King of Entertainment

Chapter 845, girlfriend is not small

Mei Wenjie said, "Nothing, just don't want to learn."

Xiao Chong looked at Mei Nen, "Mei Lao, I will talk to him."

Mei Mei did not leave.

Xiao Chong looked at Mei Wenjie, "Can you say it now?"

Mei Wenjie is cold cold: "I am unhappy, the Korean e-sports team actually said that there is no one in our Huaxia, and I have to fight for it."

Xiao He didn't expect that Mei Wenjie is still a bloody patriotic youth.

Mei Wenjie looked at Xiao Chong, "Teacher Xiao, I know you are also a bloody youth like me."

Xiao Baole, "Do you want me to persuade you Dad?"

Mei Wen Jie nod, "I can don't have to drop, but I must participate in the game."

Xiao Yong said, "I can talk to your dad, but I don't dare to guarantee that he will promise. Also, I want to ask you a question, do you really like comics?"

Mei Wenjie nodded.

Xiao Cong said, "Then you have to stick to it, go to Tianyu to work after graduation."

Mei Wenjie wants to say.

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I said something."

Mei Wenjie said, "My girlfriend is Xiangjiang people, I want to go to Xiangjiang development."

Xiao Jiang, "" Do you have a girl? Is it a fragrant Jiang? "

Mei Wenjie said, "I am three this year."

Xiao Yanghaha smiled.

Mei Wenjie said, "My girlfriend said that after the four graduates, she intends to start with me."

Xiao Cong said, "Then you can't drop out of school."

Mei Wenjie said, "But she graduated this year, let her struggle alone, can't."

Just then, his phone rang.

He looked Xiao Yang smile, "My girlfriend's phone, Xiao Teacher, I will answer."

Xiao Caote head.

Mei Wenjie turned on the phone, the other party said: "Wen Jie, I have to go back to Xiangjiang."

Wen Yan, Mei Wenjie's face is slightly changed, "What is going on?"

After his girlfriend silent, he said, "My father came to me, he made me back."

Mei Wenjie can't help but ask, "What is he?"

His girlfriend said, "Although there may be some dog blood, I have to say, you have to be mentally prepared."

Mei Wenjie faces micro-change.

His girlfriend said: "I want to let me go back to get married, the object of marriage is the son of the Xiangjiang generation of boat king."

Mei Wenjie smiled, "Don't make a joke."

His girlfriend said: "Although it is very dog ​​blood, this kind of thing is very common in Xiangjiang. My father is the Director of the Xiangjiang Film General. If I can marry the son of the boat, it is only good for him."

Mei Wenjie said: "Where are you now?"

His girlfriend said: "Already at the airport."

"wait for me!"

Mei Wenjie hangs a call, watching Xiao Chu asked: "Teacher Xiao, is you driving?"

Xiao Caote: "I will send you in the past."

He has all hear it.

Mei Wenjie has no reason.

Soon Xiajiang and Mei Wenjie have arrived at the airport.

Mei Wenjie found his girlfriend Shao Xueqi.

Shao Xueqi is tall, the long appearance is sweet.

There is a 30-year-old man around Shao Xueqi, helping her.

The man was laughing, "I know that you are the son of Mei Meiyi, but you can't help you. If I am you, I will turn back now, so as not to be self-discipline."

Mei Wenjie looked at the man, "Who are you?"

The man said, "I am his brother."

Mei Wenjie is brightening, "Do you have to take your sister to trade?"

The man is eyebrows, "This is the best place to be Chiffi, the son of the boat king is excellent, far is not you can ratio."

The Xiao Biao next to it couldn't help but laugh, "You still talk, we want to hear your sister's opinion."

The man looked at Xiao Chong, could not help but one, "Are you a DreamWorks of Xiao Chong?"

Xiao Chong said, "Yes."

The man couldn't help but laughed. "I remembered, Mei Mingxi is now in the" no truth "crew, how, do you want to help Mei Mei's son?"

Xiao Central said, "I respect your sister's decision."

Looking at Shao Xueqi, he smiled and said, "I hope that when you are making a decision, don't let yourself regret."

After Shao Xueqi silent, he said to her brother, "Brother, you will go back."

Her brother is extremely laughed. "Do you know what you are doing?"

Shao Xueqi said that "this is my decision!"

Her brother looks gloomy looks at Xiao Chong, "Bad us, you will pay the price!"

Xiao Jiang smiled, "I am waiting for you to retaliate me."

She brother, "You will regret it later!"

Xiao Chu has no chance.

Shao Xueqi's big brother snorted, and took the baggage into the airport.

Mei Wenjie laughed, "Thank you, Teacher Xiao!"

Shao Xueqi can't help but say, "Teacher Xiao, thank you!"

Xiao Cong is swaying, "I will send you first."

Mei Wenjie nodded.

Xiao Chong sent Mei Wenjie to the school.

Mei Wenjie doesn't want to go home.

Xiao Jiang took again to Mei Mei Yuan, told Mei Meiyi.

Mei Mei's silent film sighed, "It's all, what do he do will make him do."

Looking at Xiao Li, Mei Nen said, "Your movie is estimated that there is no way to get it in Xiangjiang."

Xiao Central said, "Mei Lao means that Shao Yiming will angry because of his daughter's incoming angry?"

Mei Mei said, "Shao Yiming, I have heard of this person, many times, he can do not want to meet the purpose in order to achieve the purpose."

Xiao Chu asked, "Is the movie approval of Xiangjiang in his hand?"

Mei Mei said, "Basically he said, usually there will be no more people."

Xiao Chong said with a smile, "Nothing, the soldiers will be shocked by the water."

Mei Nen said, "It is also, you are not released in Xiangjiang."

Xiao Central said, "I told Tang Yimou, the main battlefield is Xiangjiang."

Mei Mei Yu: "..."

Are you still so calm?

Are you really not afraid that Shao Yiming doesn't let your movie released?

Xiao Chong said, "Mei Lao, after the movie is killed, I want to go to Xiangjiang publicity, you will go with us."

Mei Meiyi nodded, "Xiaoling a pile."



In the next few days, the crew was taking the time to shoot, at the same time, DreamWorks are publicizing "drunken punch."

"Drunken" is about to be released.

"Smith couple" exceeded 1.5 billion in the domestic box office, and DreamWorks then let "drunk" to block.

"Drunken Boxing" to "Smith Couple", Xiao Chong seems to be very optimistic about this movie. "

"What is the fist in the law? I have never heard of it all."

"Is it really a new boxing method?"

Many people in this world don't know that they are drunk.

"Xiao Chong actually dared to use" drunk ", indicating that this movie is really good."

"When I went to the cinema to see if I didn't work, Chen Jiaqing's movie should not be too bad."

"Fengyun" broke a lot of records, and the ratings were always the first. Chen Jiadong's popularity has skyrocketed.

Stepping can be said to be the most successful role in Chen Jiadong.

Therefore, for the first movie of Chen Jiadong, everyone is still very expected.

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