King of Entertainment

Chapter 842 Role Play

The story of "untrusted" is the 18-year-old three-in-one member Liu Jianming (will be bleached by Xiao Chong) from Han Han (will have a plummented ) to enter the police school, and become a police undercover.

At the same time, another student in the police school Chen Yongren (will have Su Mu Ni), subject to the surface of the police to force and dropped them, in fact, let him enter the three-in-one as undercover.

Liu Jianming entered the police officer from the graduation of the police school, and the positions step by step have become a member of the Criminal Information Science A team. He used various opportunities to provide Han Wei with a lot of intelligence. Chen Yongren has received Han Yu's initial trust since these years, but because Han Yu's case has never broken, he can only stay in the black, only Huang Polo (will be dressed by Wu Zong Sheng).

One night after 10 years, according to Chen Yongren's undercover information, I learned a batch of drugs to trade, and the party is Han Wei, but because Liu Jianming passed the news to Han Yu to escape, but therefore found their respective There is a "inner ghost" inside, so a fierce battle is here.

In the final end, the "inner ghost" recognized his identity, but Liu Jianming was first stepped, and Chen Yongren had deleted Chen Yongren in the police station, but before deleting, retained a backup, the password is a girlfriend Mary ( Birthday will be made from Baugu.

After deep thinking, Liu Jianming decided to be a good person, asking Chen Yongren gave him a chance, Chen Yongren did not believe, copying Liu Jianming. Finally, Chen Yongren died in another police in Han Yu, Liu Jianming also killed the undercover of the shot.

In the original movie, young Liu Jianming was played by Cheng Guan, and the young Chen Yongren played by Yuji.

Xiao Jiang is not planning to do this, he and Su Jun do not need makeup, it is not necessary to use young actors.

Today's first play, by Xiao Chong and Mei Mei, Mei Meiyi gave it to the Xiajiang to the undercrease, I wish them a future police.

Mei Mianyu's acting is not used, and it is a big style.

Xiao Jiang did not have much performance opportunities in this lens, but he needs to show the greens of Liu Jianming during this period.

With the Mei Mei Shun, the opponent is still very enjoyable, you will be brought into the role unconsciously, this is the strength of the movie emperor.

After the play of the morning, Mei Mei went to Xia Li, "Xiao Xiao, Liu Jianming, what do you think?"

Xiao He thought about it, "His character is very complicated, unscrupulous, and everything is centered on his own interests, but it seems to be a good person, it looks like a crime of ourselves."

Mei Nen said, "I give you two suggestions."

Xiao Chong listened.

Mei Nen said, "The script is written, you should know that he is given a lot of positive images, gains a lot of benefits, so he wants to do a good job."

"First, when he wants to prove that you can do a good job, your facial performance and eye performance are very important, you have to go back and carefully."

"Second, the opponent, you and Su Jun's opponent's opponent is the starring point. But your acting is not as good as Su Ya, how to play with him, you must think about it seriously."

Mei Mei said, "Said too much use, there are many things to go to the desktop, and it is difficult to play this matter, say simple and simple."

Laughing, he went to say, "I have to see your degree of understanding and investment in this role. Most of the characters you have played float, this is your shortcomings."

Xiao Central, "Thank you, old."

Dongguan went over, "Mei Lao is your teacher, if you can't play this role, you can lose your face."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "Reassured, I have never been so serious."

He is good, Hu Bayi is also, he also performs it seriously, but it has never been like Liu Jianming, "there is no truth".

After all, he didn't want to destroy a classic.

In the future, if you look at this movie again, he said that he ruined the classic, it can be shameful.


"Host trigger system new features!"

"Role experience function starts!"

The system suddenly tips.

Xiao He is a glimpse.

Role experience?

What do you mean?

System Interpretation - The so-called role experience is that the host can experience any of any of the movies.

For example, "there is no road", Xiao Chong can directly choose to experience the role of Liu De.An, and play with Liang Dynasty.

System Tip: "Every experience consumption is 200,000! Does the host experience?"

Xiao Chong does not hesitate to choose experience.

His people are still with Dong Qing, but he feels that he has arrived at another space.

Subsequently, he felt that he appeared on the rooftop, and some people used a gun on his back.

You don't have to ask him, and the people behind are the Liang Dynasty. Wei.

Xiao Dong Yu Guangyi, really, this model of Liang Dynasty. Wei, Xiao Chong has seen the original "no truth".

This is the characteristic function of the system!

Xiao Jiang instead of Liu De. Hua, with the Liang Dynasty. Wei Dialogue.

This stage is almost five minutes.

Liang Dynasty. Wei began to search.

Xiao He seizes him.

Liang Dynasty. Wei So took a picture. Gun.

Xiao Bangle, it seems that he has already paid all props in this space.

"I also entered the police school." Liang Dynasty. Wei Wei smiled.

"You are really interesting, you like to go to Tiantai." Xiao Jiang didn't look at the front, and said calmly.

He also entered.

"I am not as you, I have seen it. What about what I want?" Liang Dynasty.

"I have something you want, you may not bring it." Xiao He turned and looked at the Liang Dynasty. Wei.

Liang Dynasty. The great mouth is rising, and the head smiles, and looks up and looks at Xiao Chong. "What do you mean? Let's take the sun?"

Xiao Chong also smiled slightly, "gave me a chance."

"How to give you a chance?"

"I didn't have to choose before, I want to choose to do a good job now."

"Well, go to the law. The official said. Seeing him not to give you a good person."

The close contact, Xiao Chong finally realized the acting of Liang, this acting is really not covered, and the spicy acting is placed.

Smile, one glance, a low head ... all the body, every expression is a play.

Xiao Jiang was forced to make a whole, but still can't ratio him.

No way, Xiao Chong can only do its best.

Finally, five minutes.

The experience is over.

The scenes around the Xiao Chong disappeared.

In reality, just a moment.

Dong Qing did not notice anything.

Xiao Chong suddenly felt that his acting seems to have improved, at least he suddenly understood how this role should play.

In the next few days, it seems to experience a few times, and Xiao Chong is in his heart.

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