Thank you, this is really going to be with Xiao Chong."

"Xie Guanxi failed to be very confident on his album, otherwise he would not choose to release a new album with the same day."

"Seven days later, who is the real super-line first, we will wait and see!"

Now the depend between Xiao Chong and Xie Guanxi has become a popularity of major media concerns and hype.

Seven days later.

Xiao Chong's new album is released.

Want's attention.

Ordinary people are still good, within the entertainment circle, almost all singers, those who are paying attention to the new album of Xiao Ca.

Ten in the morning.

Xiao Chong's new album is released.

There are countless people on the line in the download, and there are countless people to buy a record.

Many people don't even listen to songs, they have decided to buy a record.

The download of Xiao Chong's new album has risen, from tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, to several million, thousands of ...

Such a horrible download quantity is simply desperate.

And Xiao Yizhi published a new album at the same time, many people also have many people to download, downloads are also rising, but they are completely crushed!

Yes, it is crushing!

Xie Guan Xi looked at the quantity of the Downloads that was not enough, the whole person was .

It's not just that he is, his production team is also awkward, even if there is a gap, it is impossible to be so huge?

They will go to download songs right away.

Xiao Chong's ten songs.

The first is "childhood".

"On the banyan tree on the pond, I know that there is a summer ..."

Cheerful, easy, pleasant rhythm, let all the people listening to songs seem to have a picture, that is the childhood picture.

In particular, a whistle is still holding a whistle in the song.

The first song is amazing.

"This song is the best song that I have heard in my ten years."

"The song written by Xiaoyang is too painted, the lyrics seem simple, but the avenue is simple, this is the top priority should have the level."

Everyone will continue to listen to the second song.

The second song is "I am a little bird."

Everyone saw a song when he saw the song name.

The song of this song is really ...

"Sometimes I feel like a little bird."

"I want to fly, but it is not high."

"Maybe I happily a day."


When everyone listened to the song, they were all shocked.

"I should not look at this song, this song is simpler, but it is equally extraordinary!"

"Avenue is simple, this is the avenue to just!"

Xiao Cheng is too powerful, admire, admire! "

Countless people sigh.

"Childhood" and "I am a little bird" are too amazing, Xiao Jiang uses the simplest lyrics, written two extremely uncommon songs.

Then the third song - "Chrysanthemum Taiwan".

"Your tear is weak."

"The miserable moon is in the past."


Everyone listened to this song, and the eyes were bright.

"When I sang this song, I actually deliberately blurred pronunciation, but how did I feel that I sound like this?"

"It is, this kind of singing is really unique."

"The most important thing to write this song, I like this song!"

"I also like this song!"

Everyone was depressed by Xiao Li.

Many people are imitating the depth of Xiao Li,

Then, it is the fourth song - "Thousand Paper Crane".

"Love is too deep to see scars."

"Love is too real, so it's hard to stand."

"Folding a thousand pair of paper cranes."

"Juncy a thousand mood."


This is a love song.

Xiao Chong borrowed the lyrics to convey blessings, sublimated this song.

"It's a classic, I listened to my chicken bumps!"

"The melody of this song is so beautiful, I love this song!"

The fourth song, the same burst.

Then the fifth song - "Look at you in the sea".

"I have used you for half a year."

"Look at you in the sea."


This song is also a love song, but the "Thousand Paper Cranes" just now is very different.

"Xiao Yang is really a person who dares to challenge yourself!"

"Yes, this song is completely different!"

This "" Looking at you in the sea "is also letting everyone love.

Next is - "Dream of Dreams".

This song makes many people move.

The original "Dreamman" is a female singer sing, but Xiao Chong's sing is not better than the original version, and the opposite is also a feature.

Everyone is already listening to the seventh song.

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