In the next few days, Xiao Chong's acting is progressing every day.

The most surprised is that Mei Nen, his eyes are the most spicy, he can see the advancement of Xiao Li these days.

"Xiao Xiao, this talent and understanding is really great."

Mei Mei Xiang said, "Give him a few years, he can even become a movie emperor."

Wu Zongsheng said, "Brother, I thought Xiao Chong will only play cool, it seems that I am wrong."

He also seen the advancement of Xiao Chong, this progress can be described in "outline".

Mei Mei said, "Xiao Xiao's understanding is very strong, and it can be a movie emperor."

Wu Zongnan nodded.

Before the "visual emperor", they didn't take serious events.

It is an individual who knows that Xiao Chong's acting has not reached the "Detective" standard.

With the progress of Xiao Cu, the rhythm of movies is gradually getting up.

However, Mei Meijun suddenly said, "Xiao Xiao, will the progress will be too arrogant?"

Indeed, others also have this feeling.

These days are so fast, as if they are in time.

At the beginning, everyone thought it was Xiao Yucheng to make a movie movie, but everyone has come back to God, Xiaozu is indeed rushing.

Xiao Chong called Mei Mei, Wu Zongsheng called the two people, "Mei Lao, Wu Da Ge, didn't wear you, before I played a bet with Tang Yimou, take a good movie within a month."

Mei Meiyi, I couldn't help but laugh, "I can't blame him."

He has a good cooperation with Tang Yizhen, but the relationship is general.

Xiao Cu wants to fight with Tang Yizhen, he is neither supportive.

Young people, there is this challenge of the courage of the old seniors is very encouraged and supported.

Mei Nen said, "Although it is a bit difficult for this movie for a month, I will try my best to support you."

Wu Zongsheng said with a smile, "I also support, the director of Xiangjiang, I was not very cool, and it was not bad to compress them."

He went to Xiangjiang in his early years, and he was very unpleasant.

Mei Mei smiled and shook his head, "You, this is the present."

Wu Zongsheng said, "I will not forget this."

They don't say much.

Xiao Co knows that there is no active asking.

After the conversation, the crew has begun to rest, and Xiao Chong will start "role experience" again.

This time he didn't experience Liu Jianming's role, but in turn experience Chen Yongren's role.

Because only the opponent can know more clearly.

Xiao Jiang comes to Liu Jianming from the perspective of Chen Yongren, and has a lot of experience.

In the afternoon, Xiao Chong started the drama of Tianzhu with Su Yushen.

People in the crew are around.

Mei Mei Hao and Wu Zongsheng are also watching.

The lens is aligned with Xiao Chong.

Today's Xiao Chong is wearing a suit, this dress is not bad.

"I also entered the police school." Su Mushen smiled slightly.

"You are really interesting, you like to go to Tiantai." Xiao Jiang didn't look at the front, and said calmly.

He instantly entered.

In the "role experience" he has played many times.

"Not bad."

Mei Mei nodded.

"It's really good, it's very fast."

Wu Zongsheng nodded.

The two big men recognized the Duo Dynasty.

Bai Su looked at Dong Ji, "When" ghost blowing lights ", his acting is not worth it."

Dong Qing said, "He is not too fast, his previous acting can be very poor."

Bai Su looked Xiao Li, "It is true," his act "can only be said, but the level of the movie protagonist is not reached."

When everyone whispered, Xiao Chong and Su Yushen have been fully entitled.

"I am not as you, I have seen it. What about what I want?" Su Jishi asked.

"I have something you want, you have not brought it." Xiao He turned and looked at Su Yaoo.

Su Mushen smiled down and looked up and looked at Xiaoyang. "What do you mean? Let's sun dry?"

Xiao Chong also smiled slightly, "gave me a chance."

"How to give you a chance?"

"I didn't have to choose before, I want to choose to do a good job now."

"Well, go to the law. The official said. Seeing him not to give you a good person."



The two did not have NG at all, soon quickly taking this key play.

When the deputy director shouted card, Su Mushen said: "Boss, good acting!"

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "Your acting is much better than me."

Both people can't help but laugh.

Commercial is blowing.

The next shot is the scene of the Huang police officer to fall, Chen Yongren comes from the door.

There is no such thing in this scene, and it is full of eyes and expressions.

The original version of the Liang Dynasty. Wei is the capture of countless fans by this performance.

This lens of the beam is also called "Goddess Performance" by many people.

After taking here, Wu Zongsheng can be able to make it.

Wu Zongsheng is hitting, "This is also the longest time since I am acting in the police."

People in the whole drama can't help but laugh.

Xiao Jiang smiled, said to Su Yushen, "Old Su, the next performance tests, you are ready?"

Su Yuci has already pondered this shot in these days, he nodded, "Try it."

All people are all ready.

Xiao Chong shouted anax.

First, Wu Zongzheng is lying in the car, and it is dead.

Wu Zongsheng's performance is very in place. After it passed, he continued to be fun after the end: "I returned to the body of the corpse in Xiangjiang."

Everyone haha ​​smiled.

Indeed, Wu Zong is in the bodies, and it is burned by fire.

Xiao Chong said, "Wu big brother, no wonder you have passed over again, really is the old experience."

Wu Zongsheng smiled, "Your kid can learn more, when you play the body, you can grab the play, you are a movie emperor."

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I will try it."

Looking at everyone, "continue."

The next lens is in Su Jusu.

Photographer is in place.

Su Mushen came out of the car, then turned to see Wu Zongsheng, who was smashed in the car.

Eye, performance, action, a series of performances are extremely smooth.

Many people have spoons.

However, Xiao Chong has frowned, "no, back."

Su Mushen is a.

Others also stunned.

Mei Nen said, "You can play 8 points, but it doesn't feel almost."

Su Mu Ye smiled, and you are 8 points to me, then it is equal to 10 points in the eyes of others.

Mei Mei said, "Listen to Xiao Xiao, you still have a progressive space, take you" Overlord Boulev "."

Su Mushen is a.

Yes, since the "Bawang Buji" was successful, he was hard to find the feeling of shooting "Bawang Buji".

He stabilized his mood, said to Xiao Cong, "I am ready."

Xiao Caote head.

Su Mushen recovered this shot.

Everyone feels better than just now, and I feel that I have passed.

But Xiao Chong shook his head again, "No."

This time, Su Mu Yisheng is all, he thinks this is its best.

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